By ‘Anonymous’
• Do NOT (re)take the mRNA/DNA Viral Vector Shots which are currently masquerading as Vaccines
Basically, the Evolutionary Health Plan (EHP) consists of a number of suggestions that are presented in a bullet point list:
Each suggestion supports an action or method intended to create an environment more expected by our cells’ three and a half thousand million years’ evolutionary experience. So, without further ado, here they are:
• Ground yourself to the Earth, as much as humanely possible. 24/7 is good; more than 40 minutes continuous disconnection will deplete the body’s electron supply
Every time the human body is connected to the ground a large number of electrons flow from the Earth, which can be viewed as an infinite source/sink of electrons. Research has shown that up to one microamp of current may enter a body that is connected to the ground via a one megaohm resistor.[1] So when 1 uA flows into the body, this equates to 62 Tera electrons per second. These electrons speed around the body surface looking for a way in; meridian points and mucous membranes are the most likely points of entry since they have a lower resistance.
Why is earthing important? Important may be an understatement, given that the electrons are utilised in a number of vital bodily processes that can be broadly characterised as providing: an antioxidant effect; electrical charge; a reference potential. These are discussed in more detail below:
As Antioxidants
But not just any old antioxidants! In fact, the oxidative process has nothing specifically to do with oxygen, it merely means that negative charge is taken, for instance, when an electron is ripped from a molecule. A good example of an oxidative process is a fire which rips electronegative atoms from the burning material. This same atom-transfer process is seen in organic oxidation reactions; therefore, a fire might be a good analogy for the pathogenic oxidisation processes in the body, otherwise known as inflammation. The immune cells use so-called oxidative bursts to blast pathogens and damaged cells among other things.
The problem is that the immune cells firing the bursts have no way to protect all the surrounding healthy cells which might in turn become oxidised. If the damage to the surrounding tissue is too intense, then an inflammatory barrier is constructed around the inflamed area. This barrier consists only of semiconducting proteins and will ideally block the toxins from escaping; but it is not a one-way street, and antioxidants are also prevented from reaching the inflammation site resulting in a long-term, or ‘smouldering’, inflammation.
Another problem is that the barriers often leak a little, and the result can potentially damage any organ in the body, regardless of the distance to the original inflammation. Atherosclerotic plaque is one example of this type of process; the necrotic core, which contains oxidised lipids and other inflammatory material, is covered by a fibrous cap. Unfortunately, microscopic amounts of inflammatory materials will almost certainly escape from the necrotic core, and once in the bloodstream could cause damage elsewhere.
There is also the possibility that at some future point, the fibrous cap will break, and end up blocking vessels in the heart, brain or another sensitive area. Earth electrons are the only antioxidants that can penetrate the fibrous cap, to deal with the underlying inflammation.
The chemical antioxidant supplies an electron(s) to the oxidised molecule, thereby acting as a reducing agent and restoring the molecule to health. The chemical-based antioxidant, for example, turmeric, blueberries or vitamin C, though, can present five potential problems.
A body in constant contact with the ground would not need chemical antioxidants to the same degree, since it would receive an unlimited supply of raw, extremely mobile, electrons. And the really unbelievable part is that these electrons can instantaneously get anywhere in the body, including into any cell and its accompanying DNA where they can help repair oxidative damage. As previously stated, the earth’s electrons can easily penetrate inflammatory barriers; the body has no other way to achieve this.
Studies have shown a marked reduction in inflammatory markers, in particular a study investigating how grounding affects delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) markers and symptoms [2]. Eight healthy volunteers performed exercises designed to cause DOMS. They were then split into two groups, one group was connected to the ground at 17.40 on each of the 4 days the study lasted, and the other was sham grounded.
It is clear that grounding, as opposed to many other holistic treatment methods, is well suited to masked studies, since there is no physical way that a person can know whether they have been connected to the ground or not. As shown in Figure 1, the population of immune response cells are decreased considerably in the grounded subjects, suggesting that grounding helps resolve the muscular damage caused by excess strain at a much faster rate.
Figure 1 – Comparison of White Blood Cell Counts when Grounding or Insulating [2]
It is well known that inflammation causes localised temperature increases, and even if it weren’t, it is obvious that the electron grabbing processes responsible for inflammation will generate energy, and therefore heat. It is less well-known that grounding to the earth, even for a relatively short time period, can significantly reduce the inflammation-induced temperature rise.
Thermal imaging makes it possible to visualise this anti-inflammatory effect. The cooler thermal profile shown on the right-hand side of Figure 2 makes it quite clear that, after only 30 minutes of grounding, surface temperatures dropped by between 2 to 5 discrete colour temperatures. Although it is not possible to see the absolute temperatures represented by the colour bars, a relative comparison can easily be made, since the colour bars have been kept constant between the two profiles. The woman to whom the knees belong had suffered for six years, after an accident involving a ladder, left her in chronic pain. The allopaths failed spectacularly, yet again; three knee surgeries, together with prolonged medication, did little to alleviate her problems. She ended up needing a walker together with knee supports just to get around. After the first session of 30 minutes, she reported a 20% reduction in pain, which lasted 24 hrs. At week 12, the subject reported an overall 90% reduction in pain and swelling, noting that, “I can’t believe I have my life back.”
Figure 2 – Thermal images of the knees taken before and after 30 minutes exposure to clinical earthing[1]
The paper [1], from which the thermal image was taken, also includes a couple of other case studies. In all cases, the subjects found quick relief from the simple act of grounding to the earth, even though they had been in considerable discomfort, often over years. Another paper[3] also contains some case studies showing rapid healing of otherwise intractable wounds, such as that shown in Figure 2b.

Photographic images documenting accelerated improvement of an 8-month-old, non-healing open wound suffered by an 84-year-old diabetic woman. Notes: (A) Shows the open wound and a pale-gray hue to the skin. (B) Taken after one week of grounding or earthing treatments, shows a marked level of healing and improvement in circulation, as indicated by the skin color. (C) Taken after 2 weeks of earthing treatment, shows the wound healed over and the skin color looking dramatically healthier. Treatment consisted of a daily 30-minute grounding session with an electrode patch while patient was seated comfortably. The cause of the wound adjacent to the left ankle was a poorly fitted boot. A few hours after wearing the boot, a blister formed, and then developed into a resistant open wound. The patient had undergone various treatments at a specialized wound center with no improvement. Vascular imaging of her lower extremities revealed poor circulation. When first seen, she had a mild limp and was in pain. After an initial 30 minutes of exposure to grounding, the patient reported a noticeable decrease in pain. After 1 week of daily grounding, she said her pain level was about 80% less. At that time, she showed no evidence of a limp. At the end of 2 weeks, she said she was completely pain-free.
Figure 2b – Grounding Effects on Inflammation[3]
In 1941 Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Hungarian Nobel-winning scientist, revealed the basic principle behind this incredible system when he spoke of proteins, previously thought to be insulators, acting as semiconductors. There are many names for this organic semiconductor network, such as: ‘living matrix’; ‘ground regulation system’ or ‘tissue tensegrity matrix’ (TTM). Unfortunately, the medical profession continues to call this organic semiconductor network an extracellular matrix (ECM). That is misleading at best, since the matrix is most certainly intracellular as well.
Figure 3 – The Tissue Tensegrity Matrix (TTM)
Journal of Inflammation Research 2015:8
The tissue tensegrity matrix (TTM) consists of sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and proteins; mainly collagen that acts electronically as a semiconductor, and it is these that the electrons whiz along, to stress again, to every part of the body. Unlike the chemical antioxidants, nothing can stop them. Specialised collagen (Integrins) are used to connect the TTM to the cytoskeletons of the cells and still other proteins transfer the electrons into the nuclear envelope and DNA, as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 4 – Collagen’s Triple Helix
Journal of Inflammation Research 2015:8
The triple helix formed collagen proteins semiconduct the electrons, whilst the hydration shell surrounding each collagen fibre transports the protons back, as shown in Figure 4.
In the analogy, the food-based antioxidant can be seen as a water-filled sponge, with the body squeezing up to trillions of them over the burning area. Some will burn, and they all have to be disposed of. Connecting to the ground would be analogous to using a fire hydrant, with the body using the TTM as hoses to direct the water over the burning areas.
Why are the electrons whizzing around in the earth so energetic? Because lightning is so energetic; the electrons are ripped from their former home, maybe an oxygen molecule, and very quickly transferred to the ground. The amount of energy the electron had, as a part of the molecule, was fixed; however, its energy afterwards equals the energy of the lightning-strike photon that hit it, and is potentially unlimited. This now unbound electron’s energy is exclusively kinetic, expressed in the speed with which it moves through the planet. These electrons instantaneously fill every living thing connected to the planet, providing a defence system that is both primal and primordial – well, unless that living thing has purposely disconnected itself that is.
As well as antioxidising, the process simultaneously alkalises. This, since the positive charge is taken away using a hydrogen ion (H+) and replaced with a hydroxide ion (OH–). Ions are just atoms or molecules that have lost or gained an electron(s), resulting in the atom or molecule acquiring an electric charge. Using hydrogen ions to remove the positive charge is alkalising because hydrogen ions are the definition of acidity, and removing them, therefore, lowers the acidity in, for example, a cell. Even better, the replacement is an alkaline hydroxide ion, resulting in a system capable of alkalising an acidic environment at a higher rate.
In fact, the TTM is bidirectional; it can oxidise and acidify, if necessary, meaning it is a redox or reduction-oxidation system. It may seem counter-intuitive that the body would want to oxidise, creating acidity at the same time. I guess a feedback system has to work both ways, and the blood pH is very tightly controlled. Also, protons can be useful, for example in repelling joint ends. It might not even be a stretch, if the TTM took electrons from one area, in order to help another – an acute inflammation might have electrons taken away, or at least become unavailable because the red blood cells and/or mitochondrial matrix were severely lacking.
It is thought that the electrons might also be used to transfer information and/or energy.
As electric charge
Every one of our, roughly 36 Tera, cells are surrounded by a negative electric charge; this charge is used to separate the cells and stop them from sticking together. If the cells were stuck together, then viruses and bacteria have an easier time moving from cell to cell, among other problems. In this regard, viruses have no choice; they are little more than RNA strands and must invade cells to survive. Although the negative charge around the cell will repel bacteria, those that do manage to adhere will grow exponentially. Healthy exclusion zones would provide a primary defence against bacterial adhesion, as mentioned in Get plenty of daily exposure to …
In all cases, a sulphate molecule is used as a charge carrier for the electrons surrounding it and thereby providing a negative electric field to the cells. Sulphated sugar molecules, known collectively as sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), are used to hold the charge, for example, heparan sulphate.
Figure 5 – Ground Substance with Single Matrisome Detail (b)
Journal of Inflammation Research 2015:8
Copyright © 2005. R Paul Lee. Interface. Mechanisms of Spirit in Osteopathy. Portland, OR: Stillness Press; 2005.67
The semiconducting collagen fibres, shown in Figure 4, are covalently bonded (except for Hyaluronan) to the sulphated GAGs, known collectively when part of the extracellular matrix, as ‘ground substance’. Other sulphated GAGs, such as chondriatrin sulphate, are used to store the charge; it would seem likely that the body adapted to this after we detached ourselves from the ocean, around 360 million years ago. From then to the present, humans have become exponentially more insulated.
When did we start to insulate whilst sleeping? Basically, when using raised beds, and/or sleeping on insulating materials, became the norm. Wood is not conductive, so this has been going on for a while, especially for the ruling classes. After the 1950s, when conductive leather soles were largely replaced by insulating ones, the situation became even direr; at this point, the supply of electrons must have diminished to a great extent.
An enormous number of electrons are taken in by the grounded body, those that aren’t immediately utilised are stored in the ground substance via a vast network of charge carriers or ‘batteries’, known as matrisomes. They are part of the ground substance surrounding the collagen fibres, as well depicted by Dr. R Paul Lee in Figure 5. It has been estimated that it takes around 40 minutes to charge the matrisomes from a discharged state[4].
Red blood cells are a special case, in that they have velocity; a velocity that increases due to the motive force provided by the negative charge. You heard correctly; the electrons from the earth greatly help propel the red blood cells through their vessels as well as prevent them from clumping together. Dr. S. Seneff clearly describes the physical action in the presentation: Cholesterol, Sulfate, and Heart Disease Stephanie Seneff Wise Traditions Workshop, 2014 [13]. Red blood cells are not surrounded by a negatively charged ground substance, as are stationary cells. Instead, the charge carrying sulphates adorn the exterior of the RBC, for example, heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) or cholesterol sulphate (Ch-S).
Cholesterol sulphate is especially beneficial since both cholesterol and sulphate can be transferred to the blood vessel walls, together with the electrons. The two substances are vital in maintaining blood vessel integrity, else minute leaks will appear, leaking blood into who knows what. Maybe that is one reason why so many LDL particles are getting stuck in peoples’ arteries; the vessel walls cannot get enough water-soluble cholesterol sulphate from the red blood cells, so fat-soluble cholesterol is used as a last resort.
The amount of charge around the RBC is known as the zeta potential, whilst its linearly dependent speed is called the zeta velocity. Simply put, the more electrons around a blood cell, the faster it will travel and the more isolated it will be from its fellows. A highly valid study showed an average increase in both Zeta values of 270%, after just an hour connected to the earth![5]
Figure 6 – Visualised Zeta Potential
The blood samples were taken during research into grounding by Dr Stephen Sinatra MD.
The darkfield microscope images in Figure 6 show red blood cells taken from three people. The images on the left were made prior to grounding. The difference, after only forty minutes of earthing, can be clearly seen in the right-hand images.
Figure 7 – Blood Vessel Showing Electrostatic Forces
Basically, the RBC travels from artery to vein and as it does so some negative charge is rubbed off onto the vessel wall. Figure 7 shows this process, with the cholesterol sulphate molecule (Ch-S) and its negative charge being transferred from the red blood cell to the vessel wall. This means that the artery vessel’s wall becomes more negatively charged than the vein vessel’s wall, as there will be less charge left on the RBCs to transfer by the time they have reached the vein. Equivalently stated, the vein vessel wall becomes more positively charged than the artery vessel wall, and it is this positive charge that pulls the red blood cells towards it.
The electron transport chain (ETC) is a major component in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), also known as cellular respiration, which is the major way cells convert energy. If electrons are in short supply, then the mitochondrial matrix may become less negatively charged, resulting in a reduced proton motive force. In this case, the cell cannot produce an optimal amount of energy, resulting in fatigue and possibly other pathogenic symptoms [6]. Has anyone ever felt ‘refreshed’ or ‘energised’ after a bath or shower? Chances are that was one of the few times in the day, you were properly grounded.
In addition to electrons, which are stripped from carbohydrates and fatty acids, the electron transport chain is highly dependent on oxygen, coenzyme Q10, and cytochrome c. A well-functioning electron transport chain is vital to health; nearly all cancer cells exhibit a reduction in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation activity. Switching the pathways on again cures the cancer cell, either by apoptosis else a reversal to normal cellular behaviour [7]. The question as to whether the OXPHOS is actually malfunctioning, or has just not been properly utilised, is unknown [8].
As a Reference Potential
In electronics, any conductor not connected to the ground is considered having a ‘floating’ electrical potential. Given that we can be considered volume conductors, then a human body that is not connected to the ground will also have a floating potential. However, the body is not just a passive conductor, rather it is filled with minute voltage/current sources, resistances and capacitances; though at these lower frequencies inductances are not a factor. All these electrical equivalents will cause various electrical signals throughout the body; grounding is one way to ensure that they are all referenced to earth, thereby preventing unnecessary electrical gradients from forming within. Our cells are highly dependent on voltage potentials, or gradients, to control or modulate various processes.
For example, voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) are ubiquitous in cellular membranes. Maybe the best known are those that create the action potential (AP) necessary to fire a neuron or activate a muscle cell. Regardless of the ion type, for example, potassium, calcium or sodium, a predetermined electrical potential must be present across the cellular membrane, in order for the gate to open. At a minimum, this voltage must be around 10 mV, and around 45 mV to cause an action potential. Any disturbance to the electrical gradients will slightly alter the electrical characteristics that determine when, and for how long, the gate should be open. It is also the case that many enzymes are sensitive to the pH of biological fluids, and a change in the charge distribution will alter the pH values, possibly causing alterations in the enzyme reaction rates.
High voltage static electricity, in the form of positive charge, can also build up in the ungrounded body; evidenced by sparking and minute shocks, which are caused by a high, though weak, electron flow.
Collagen proteins evolved around 800-900 million years ago, during the primitive Metazoan period[9]. For this reason, collagen is utilised by all multicellular organisms, from sponges to humans, making it clear these semiconductor pathways are shared across all life. So, if your bunny’s cage is not grounded, it will certainly not be healthier. Neither will you.
There are multiple reports of COVID-19 patients suffering widespread inflammation, coupled with severe blood clotting. Keeping these patients completely insulated from the earth’s electrons may not be the best course of action. The same could be said of astronauts, many of whom suffer health problems after an extended time in space. Obviously, a lack of gravity, together with various other factors, such as increased radiation exposure, will put enormous stress on the body. Simultaneously removing the protective effects of earth electrons, and ultraviolet B, may well exacerbate the situation.
It is apparent that there is some internet misinformation with regard to, ‘Earthing causing problems’. Specifically, that earthing currents or ‘dirty’ electricity can enter the body, and/or that the grounded body acts as a ‘magnet’, pulling in EMFs from the ether. The first point may be true, but only in very specific circumstances, eg. standing barefoot close to a transformer substation, or close to an earthing rod that is used as a single wire earth return (SWER). SWER systems are fortunately very rare and usually limited to rural areas where a single farm may use this system to save on the cost of the neutral wire. The second point makes no sense; EMFs have no electrical charge, and so are not attracted to the ground. Think about it, if this were true, all microwave transmissions would be pulled directly into the ground (and every conductive thing connected to it), meaning cell phones would not work.
Having said that, microwaves will enter the human body, if in their path. They do not ‘go to ground’ though. Instead, their energy dissipates due to the conductive nature of our various fluids – including the intracellular ones. The damage caused by this energy hitting a cell is shown in Figure 20.
Microwaves can also travel using cables as waveguides; the same could be said for the very high harmonic frequencies that accompany switched-mode power supplies, etc. I do not know how much microwave energy might be present in a house grounding circuit, but if you have a patch of earth nearby, it might be worth using a small grounding rod. It will give nearly as good an earth connection as the house ground, whilst being much more isolated. Keep the length as short as possible, and dig it underground a little if possible.
There is evidence that grounding is protective against induced lower frequency EMFs, stabilising the body voltage at the same time (Figure 8) [10]. Certainly, the measurements show body voltage reduction by orders of magnitude, after connecting to the ground.
Figure 8 – Effect of Bed Pad Grounding on 60Hz Mode
Whilst grounding must surely help repair the negative effects of microwaves, there is no hard evidence as to whether or not it specifically protects against them. It is, therefore, a good idea to reduce exposure to all harmful electromagnetic fields, especially when sleeping.
eebok-rb4049-Men’s-CONDUCTIVE-ALLOY-SAFETY-TOE (they also produce a women’s model)
Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Hungarian Nobel winning scientist, and the founder of modern biochemistry is quoted as saying: ‘Life is water dancing to the tune of solids’. If 99% of all the molecules in our bodies are dancing, then it’s safe to say that near-infrared (NIR) light is a major player in the orchestra.
The following information regarding Exclusion Zone water is sourced from the book by Gerald H. Pollack (PhD): The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor (ISBN PDF ebook: 978 – 0 – 9626895 – 7 – 4 ). The book is well written and informative, providing a multitude of proof as to EZ water’s existence, together with some amazing facts regarding a molecule that conventional medicine considers as just a passive carrier.
Figure 9 – Water Molecule (H2O)
Water’s most common state, or phase, is that of liquidity; known as bulk water. Water also boils and freezes, resulting in corresponding gas and solid phases. Scientists agree that the water molecule, H2O, is electrically neutral; a single oxygen ion has a charge of -2 and its 2 hydrogen ions each have a charge of +1. Scientists also agree that a water molecule is arranged similarly to that shown in Figure 9; however, scientists do not agree as to what exactly happens to the around 6.1024 of these molecules when they meet in a glass of water. The water molecules must somehow stick together, even if temporarily, or else they would be in the vapour phase; precisely how they interact, though, is still a mystery.
That does not matter so much here, since it is only the exclusion zone phase, or EZ phase, water that has relevance; and the exact nature of EZ water is known. EZ water is found only next to hydrophilic surfaces, those surfaces that literally ‘love’ water. A wide variety of materials are hydrophilic, including gels and more importantly general biological structures: cells; proteins; organelles, including mitochondria; the TTM; blood vessels and capillaries; joints, … . EZ water grows next to all these surfaces, and often completely fills the smaller structures. This is not so surprising, given that 99% of all the molecules in our bodies are H2O molecules.
Figure 10 – Isolated EZ Molecule
A single EZ hexagonal molecule is shown in Figure 10. These molecules can only exist in a lattice or crystalline network.
Figure 11 – A Single Hydroxide Ion (OH–) Bond.
Figure 12 – Building an EZ Molecule
The EZ molecule is formed by a series of single OH– bonds (Figure 11) taken from the water molecules. Each bond becomes a single side in the six-sided molecule. Shown in Figure 12 is the last OH– bond slotting into place. The 2nd hydrogen ions in the water molecules, shown in grey, are of no use and so are discarded back into the bulk water.
Figure 13 – Exclusion Zone Lattice
Once a single EZ molecule is formed then other water molecules attach OH– bonds onto the oxygen ions to form a continuous latticework of EZ molecules as shown in Figure 13.
EZ water has been measured to grow many millions of molecules in length out from the hydrophilic surface; and given exceptional circumstances up to 1 meter. This could only occur if multiple layers of EZ lattices were stacked on top of each other, thereby creating a three-dimensional structure. This is indeed what happens, as depicted in Figure 14 a negative oxygen ion is shown attracted to a positive hydrogen ion. It can be seen that the lattices must be offset from one another in order for the charge-attracted ions to align. There are multiple configurations (shift left, shift right, shift forward, etc), that would allow the ions to align; and given the right circumstances all these configurations will grow outwards from the hydrophilic surface.
Figure 14 – Exclusion Zone Layers
Figure 15 – Single EZ Molecule (H3O2)
To find the charge of a single EZ molecule, its chemical composition must be known. In this case, each ion is shared among either two or three other EZ ions (Figure 15). The six hydrogen ions each share their charge with two oxygen ions, so they each use half of their charge (6 / 2 = 3). The six oxygen ions are each shared with three hydrogen ions, so each oxygen ion only uses a third of its charge (6 / 3 = 2).
This results in a total charge of -1, given each hydrogen has a charge of +1 and each oxygen -2: (+1 * 3) + (-2 * 2) = +3 + -4 = -1
Water is electrically neutral; it has a net charge of zero. So, for every unit of negative charge (electron) in the EZ water, a corresponding unit of positive charge (proton) must exist. These positive charges are the 2nd hydrogen ions that are discarded from the water molecules when building the EZ hexagonal molecule (Figure 12). As soon as they are released, the negative charge surrounding the EZ molecules attracts them to the boundary between the EZ and bulk waters. Here they congregate, and will therefore start to repel each other; there is only one place they can go, back into the bulk water. There the protons very quickly find negative charges to attach themselves to, provided by the oxygen ions belonging to the bulk water molecules. The resulting ion is called hydronium (H3O), and it has a charge of +1 (Figure 16).
Figure 16 – Hydronium Ion (H3O)
Figure 17 – Exclusion Zone with Adjacent Bulk Water
Figure 17 shows layers of EZ molecules growing out from the hydrophilic surface. Any surface is hydrophilic if it contains charged atoms that can act as anchors for the EZ molecules; shown are oxygen ions, their negative charge attracts the hydrogen ions in the EZ molecule, allowing the layers to grow. A surface that contained no charged atoms would be classed as hydrophobic; in that case, EZ molecules would not form.
Maybe the most dramatic, and conclusive, proof that EZ water does indeed exist is that an electrical differential is measured between the EZ and bulk water. Around 150-200 millivolts are consistently measured, meaning EZ containing water contains potential energy. This is one of two main physiological benefits, which healthy EZs can confer on the human body. The other is that they are, literally, Exclusion Zones; their negatively charged, crystalline structure ensures a barrier that will let little bad through. Nothing much larger than a proton can enter it, since the hexagonal openings in the lattice are so small; further, the lattices are stacked together such that they are offset from one another, making the effective hole size even smaller. Microplastics up to 10µm in diameter; bacteria; red blood cells, all are pushed out of the exclusion zone. Think about this: healthy EZs in the body create an alkaline shield around, well nearly everything, protecting cells, organelles and other structures from all contaminants. Don’t want the chemicals from that cigarette/vaper easily entering your lung, or any other, cell? Don’t want that bacterial infection to spread quickly?
The electrical energy stored in the EZ may have a multitude of uses, given cells have been evolving for over three billion years, during which time near-infrared energy has been available in quantities. It is unlikely that evolution would waste such large amounts of readily available energy; plants use EZ potential to drive photosynthesis. Cells may use the energy directly, for example in protein folding. The repulsive force of the proton may also be employed, for instance in helping keep joints separated. Where bones join, they are protected by a cartilaginous surface, and it is this that helps stop the bone ends from rubbing together. An encapsulated fluid surrounds the bones’ joints, but how can a mere fluid withstand the large forces sometimes involved? The answer is protons, specifically hydronium ions in the bulk water. As discussed previously, a large number of hydronium ions will be created by the Exclusion Zone molecules; their combined repulsive force allows the ends of the bones to glide, more or less frictionless, as the joint moves.
If, though, the exclusion zones start to fail, for example, someone who has been deprived of near-infrared exposure over an extended time period; how do the joints continue to function properly? It is not unreasonable to assume that the TTM may provide the protons; after all, both bone and cartilage will easily semi conduct the negative charge away, whilst the ground substance will simultaneously provide a proton, in the form of a hydrogen ion.
Small hydrophilic tubes, immersed in water, will begin to push the water through them. Once the flow has started, it continues more or less indefinitely. The theory is that the protonated water, created by the EZ, provides the energy required to initiate and sustain a flow through the tube. But, if the EZ water contains energy, then energy must have been expended in building it–this energy is that used to ‘loosen’ the water molecules from their mutual attractions, which is a prerequisite if EZs are to form.
There are two main ways this energy can be ‘delivered’: thermally, due to the bulk water temperature dropping to below 4oC; photonically, due to infrared radiation. The first case is not so surprising; ice crystals have exactly the same molecular lattice structure as EZ water. The only difference is that the protons (H+) are not ejected; instead, their electric force sticks the EZ sheets together to form solid ice. Anyway, keeping our body temperature under 4oC is not possible, whilst getting plenty of photonic energy is; however, the wavelength of the photons matters. For example, ultraviolet b will grow the EZ to a few times its original size and will penetrate up to a couple of millimetres into the body.
Technically, the very best wavelengths are in the far-infrared range; however, these are absorbed by the bulk water to such an extent that they cannot travel very far into the body. Another disadvantage is that the far-infrared wavelengths are directly preceded by microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum. So, anyone taking a far infrared sauna should be aware they are creating far fewer Exclusion Zones than if near-infrared were used and are possibly exposing themselves to non-ionising radiation. It is also the case that these wavelengths are pretty much non-existent naturally, as the water vapour in the atmosphere absorbs them.
Practically, the best radiant energy for EZ growth is near-infrared (NIR); it can travel up to 100 mm into the body and grow the EZ by tens of times. Around 52% of solar energy is delivered as (near) infrared, it seems unlikely that 3.5 billion years of cellular evolution would overlook that fact.
If radiant energy can cause water to flow through 1 mm tubes, how about our capillaries, which are at least 200 times smaller in diameter? It is certainly true that red blood cells are somewhat larger in diameter than the capillaries they travel through. It is also true that the pressure differential between the capillary beds is small. Under these circumstances, an additional motive force, energised by sunlight, seems like an elegant solution. It has been estimated that an adult human’s capillary network is 96,560 km long; so no cell is further than 50 µm away from the nearest capillary. It would make sense then that the body will have evolved multiple ways of helping the red blood cells squeeze through this vast network. A basic depiction of this process is shown in Figure 18, together with the hydrophilic oxygen ions which are one reason why well-oxygenated tissues are so important; a lack of oxygen ions in the vessel walls would be detrimental to EZ layers forming.
Figure 18 – Fenestrated Capillary Vessel Showing Protonated Blood Flow
The capillary shown in Figure 18 also depicts the fenestrae, which are tiny pores (6 – 12 nm diameter) that penetrate through the vessel wall. These allow for the various toxins in the bloodstream, known collectively as causative pathological substances (CPS), to be filtered. Red blood cells have a diameter up to 1,000 times greater than the fenestration pores and are therefore not able to enter the interstitial space. The basic idea is that the higher pressure at the arteriole end of the capillary forces the CPS through the fenestrae, where they mix in with the interstitial fluids. At the venule end, the filtered CPS flows back into the bloodstream, as it makes its way back to the vein. Not shown are the assorted white blood cells (WBCs), platelets, and other beneficial constituents of the bloodstream. Al-hijamah style wet cup therapy works by collecting the CPS into a cup under negative pressure.
The EZ protonated water is also essential to the correct functioning of the TTM, since the positive charge is carried away via a hydration shell that surrounds each of the three helical collagen protein strands. The ground electrons travel down the helical protein strands – the protons (H+) migrate back through ‘proton wires’, which consist of the hydronium ions in the hydration shell. The basic principle is shown in Figure 4. It, therefore, stands to reason, that if the EZs are not healthy there will be fewer hydronium ions, meaning the organic semiconductor network will not work as efficiently.
The infrared photons offer a further physiological benefit, in that they provide energy to chromophores; chromophores are molecules that absorb light, generally in the range of 600 – 1400 nm, which is in the near-infrared region. This is particularly important, since a chromophore, known as cytochrome c, is a vital component of the electron transport chain (ETC), meaning infrared energy can up-regulate mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, providing more energy to the cell. While most NIR wavelengths do activate cytochrome c, two narrow-band NIR wavelengths have been found, which actually inhibit cytochrome c [11]. Both 750 and 950 nm wavelengths reduced cytochrome c activity and therefore electron transport chain function; it could be imagined that this is part of a feedback loop to prevent runaway activation in the presence of large amounts of NIR light.
Coenzyme Q10 must be present in order for the electron transport chain to work, as well as oxygen, which acts as an end station acceptor for the electrons. It is not only the cells that directly benefit in this way; bacteria, specifically the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiota, have responded well to NIR light in highly reproducible tests, on mice anyway:
Photobiomodulation also produced a 10,000-fold increase in the proportion of the beneficial bacterium Allobaculum in the microbiota of mice after 14 days of treatment with NIR light but not with red light. [12]
In my opinion, an organic diet including prebiotics and NIR light, maybe a better way to increase the population of beneficial gut bacteria than taking probiotics. For a start, there is evidence that any probiotic colonies created may not last so long. Secondly, probiotic bacteria are meant to colonise the colon, not the small intestine. Unfortunately, the probiotic bacteria can end up colonising the small intestine, causing small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) in the process. Symptoms are brain fog and bloating, which don’t sound like fun. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are just food for existing bacteria, so will not create problems such as SIBO. Otherwise, introducing the probiotics in the form of an enema could be a much more productive method than ingesting them. Apples, including the core and especially seeds, are one of the best natural foods for gut health, as they contain around 100 million bacteria. Though the seeds contain a substance that the body transforms into cyanide, it has been estimated that an adult would have to eat over 140 seeds to see any toxic effects.
We have likely had lots of evolutionary exposure to near-infrared (NIR): from sunlight during the day; at night, fires would give out plenty of near-infrared. Rocks and other materials will also emit infrared, though at longer wavelengths, having absorbed solar near-infrared radiation during the day. Just a decade ago our near-infrared exposure was somewhat greater, due to incandescent-type lamps.
Ordinary light-emitting diodes give off no infrared and their widespread implementation could produce unintended, yet massive, health problems. Severe infrared deficiency probably started back in the seventies, as fluorescent tubes do not emit infrared either. Clothing is another problem with regard to the cells’ evolutionary experience. A deep penetration into the body of near-infrared photons will be hindered, if not blocked, by various articles of clothing. Of course, we cannot walk around outside with no clothes on, well, not for long anyway; however, it is a good idea to expose as much of the bare skin as possible to near-infrared. Standing, lying down or working around a high power NIR lamp at home might be one possibility.
Quite apart from the lack of NIR, LEDs also tend to radiate an intense blue spectral spike; this is problematic since blue light contains higher energy photons, and so will increase oxidative damage to the eyes. The end result will be yet further increases in ‘age related’ macular degeneration rates. Blue light in the evening also reduces melatonin production; melatonin protects the retina against oxidative damage and is well known as a sleep hormone. Blue light blocking glasses are inexpensive and can be worn at night to help prevent high-energy photons from entering the eye. It is, though, the lack of infrared that is potentially even more troublesome, as far as public health goes. Someone who gets little sunlight, and works/lives in places that have become all LED or fluorescent, might be in particular peril due to near-infrared and ultraviolet B deprivation.
Many have likely expended considerable resources in switching to LEDs, and having to switch back to incandescent lighting is annoying, to say the least. Personally, I’ve replaced the bright white LEDs in the kitchen, bath and utility rooms with seven 28W, two 28W and one 100W halogen bulbs; the other rooms have dimmable LEDs. You can be pretty sure that a bright white LED will have a massive blue spectral spike; however, using a yellow coloured LED does not necessarily mean the opposite. The ‘healthiest’ LED bulb will ideally be one with a colour rendering index full red spectrum (CRI R9) value over 90 – though obtaining one may not be easy. Many manufacturers do not reveal the R9 value, but rather mask its poor performance by giving an average CRI value (R1 …R15), which is why it is important to ensure the R9 value itself is high, whilst R4 and R5 (blue light) are low. This will at least provide some visible red light, which creates exclusion zones better than any other colour on the visible light spectrum.
Philips also do a smaller 300W tabletop version.
These lamps (also do a 4 bulb version) and will take the 28W halogen bulbs
Klim OTG Clip On Lenses Blue Light New– Anti Eye Fatigue Anti UV Anti Blue Light Filter
In the presence of ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, skin cells synthesise fat-soluble pre-vitamin D (D3). Cells will also produce both vitamin D3 sulphate and cholesterol sulphate (Ch-S)[13]; however, in all cases, an enzyme is also required. Enzymes basically speed up biochemical reactions, in this case, the endothelial nitrous oxide synthase (eNOS) enzyme speeds up the sulphate synthesis. Dr. Seneff’s theory is that the sulfide in the bloodstream is converted to sulphate via the aforementioned reaction. The sulphate molecule then ‘piggy-backs’ on the cholesterol molecule so that cholesterol sulphate can be transported all over the body, especially to the heart and lungs. Once there, cholesterol, oxygen and negative charge are transferred to the cell; heart cells are particularly reliant on this source of energy, and if they cannot get it from the bloodstream, parts of the glycocalyx may be destroyed in order to keep up the supply necessary for the cells to function. Since the glycocalyx is a fine mesh-like covering around, especially, endothelial cells, it becomes clear that its destruction will cause severe vessel wall damage, and may be the primary cause of atherosclerosis.
It appears that virtually no medical authorities in the world know, or even care much, about cholesterol sulphate, or vitamin D sulphate come to that. It also appears likely that if it were not for Dr. S. Seneff, neither would anyone else. Dr. Seneff also notes that the eNOS has dual functionality, in that it also synthesises nitrous oxide (NO). Depending on the location of the eNOS, it uses a ‘pathological’ superoxide (O-2) to make either Ch-S or NO. Dr. Seneff explains how both molecules are used by the body in order to control blood viscosity:
‘It’s important that it’s one molecule controlling both the sulfate and the nitrate [oxidation] because these two molecules have very opposite effects on the blood. Sulfate gels the blood and nitrate turns it into water. It’s called kosmotropes and chaotropes in chemical terms. They have opposite effects. And your body is always negotiating, ‘Which way? Maybe the blood is too thick—let’s put out some nitric oxide. Or maybe it’s too thin—let’s put some sulfate in.’ It’s able to titrate between the two very nicely with that one molecule [eNOS].’
The eNOS enzyme is part of a much larger class of enzymes, known as cytochromes p450 (CYPs). Unfortunately, glyphosate, marketed as Round-Up (as found in most conventional foods, beverages and food-sourced products such as vitamins/minerals) mimics the cytochrome p450, thereby preventing its function. As Dr Seneff points out, the endemic vitamin D shortage suffered now may well be down to glyphosate. As a side note, vitamin D3 is also transformed into useful vitamin D in the liver and kidneys by a cytochrome p450. Zinc is essential, in order for the eNOS to function properly, whereas aluminium disrupts the process, which is yet another good reason to avoid sunscreen or cooking in aluminium pans.
If the body is covered by clothing, the sunlight passes through glass or polluted air/clouds else sunscreen is applied, the above benefits will not fully occur since the UVB will be blocked to some extent. Sunlight through glass is especially pernicious, as it completely blocks UVB, but not UVA, which sails directly through windows and into the skin. The end result of excessive exposure to window filtered sunlight is a decrease in vitamin D3. This is to be expected since UVB and UVA form a vitamin D3 feedback loop; D3 synthesis decreases in the presence of UVA and vice versa, thus preventing vitamin D3 overload from excessive sunlight. [14] New research has shown that the fat-soluble pre-Vitamin D (D3) may take up to 48 hrs. to be completely absorbed by the skin. Washing the sun-exposed areas with soap will also wash away vitamin D3.
Cholesterol is a massively important molecule for all animal life. It has a multitude of functions, including modulating the viscosity of all cellular membranes, especially at lipid rafts where insulin and glucose enter the cell. It is also obviously used to make cholesterol sulphate, and less obviously so in producing vitamin D3.
A well-known problem with cholesterol is that it is fat soluble, so must be packaged in lipoproteins, specifically low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), in order to travel the water-based bloodstream. Not so with cholesterol sulphate – by taking the sulphate molecule, the cholesterol becomes water, as well as fat, soluble! It can, and does, go anywhere without the need for LDLs. In addition to the increase in mobility, cholesterol sulphate can enter the cell ten times faster than ordinary, fat-soluble cholesterol. The same for vitamin D sulphate vs. vitamin D [15].
Multiple sources are reporting an increase in both COVID cases and deaths in those populations that are vitamin D deficient. Given that UVB produces two types of vitamin D, one of which is highly mobile, as well as immediately available, proper exposure to UVB may be seen as even more essential when fighting a ‘novel’ virus. It is also the case that darker-skinned people, who appear to have suffered disproportionately from the effects of covid in Western countries, filter out more UVB than lighter-skinned people. This will result in even less cholesterol sulphate and vitamin D (sulphate) being synthesised. On top of this, the iron overload gene is more prevalent in the US Black population.
All red blood cells (RBCs) need cholesterol sulphate both to carry the negative charge around them and to transfer cholesterol (and sulphate) to the vessel walls. Reducing the body’s cholesterol sulphate supply may result in vessel walls that are cholesterol deficient (Figure 7), enough of that and at best you end up getting acquainted with a cardiologist. As the UV rays cause both physiological (eg. vitamin D3 production) and pathological (eg. sunburn) oxidation processes, it is a good idea to be grounded when exposed to sunlight. Diet can also help, for example (especially cooked) tomatoes, and other brightly coloured fruits, contain lycopene, which helps with the inflammatory processes caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. Since hydrogen peroxide and UV light together, will create dangerous hydroxyl radicals; oxidative stress might be another factor to consider when taking in the rays. The safest way to take UVB is to build up the natural tanning defences slowly, covering up immediately after a pink hue is detected, or the slightest tenderness felt.
If you live in an area without more or less constant sunlight, a UVB lamp can be used. For example the Sperti Vitamin D Lamp, I do 10 min/day, which is somewhat above Sperti’s recommended dose.
• Eat plenty of dietary sulphur and supplement with methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and silica.
The use of petrochemical fertilisers in the 1950s broke the sulphur cycle so that most do not get the necessary amount from diet alone. Fortunately, it is very easy, and relatively cheap, to supplement with methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). MSM is usually extremely safe to take, in rat trials it was impossible to find a Lethal Dose, meaning the toxicity of MSM (for rats) is much the same as tap water [16].
Many of the benefits attributed to MSM, for example, its inflammatory properties, may be due to the ground electrons that are both stored and utilised using sulphate molecules. The free thiol groups, which are present in MSM, will also help reduce inflammation by reducing (recharging) peroxiredoxins. Thiols are a sulphur alcohol and have many important physiological functions. Arguably, the most critical activity undertaken by the cell is when constructing its DNA; free radicals derived from thiols build the deoxyribonucleic acids necessary for repair.
The downside is that thiols grab onto mercury with a very strong affinity; if there is a lot of mercury in the tissues, then problems arise. Some with mercury toxicity have reported a short period of well-being after taking MSM, followed by a much longer period with negative symptoms, such as depression or fatigue. Seeing that thiols are found in many foods, and are anyway so important for cellular function, a better plan for those with mercury toxicity may be to reduce the mercury levels circulating in the blood. Possibly the best method of extracting heavy metals from plasma is Al-hijamah wet cupping therapy. Otherwise, there are foods that contain elemental sulphur, without the thiols, which can be safely eaten by mercury toxic people.
Sulphur deficiency has also been linked to stiff and impermeable cellular membranes meaning sulphur-deficient people with lung dysfunction will no doubt immediately benefit from extra sulphur supplementation. Furthermore, MSM is indirectly important for collagen health, in that it has been shown to reduce levels of homocysteine, a molecule with damaging effects on collagen crosslinking.[17]
Silica (Silicon Dioxide, SO2) may be an even more important nutrient, as far as collagen is concerned; found in pears, bananas, beer, brown rice and dried fruit, conventionally grown food contains little. According to one study, collagen production increased by 19%, when taking a silica supplement [18] Other benefits include a major protective role in regard to atherosclerosis [19], and while the exact mechanisms at work are not fully known, it has been hypothesised that the increase in silicon helps the blood vessel walls in synthesising heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs). [20]
As pointed out in Eat plenty of dietary cholesterol…, doubling the supply of HSPGs in the bloodstream, reduces cholesterol levels by up to 5 times. Silica is available as a supplement, but the cheapest are bentonite clay and diatomaceous earth (DE). I could not find any research on their bioavailability, however, one study showed with high confidence, a 13% drop in serum cholesterol; noting that the study had no controls, there were nineteen participants who were given just 250 mg of DE, 3 times a day over 12 weeks. [21] Any diatomaceous earth consumed must be food grade, from a freshwater source.
The human body cannot synthesise sulphur, and any sulphur taken is gone in 12 hours. So whatever dose you choose, take it at least twice a day. I take around 5 g*3/day. The FDA has a GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) limit of 4.8 g/day.
Kala Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
• Take vitamin C (and coenzyme Q10) supplementation; eat collagen rich food
One of vitamin C’s functions is of facilitating healthy collagen synthesis. Coenzyme Q10 helps collagen regeneration, so is also important in this respect. Collagen proteins are used to build the TTM, if it is not healthy then the semiconducting network will not work optimally. This is quite apart from collagens’ various functions as a ‘cellular glue’; providing supporting and connective tissue throughout the body. Depending upon the degree of mineralisation, collagen can be: rigid (bone); compliant (tendon); or have a gradient from rigid to compliant (cartilage). There are, as of 2011, 28 distinct forms of collagen; however, they are made in the same way as all other proteins, meaning collagen is constructed from amino acids.
Ancestral diets will have included the whole animal, from ‘nose-to-tail’, which implies that our cells expect a diet rich in collagen. A well-known source of collagen is bone broth soup; however, connective tissue (gristle) and skin will also contain rich amounts. Both the chicken egg yolk and shell membrane contain collagen, amongst other important nutrients such as cholesterol, sulphur and choline. Anyone making a calcium supplement, using organic eggshells with the membrane attached, will reap the above rewards. Collagen supplementation is highly recommended, for anyone eating a diet poor in collagen; this may be the case for someone who eats lean meat exclusively.
Vitamin C can easily be taken with sulphur. Unfortunately, much vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) is sourced from wheat, which if conventionally grown will likely be harbouring glyphosate or other metabolic toxins. I used to get ascorbic acid, for the high vitamin C content; problem is, the manufacturer gave a very vague reply, as to whether the crops used come into intentional contact with glyphosate. This seems disingenuous given they advertised as ‘GMO-free’; however, if it is not organically grown, the chances are it is filled with glyphosate. Other, fat-soluble, vitamins are often sourced from soy, with the same unfortunate result. I’m using an organic rosehip powder now, 4 – 5 g, 3 times per day – smokers use up more vitamin C, likely because it is put to use as an antioxidant. 4 – 5 g of rosehip powder only gives 16 – 20 mg vitamin C. It is unfortunate that the ascorbic acid is tainted since under certain circumstances, 20 * 3 = 60 mg is not nearly enough.
A final, cautionary note regarding vitamin C, is its effect on iron. Free iron, floating around the body, is highly damaging; not only is it a necessary nutrient for nearly all pathological bacteria, but it also creates highly reactive hydroxyl radicals when in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In order to hide the iron from bacteria, and also to shield it from contact with H2O2, the free iron is ‘locked up’ in a protein (ferritin), capable of holding up to 4500 iron atoms per molecule. This works well unless there is a high serum level of reduced ascorbic acid, in which case the vitamin C bores through the ferritin, releasing billions of free radicals. Alcohol is also problematic, in that iron is released when the alcohol is broken down in the body.
Given that, 10/30% (Nonblack/Black) of the US population have the gene for iron overload, coupled with the fact that for many, iron build-up is assured over time, it is likely that a sizable minority of people will have too much iron in their serum. People who do not menstruate, or else practice some form of phlebotomy, such as giving blood, should seriously consider wet cupping therapy (WCT). Iron overload causes massive oxidative stress; the organs of thalassemic patients are often severely damaged due to iron overload. Wet cupping will decrease ferritin levels much more efficiently and safely than bloodletting.
Is it possible that iron overload is contributing to some of the bad outcomes amongst covid patients? It is true that iron overload is more prevalent in males, and in older people of both sexes. It is also true that the body uses high hydrogen peroxide levels to signal a cytokine storm, for example when being attacked by a fast-growing virus. Administering high doses of vitamin C to patients with both iron overload and abnormally high endogenous hydrogen peroxide levels might not be the best idea. The small amounts of vitamin C recommended here (<< 1 g) should not present serious problems, even in people with iron overload [60].
Vitamin C, together with vitamin K2 are important in, especially dysfunctional, electron transport chains[61]. They can feed electrons onwards, bypassing the normal routes. Coenzyme Q10, though, is essential to the functioning of the electron transport chain, and cannot be substituted for. There is a decrease in the amount of Q10 available to organs, with heart cells particularly affected, starting at 20 years, as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24 – Q10 Amounts in Organs Over Time
Pharma Nord.
Vitamin K2 has many other physiological, including cardiovascular, benefits, and works synergistically with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is taken care of via UVB; calcium and/or magnesium supplementation might be necessary, though a well-balanced organic diet could provide the correct amounts. On the other hand, K2 deficiency is widespread; the body cannot store or make much, contrary to popular belief intestinal microbes make no bioavailable K2 [62], and neither can it be synthesised in useful amounts from K1. Fermented foods such as natto and some (raw milk) cheeses contain high amounts – supplementation is a good idea, if not getting enough through diet.
Dutch researchers have found that covid patients with severe symptoms, all had a vitamin K deficiency. [63] They have concluded that the proteins synthesised with the help of vitamin K are necessary for blood clotting, as well as lung function. They also urge general supplementation, on the basis that even if it does not help with covid, it provides a range of health benefits and is extremely safe to take.
Dr. Mercola Grass Fed Beef Bone Broth Tablets
The gelatin capsules in the product above are sourced from fish (they have just launched a vegetable version, I can only find them in the UK). Pharma Nord also makes a bovine-capsuled Q10 – avoid if possible, due to prion protein concerns. Bioavailability is low, two or more capsules a day taken at different times (whilst eating a fatty meal), will give the best results. The vast majority of Q10 supplements on the market are useless; if the Pharma Nord (or other proven) product is not available, it might be best to eat high Q10 containing foods instead.
• Take as little glyphosate, or other metabolic toxins, in as possible.
Glyphosate, as well as being an extremely potent antibiotic, and was once patented for that purpose [22], disrupts the eNOS (endothelial Nitrous Oxide Synthase) enzyme. When this happens, the blood cell will loose integrity, and blood vessel walls will be damaged, due to the lack of both cholesterol and sulphate. Neither will pre-Vitamin D (D3) or Vitamin D Sulphate be produced, or activated, in sufficient quantities.
Unfortunately, glyphosate is not limited in use to GMO crops. A major problem is that it is often used as a desiccant, though not approved for that purpose, resulting in highly contaminated crops. Particularly hard hit are legumes (pulses) such as peas; potatoes and other crops are also dried using glyphosate. Certainly, it has been found in many conventional foods/beverages/tap water now, and most people’s urine come to that. Beer, for example, can have large amounts, so if an organic variety is available then drink that instead. Otherwise, conventional Tuborg beer has been tested as having zero amounts. Especially French beers and other conventional produce come to that, should be avoided, since French farmers use vast amounts of glyphosate.
It appears that the Germans have announced an immediate partial ban on glyphosate and a complete one within a few years. I had thought it strange that Bayer would buy Monsanto in order to keep producing one of the most toxic substances ever used in our food supply; thankfully, they have not. It remains to be seen what the replacement will be; however, anything less than wholesale organic farming, will not help ensure the healthy survival of the human genome. In the US, traces have also been found in some organic produce, though much less than in the conventional variety. There are even more pressing reasons for avoiding conventionally grown crops from the US, legumes among others are dried using diquat or paraquat with, or in place of, glyphosate. Unfortunately, plant lectin facilitates easy biological transport of these poisons, so avoid, at all costs, conventional produce from the US.[23]
Dr. Seneff summarises one of the consequences due to low level, chronic glyphosate poisoning as [my brackets]:
‘Small amounts [of glyphosate] don’t cause anything that dramatic, but they interfere with the red blood cells’ ability to supply cholesterol sulphate to your tissues, and your heart. I think heart failure is a direct consequence of insufficient cholesterol and insufficient sulphate delivery to the heart,’
• Eat plenty of dietary cholesterol and unprocessed saturated/monounsaturated fats.
Yet another suggestion that goes directly against conventional wisdom. It is generally, however, not wise to suggest someone cut out, or even down, on the cholesterol in their diet. Cholesterol is a massively important molecule for all animal life, cellular membranes contain around 25-30% cholesterol. It has a multitude of functions, including modulating the viscosity, and reducing the permeability, of all cellular membranes; cholesterol is especially concentrated at lipid rafts where insulin and glucose enter the cell. Alone the fact that the brain houses 25% of total body cholesterol, yet weighs only around 2% of total body weight should be a clue as to its importance. About 20% of our cholesterol comes from diet and 80% is synthesised.[24].
In 1952, G. V. Mann, SC.D., M.D. et al. conducted experiments on Cebus monkeys and were able to give them a vascular disease that resembled human atherosclerosis. The disease was preceded by a large increase in total cholesterol levels, as well as the beta-lipoprotein content of the blood serum. On the basis of this, and similar studies, we were suddenly told that dietary cholesterol and saturated fats were proven killers, and our only hope was to switch from saturated to polyunsaturated fats. Good-bye butter and lard, hello margarine and corn oil, oh and by the way, don’t forget to take your statins. In 1960, the same researchers produced another paper [25], which explored the beneficial effect of sulphur, when added to the monkeys’ diets, as their diets in the 1952 study were low in organic sulphur compounds. They summarise that:
‘The effectiveness of L-cystine, DL-methionine, L-cysteine hydrochloride, L-cysteic acid, cystamine, taurine and reduced glutathione in stimulating growth, production of hemoglobin and reduction in hypercholesteremia of sulfur deficient monkeys has been studied. These compounds, with the exception of cysteic acid, are shown to be effective.’
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can be, in their own right, dangerous, at least when they become incorporated into the cellular membranes. The problem is that polyunsaturated fatty acids are prone to oxidisation, even worse, once oxidised a chain reaction may occur resulting in highly reactive fragments, known as malondialdehyde (MDA), exploding both outwards and inwards from the cellular membrane. Malondialdehyde fragments are characterised by C. Masterjohn Phd. [26] as being like shards of glass, ripping into cellular organelles and other intracellular structures. MDA also ends up in the bloodstream, and it is unlikely these ‘shards of glass’ will just float innocuously around, gently bypassing LDLs, RBCs and other bloodstream constituents; MDA levels in the blood are commonly used as an oxidative stress marker. The extremely dangerous chain reactions can be stopped if vitamins C and E are present in sufficient quantities; the initial oxidation hit though, cannot be prevented. Cellular membranes consisting of saturated, or monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), cannot ever oxidise; analogously, instead of glass, the cell is surrounded by armour plating, providing the membrane does not contain PUFAs.
Keeping this in mind, PUFAs are essential nutrients and are generally classified as Omega-3 (ω-3), Omega-6 (ω-6), Omega-9 (ω-9), Conjugated and Others. Omega-9s are mainly MUFAs; it is the ω-3 and ω-6 fats that are exclusively PUFAs, and whilst both are necessary for health, the ratio between the two has become skewed. Dr. Mercola makes this point in an article highlighting the erroneous position taken by The American Heart Association (AHA) in this matter.[27] The AHA not only recommends increasing ω-6 intake but fails to point out the dangers inherent in non-organic, highly processed, possibly GMO, fats.
In other words, the quality of the fats is more important than the ratios; however, most experts agree that the omega 6:3 ratio should range from 1:1 to 5:1. Instead of five, the average American diet supplies a ratio from around 20 to 50:1. To make matters worse, partially hydrogenated oils (trans-fatty acids), such as (unfermented) soy products like soybean oil, have been linked to both cardiovascular and neurological problems. A recent study [28] looked at cardiovascular-related hospital admissions before and after trans-fat restrictions in New York and concluded that:
‘Our results suggest that the NYS restrictions on TFAs in eateries were associated with an accelerated decline in hospital admissions for MI and stroke. The difference between TFA restriction and nonrestriction populations was significant 3 or more years after restriction implementation.’
In addition, the vast majority of non-organic vegetable oils likely contain high levels of glyphosate, whether they are trans-fats or not. [29]
Dietary cholesterol cannot, under any circumstances, be provided through a plant-based diet. Plants do not need it; they are immobile and have no nervous system. We are not plants, and have neither evolved as herbivores, so very much do need it. Especially older, plant-based eaters should be aware of potential problems due to cholesterol deficiency. Alzheimer’s, ALS, memory loss and Parkinson’s, together with a host of other physical problems, including but not limited to heart, kidney and muscular damage, have all been linked to statin use; though mechanisms other than cholesterol inhibition, such as low Q10, may play a part. In addition, high cholesterol levels in the elderly have been definitively shown, in a highly valid study lasting 17 years, to decrease all-cause mortality rates by over 4 years.[30] Furthermore, low cholesterol levels in the brain have been linked to violent behaviour, towards both self and others. This has been found to occur in both humans and primates.[31]
Disregarding genetic problems such as familial hypercholesterolemia; the problem is not that the liver produces too much cholesterol, or that someone eats too many egg yolks, it is merely that LDL particles get stuck, or lost, in the bloodstream causing high measurements. LDL particles will get lost if they do not know which cell is signalling a need for fat-soluble nutrients; this happens if an acceptor protein, ApoB, which is attached to the LDL membrane gets damaged. Oxidation of the ApoB will be much more likely if there is excess fructose, or iron, in the bloodstream. Ironically, reducing the amount of cholesterol available to the liver may result in an excess of fructose in the bloodstream, as well as an excess of fat in the liver. The reason is that the liver uses cholesterol to construct very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) shells. If cholesterol is lacking then fewer, lower quality, VLDLs (which are the precursors of LDLs) means a reduced ability to transport the fats out of the liver. This in turn will reduce the amount of fructose the liver can transform into fat, resulting in more fructose molecules in the bloodstream. Glucose has 1/10th the oxidation power of fructose, which maybe explains why glucose tablets are hyped as a healthier choice than sugar.
In any case, the absolute LDL numbers show little as a heart attack indicator. Rather the high density lipoprotein (HDL) to total cholesterol ratio should be above 24 percent. If below ten percent, there is a significantly increased risk for heart disease. In addition, the Triglyceride/HDL Ratio should be below two [32]. Following, especially the first four items in the plan will lower cholesterol readings. Simply doubling the amount of heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs) in the bloodstream can reduce cholesterol levels by 4-5 times! [33].
• Eat no salt, or otherwise added sodium, notwithstanding exceptional circumstances. Take potassium supplements if required.
An early critic of the salt-eating habit was Dr. Max Gerson [34], a brilliant man who, after escaping the Nazis, was one US Congress vote away from having his Cancer Protocol adopted by the United States. Very sadly, though maybe not unsurprisingly, he was killed by an unidentified hit-and-run driver in the 1950s. A zero salt intake became one of the pillars of his therapy. One of the problems with salt, was hidden oedema; he saw in a microscope that cancers and other bodily insults, were invariably surrounded by water-laden cells due to high sodium concentrations. A similar mechanism causes external swellings, such as witnessed in the swelling of an ankle after injury. The fact that the ‘glass’ lung CT scans of COVID-19 patients are a primary sign of pulmonary oedema, would suggest that one should be especially wary of a high salt diet if suffering respiratory problems.
Zoltan Sandor [35] is a Phd. chemist with very strong views on the intake of salt. His main theory as to why salt intake is detrimental is that an excessive sodium concentration in the serum will leak passively into the cells’ cytosol, causing unnecessary work for the cells’ sodium-potassium (Na-K) pumps. The energy thus expended is no longer available for other necessary purposes, and we literally run out of energy. Eating more will not help, since the human organism is limited to the amount of energy that can be generated through ingestion. He further points out that it is entropy, or randomness, that kills us; robbing the human body of energy will only increase entropy. Cells might not be able to repair optimally, since the required energy has been used up by the Na-K pumps. Damaged cells are just not good; enough of them and the next step is a visit to the doctor or hospital. Where does the energy come from to drive the sodium-potassium pumps, of which each cell has up to millions? Mainly from diet meaning the salt-eating habit is wasting a great deal of food, whilst taxing a great deal of metabolisms, for negative gain.
It could be pointed out that the cellular membrane is relatively impermeable to charged molecules; however, the sodium ions can penetrate the cell through passive, or voltage-gated (Na+) ion channels, else through a damaged membrane. Since the total surface area between all cells and the surrounding plasma is so large, a raised sodium plasma level will result in the Na-K pumps working overtime. The spherical (approximated) human cell has an estimated mean volume of 4000 µm3 [36], resulting in a mean radius of 108 µm and a surface area of 146.6E-9 m2. Given we have around 37 trillion cells in total then:
Total surface area = TotalCellCount . Average Surface Area per Cell
= (37E12).(146.6E-9) = 5.4 km2
Another observation from Z. Sandor, was the disconnect between contemporary sodium/potassium intakes, and breast milk composition. The ratio (potassium:sodium) for the standard western diet is around 1:2, in breast milk, it is around 4:1 [37], and much higher in many natural foods. In fact, it is nearly impossible to find any natural food containing more sodium than potassium, for example, cod has eight, and pork has six times the amount of potassium compared to sodium. There is much evidence that a low potassium intake greatly exacerbates the detrimental effects caused by excessive sodium. The standardised western diet, therefore, becomes even more dangerous.
The Paleo Diet inventor, Loren Cordain, PhD, Professor Emeritus [38], also points out the dangers of a high sodium diet, albeit from a different perspective. Among other things, he shows highly valid research, proving conclusively that even a short term, high salt diet, increases pro-inflammatory markers whilst decreasing the anti-inflammatory ones in both humans and other animals. [39] He also shows that our evolutionary need for sodium can easily be realised by eating a natural diet. Certainly, an in-depth study of non-Westernised societies shows an average intake of between 0.6 – 2.9 g salt. Salt consists of 39% sodium and 61% chloride, so this translates to 0.23 – 1.13 g sodium [40].
Even if we didn’t eat a grain of added salt or other forms of sodium compounds, the sodium found in natural foods is sufficient, and in fact optimal, for human life. It is, though, possible that an elderly person on a zero salt diet will experience low hydrochloric acid (HCL) levels, together with the resultant digestive issues. HCL supplements can be taken if the diet is low in chloride-containing foods. Iodine also plays an important role in the production of hydrochloric acid.
Figure 19 – Sodium and All-Cause Mortality Over 20 Years
There are those who, despite the facts mentioned above, together with the anthropological evidence, will be convinced that a very low sodium diet is dangerous. The blue line shown in Figure 19, represents the findings of the robust TOHP (Trials of Hypertension Prevention) studies, and clearly illustrates that a very low sodium intake reduces all-cause mortality over 20 years [41].
A normal blood sodium level is well kept between 135 and 145 mEq/L (milliequivalents per liter) == 3100 to 3350 mg/l. The body is very good at retaining sodium, and whilst healthy kidneys let little through, the sweat glands are not so efficient. Sweating is often thought to increase the need for sodium, but since the sodium in sweat is less concentrated than in the plasma, sweating actually increases body sodium concentrations. From research into sodium concentrations in sweat [my brackets]:
This number [sodium concentration] is generally a lot more stable than your sweat rate (it’s actually largely genetically determined), but it can vary wildly from athlete to athlete. We’ve tested athletes who lose less than 200mg of sodium per litre of sweat and we’ve also seen athletes losing well over 2,300mg per litre! Our data suggests the average athlete loses around 950mg/l and this tallies with other large scale studies [42].
This suggests that a ‘one size fits all’ approach when considering how much salt to take after, say, running a marathon, is incorrect. The individual runner should really try to tailor the amount of sodium, to that lost, which as mentioned above, can vary by a factor of over ten. The same with (filtered) beer, it has the ionic content of distilled water, so drinking 10 litres whilst sweating a lot, could result in low electrolytes. I guess, though, many are guzzling down bags of crisps, or other salty items, whilst on a binge.
It is not a bad idea to take an organic potassium salt supplement, such as potassium gluconate. Potassium gluconate is an inexpensive, safe supplement, which helps offset the damage caused by excessive sodium intake. Even if you never purposely add salt to your food, it is still likely you’ll still be getting a sizeable amount through hidden sources. This supplement (in a mix of other potassium salts) was used way back by Dr. Gerson, and more recently has been found to greatly help ‘unstiffen’ blood vessels in ageing rats[43]. Nearly all natural foods have lower sodium and higher potassium content; it is clear we are evolutionarily meant to consume considerably more intra- than extra-cellular electrolytic ions. Nonetheless, only 2 percent of US adults get the recommended daily amount of 4.7 g [44]. Healthy kidneys can easily remove large amounts of excess potassium; as noted in an article in The New England Journal of Medicine, titled ‘Paleolithic Nutrition – A Consideration of Its Nature and Current Implications’, Palaeolithic hominids got about 11 g of potassium a day and 0.7 g of sodium, a ratio of 16:1 [45]
Blood potassium levels are kept between 3.5 and 5.0 mEq/L and so are not nearly as tightly controlled as sodium levels. Unfortunately, if the kidneys are not healthy, then potassium can build up causing a state of hyperkalemia. This can be particularly problematic, as very high potassium levels can, at worst, cause heart attacks. A number of pharmaceutical drugs can also contribute to hyperkalemia, such as: ACE inhibitors; statins; ARBS; beta-blockers; NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and certain antibiotics. As opposed to gluconate, or other organic potassium salts, potassium chloride should never be ingested as a supplement; it is damaging to the organism, especially the heart, which is why it is utilised in US execution protocols.
Health Leads Potassium Gluconate
I mix 50g potassium gluconate with 500ml distilled water, and take between 2 – 4 teaspoons == 10 – 20 ml == 1.0–2.0 g per day, together with an anyway high potassium, low sodium diet. Someone with a higher sodium diet, and no contraindications, could consider increasing the amount of potassium taken. It tastes not nice, so dilute in water, juice etc., though not in carrot juice. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends we consume about 4.7 grams of potassium per day.
• When drinking water, filter as much as possible, steam-distilled water is best. Keep well hydrated.
Depending on location, tap water and bottled water are badly contaminated, to varying degrees. Toxins intentional, such as fluoride/chlorine, and unintentional, such as: excreted pharma medications; herbicides/pesticides; heavy metals; plastics; bacterial contamination; volatile organic compounds (VOCs); and industrial waste are pervasive. Steam distilling the water will deal with all these contaminants, save for the VOCs, which can be removed from the distillate using a small charcoal filter.
Fluoride is a highly toxic substance, even in its natural state, since fluorine is the second most powerful free radical oxidiser known after hydroxyl radicals; however, the fluoride added to water supplies, and some toothpastes, is far from natural.
‘One intriguing and disturbing fact about fluoridation is that over 90% of the agent used in US fluoridation schemes is not pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride, on which practically all toxicological testing has been performed, but industrial grade hexafluorosilicic acid obtained from the air pollution scrubbing systems of the superphosphate industry (e.g. Cargill Fertilizer). By law, this waste cannot be dumped into the sea but the EPA allows it to be diluted down with our public drinking water.’ [57]
It is known that phosphate fertilisers contain high levels of polonium-210, lead-210 and cadmium, in addition to the other toxins that are surely present in an air pollution scrubbing system.
One of the most serious problems with fluorine is that it replaces iodine in the thyroid gland, causing dysfunction [58]. Furthermore, recent research, published by JAMA Pediatrics in 2019, found that drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy lowers childrens’ IQs [59]. They measured the mother’s fluid intake and found that a 1mg increase (fluoridated water contains around 0.5 mg/l) in fluoride lowered IQ by 3.7 points. This is not a problem in most of Europe, at least.
Whilst distilled water measures slightly acidic on the pH scale, the overall effect on the body is alkalising. This is due to the infinitesimal negative charge resulting from the polar action of the electrically neutral water ions. Technically, the shared electrons are pulled more toward the oxygen atom than the hydrogen atoms, giving the water a negative charge with which to attract toxins. Most toxins have a positive charge, and these often acidic toxins attach to the water’s negative charge, allowing them to be expelled from the body.
Distilled water does not leach organic minerals from the body; these are biologically bound and cannot be easily unbound. Distilled water can leach inorganic minerals from the body; a kettle that has calcium deposits will be descaled by distilled water. The inorganic ionic mineral loss could therefore become problematic if drinking distilled water exclusively over an extended time period. Drinking distilled water in caffeine-free herbal teas will hydrate nearly as well, and is recommended, together with juicing and perhaps taking some Bentonite clay. Supplementing with urine (About Urine Therapy) will also help prevent any mineral deficiency, regardless of the water type drunk. Many, including myself, have drunk distilled water for decades, without apparent problems. To sum up – a good mineral-rich diet (and supplementation) likely replenishes any inorganic minerals lost through chelation.
Certainly, if you empty a distiller after a couple of months of use, you can end up with a small ‘sandpit’. Even forgetting about all the toxins, this is comprised of inorganic minerals, most of which are not necessary for health. Only reverse osmosis (RO) filtering comes close to the quality of steam-distilled water; however, holistic practitioners have found that RO water does not hydrate the body properly. It is thought that the plastic filter harms the water molecules as they are forced, under great pressure, through it. There are also ceramic filters that seem to be able to take out most glyphosate, fluoride and other toxins.
Regardless of water type, it is vital to stay well hydrated, around 3 litres of water per day for an average adult. Prior to running water, people would be much more likely to gulp down quantities when allowed. The rest of the time, water would be much scarcer, and maybe only evaporated water was available, such as the dew on a leaf. Perhaps drinking a third of the daily water intake on arising, with the rest sipped sparingly throughout the day, would help mimic this behaviour.
The TTM uses proteins to semi-conduct the electrons; however, exclusion zone water is used to semi-conduct the protons back. Interestingly, this is why the scientific establishment initially poo-pooed the idea of organic semiconductors. These brilliant minds took the organic protein and desiccated it—they then pressed the result into pellets and announced they were insulators. Proven completely wrong in recent times, organic semiconductors are now a reality.
A good way to determine hydration levels is to examine passed urine. If darker than pale yellow, dehydration may be an issue. Tasting the urine gives much more information, as well as healthy feedback to the body.
Durastill 46 Liter Per Day Manual-Fill Water Distiller
Unarguably, the best home use distiller in the world is the Cellkraft D-50 – it heats the water under pressure to 130oC producing the purest and most sterile water possible, outside of a laboratory. This also enables it to expel VOCs with a boiling point of 100-130 oC (though these are generally less harmful than the VOCs with a lower boiling point). It is fully automatic (self-filling, testing and cleaning), though costs roughly 5 times the Durastill model.
• Eat natural organic food, drink organic beverages, where possible.
Glyphosate and other herbicides/pesticides, whilst a major problem in non-organic food, are not the only ones. The nutrient/mineral depletion, compared to a few decades ago, is also extremely detrimental to health. The mineral content of organic vs. conventionally grown produce shows that organic crops are definitely more mineral-rich.
Figure 26 – Mineral Content in Organic vs. Conventional Crops [78]
A new, large scale, study shows the cancer-protective effect of organic produce:
Among some 69,000 people tracked by French scientists over several years, those whose diets contained more organics had about 25 percent fewer cancers overall, with 35 percent fewer breast cancers in older women and a more than 70 percent reduction in lymphomas[79].
Due to fertilising with phosphates, especially calcium phosphate, much higher levels of both polonium-210 and lead-210, as well as cadmium, are introduced into the crops. In 1995, the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research stated that: [80]
‘It has been known for many years that phosphate fertilizer ore contains 50~150 parts per million (ppm) of natural Uranium, and hence its radioactive decay products [i.e. polonium and radon], when compared to most other soil and rocks – which average 1 or 2 ppm.’ [81]
This also occurs with tobacco and is especially dangerous since the short-lived alpha particles come in direct contact with pulmonary cells, the result of which is well known. A 2009 study quantifies the harm done by using phosphate fertilisers on tobacco crops: [82]
’In a person smoking 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes per day, the radiation dose to the bronchial epithelium in areas of bifurcation is 8000 mrem per year – the equivalent of the dose to the skin from 300 x-ray films of the chest per year.’
Smoke organic tobacco if you do not want extremely dangerous ionising radiation to come in contact with your lung, or any other, cell. Smoke organic tobacco if you want to avoid lung cancer, just like the early Europeans, or indigenous Americans. Eat organic food if you do not want dangerous ionising radiation as a part of your diet.
Smokers should also be aware of the ‘time to first cigarette’ (TTFC). An Environment and Genetics in Lung Cancer Etiology (EAGLE) study of 3,249 smokers found a significantly higher risk of lung cancer in those participants reporting a shorter TTFC. Interestingly, the link was even stronger amongst light smokers. This would suggest that smokers, especially those who only smoke a few a day, should make sure the first one is lit at least 15? minutes or so, after getting up.
In an almost ironic twist, both a small Chinese study and a much larger French one found that smoking was highly protective against covid:
“Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population,” the Pitié-Salpêtrière report authors wrote. [83]
◦ Stay as well away as possible from microwave radiation, and other EMF sources, especially at night.
At the digital frequencies utilised today, it is not hard to imagine that a cell would fare much worse than the cell exposed to 1.8 GHz, 24hrs continuous-wave non-ionising radiation, shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20 – Human Cell Exposed to Low Level Microwave Radiation
The orange-red blur emanating from the irradiated cells includes DNA fragments. It should be noted that the cell exposed to gamma radiation was x-rayed 1600 times! Should you sleep with a machine that causes nearly as much visible DNA damage as x-rays, next to your bed? Soviet scientists conducted extensive research on the effects of microwave radiation, and concluded that it was too dangerous to use around humans; as a result, the Soviet Union banned microwave ovens [46]. On the other hand, our Capitalist Class doesn’t seem to mind so much; after all, pharmaceutical shares are extremely lucrative.
Figure 21 – Incidence of Glioblastoma in Denmark
Figure 22 – Cell Phone Ownership in Denmark
Figure 21 shows the incidence of the aggressive brain cancer, glioblastoma (GBM) in Denmark [47]. Looking at the increase relative to 1995, it can be seen that there has been around a doubling of cases; though, about 15% of this increase may be due to an ageing population. The fact that the increase progresses steadily, from the time when mobile phones started to become widespread, as illustrated in Figure 22 [48], is suspicious, to say the least. Of course, it is impossible without becoming a hermit, to totally avoid this potentially very dangerous non-ionising radiation.
Accurate microwave meters do not cost too much, making it possible to avoid hotspots. In my experience, indoors is usually better than out, whilst groups of people checking out their smartphones can give off very high levels. Public transport and taxis are also often a source of high readings. Connecting conductive wiring to the ears is not a good idea, as microwaves can traverse the wire, which they see as a waveguide. Even if your phone is in airplane mode, microwaves from other sources can travel the wires; ‘air tube’ headsets have been shown to reduce this radiation by up to 99%.
The microwave fields, as given off by phones, routers etc. are (supposedly) restricted in most Western countries to a maximum power density of 450 µW/cm2; though several countries do have tougher restrictions, for example, Russia and Poland have 40 µW/cm2 whilst Belgium only allows 2.5 µW/cm2. Four hundred and fifty microwatts per square centimetre are incredibly high, compared with the cells’ evolutionary experience; until a few decades ago the non-ionising radiation we were exposed to had a power density lower than 0.00000000001 µW/cm2.[49]
Yet we are told it is perfectly safe; this dubious conclusion is reached, as it is only thermal effects that are considered detrimental to the cells – in other words, treat the human cell as a ‘bag of water’ with various components floating around in it, and as long as the water doesn’t get too warm, everything’s ok. It sort of reminds me of science class when I was a kid, (way) back in the ’70s. Given the immense complexity, and fragility, of cells, it beggars belief that they are still using this model in 2020 [50].
Figure 23 – The Electron Transport Chain (Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation)
Figure 23 shows a much-simplified block depiction of the electron transport chain (ETC), which is the major way that cells use to produce energy, at least when they operate aerobically. If molecular oxygen is lacking, for example, a muscle cell under continuous strain, the cell will also utilise anaerobic respiration. When operating aerobically, electrons are stripped from food, mainly via the Krebs cycle, and fed into the ETC. The Krebs cycle takes in acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), produced indirectly from glycolysis or directly via beta-oxidation. The beta-oxidation pathway is switched off here, so is shown in Figure 23 surrounded by dotted lines.
Glycolysis occurs in the intracellular fluid (cytosol), and uses simple sugars, mainly glucose, to produce the substrate (pyruvate) from which acetyl-CoA is made. For each glucose molecule, glycolysis outputs two molecules of pyruvate, two molecules of energy in the form of directly available adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and two high-energy electron carrier molecules (2NADH). The NADHs’ four electrons are literally shuttled across the mitochondrial membranes into the mitochondrial matrix, after which they can enter the electron transport chain.
Situated in the mitochondrial matrix, the Krebs cycle completes one revolution for each acetyl-CoA molecule, and will therefore complete two cycles per glucose molecule. This results in six NADH, two FADH2 and two ATP molecules, as well as four molecules of carbon dioxide (4CO2), being produced. In addition, two molecules of CO2 are produced during the transition step (pyruvate decarboxylation), making a total of six CO2, which ends up being mainly expelled into the blood plasma, though some is taken up by haemoglobin and directly transported to the lungs.
The NADH and FADH2 molecules carry their electrons to the electron transport chain, noting the NADH electrons have higher energy than the FADH2 ones. The six NADHs from the Krebs cycles, plus two NADHs from the transition step, give their sixteen electrons to complex I, with another four electrons originating from the two glycolysis NADHs. The four lower energy FADH2 electrons enter complex II.
There are four protein complexes in total; each one passes the electrons on via reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions. The redox reactions are facilitated by coenzyme Q10 between complexes I/II and III, and cytochrome c between complexes III and IV. Cytochrome c can be energised when hit by photons, specifically near-infrared light; shown in Figure 23 as wavy orange lines.
Figure 23a – The NADH <-> NAD+ Redox Reaction
Figure 23a is a simplified block depiction of the NADH/NAD+ redox reaction. The NADH molecules take their electrons to Complex I, where they reduce CoQ to CoQH2 in the first step of their journey along the electron transport chain. Two protons are also required for this reaction to take place, one of the protons comes directly from the NADH molecule and the other is obtained from the mitochondrial matrix. In reality, the NADH’s two electrons are carried by the hydrogen ion, which changes it from a proton (H+) to a hydride ion (H–), shown in Figure 23a surrounded by green boxes. The hydride ion lost to Complex I oxidises the NADH so that it becomes NAD+. The Krebs cycle then adds another hydride ion to the NAD+, thereby reducing it back to NADH and allowing the redox cycle to continue indefinitely. The same type of cyclic redox reaction also occurs throughout the electron transport chain, including between CoQ and CoQH2, as well as for the FADH2 molecules which give their electrons to Complex II.
Beta-oxidation (β-oxidation) occurs mainly in the mitochondrial matrix and converts medium-chained fatty acids directly into acetyl-CoA. People on ketogenic diets, or who are fasting, will increase their β-oxidation rates at the expense of glycolysis, providing even more acetyl-CoA from the energy-dense fats.
Once the electrons are finished in complex IV, they need somewhere to go, which is where molecular oxygen comes in–four electrons and four protons, together with molecular oxygen (O2) result in two molecules of water (2H2O) being produced. If oxygen is not available, for example, if drowning, else if the complex IV is blocked which occurs if cyanide is ingested, then the process stops, and so do we.
Also shown is a stray electron escaping complex I and hitting one of the molecular oxygen atoms, resulting in the formation of a superoxide anion radical (O2–); superoxides are highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) and can cause a lot of oxidative damage, at least until they spontaneously dismute (react with themselves) into molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, that is. Unfortunately, they can react with other things before they dismute, such as transition metals. In this way, they can cause all sorts of damage, such as impairing the citric acid cycle, dumping large amounts of potentially toxic iron in the process. Superoxide dismutase enzymes (SODs) vastly increase the rate of dismutation, thereby ensuring the superoxides do not exist long enough to cause real harm.
Up until this point, no usable energy has been produced by the electron transport chain, rather the ‘fuel’ needed for energy production has been prepared in the form of a proton gradient. As the electrons pass through complexes I, III and IV, they pump hydrogen ions from the inner mitochondrial matrix, through the inner membrane and into the intermembrane space. Hydrogen ions have a positive electrical charge, they are protons, and want nothing more than to get back into the negatively charged mitochondrial matrix; however, they cannot go back the way they came, nor can they penetrate the inner mitochondrial membrane.
There is only one way they can go back, through an enzyme called ATP synthase. ATP synthase, as the name suggests, synthesises adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the major currency of energy for the cell and, by extension, for us. There is a channel in the ATP synthase which the protons flow through, and as they do so they physically turn a rotor; the rotor can spin up to 200 Hz, creating a large amount of ATP (34 ATP per glucose molecule) as it does so. Like a windmill, except the wind is not air, rather hydrogen ions rushing past the rotors; it is also a lot smaller than a windmill, just a few nanometres in diameter.
Technically, the force driving the protons through the rotors is known as the proton motive force (pmf), since it consists of a chemical and electrical component. The chemical part is due to the difference in proton numbers and contributes around 60 mV to the pmf. The electrical part contributes more, around 160 mV, giving a total pmf of 220 mV between the more positive mitochondrial intermembrane space and the negative mitochondrial matrix. [51] The electrons responsible for the 160 mV negative charge are not shown in Figure 23.
Mature red blood cells have no mitochondria, or hardly anything else inside, thus enabling them to squeeze into microscopic capillaries. Other cells, though, have many; metabolically active cells may house thousands, and each mitochondrion may contain over 300,000 ATP synthases (though it has been estimated that only around 1% are active at any one time). Meaning, a cell that has just a thousand mitochondria would have an ATP synthase number equal to the population of the US. That’s a lot of protonmills for a bag of water – it is just not rational to believe that bombarding cells with high energy non-ionising radiation will have no consequences, above thermal heating problems.
Although I would prefer all microwave transmissions be outright banned, pending proper investigation, the Capitalist producers will never put our health above their profits. At the same time, it is unlikely that public support for such a ban would be high; even so, the power levels could be drastically reduced, without having a detrimental effect on coverage. The trick is to use many more very low-power cell towers and to work hard on the reception hardware and algorithms. Neither of these approaches would be cheap, though the potential reductions in health care cost and human suffering are easily worth it.
Another problem is bandwidth, microwaves just don’t have enough, so in the end other methods will need to be employed. The only possibility is photons, light has an orders of magnitude greater bandwidth and is generally completely harmless.
A whole host of independent researchers have highlighted the myriad dangers of high-powered microwave transmitters, such as those found on cell phones; their findings can be viewed at Bioinitiative. Grounding to earth gives some protection, not least because the antioxidant electrons will help repair any damage. The best chance of avoidance is at night. I would think that sleeping on a grounded sheet, surrounded by a rf. reflective canopy is best if you cannot control the levels. Else turn off mobiles, routers etc. whilst sleeping. Putting them in the next room is just like moving a bit further away, walls do not generally hinder microwave radiation.
Think seriously about removing all wi-fi networks at home, connecting with cable instead. Doing so will also save energy, be more secure, and remove the need to purchase wi-fi routers in the first place. Ending on a dystopian note all bets are off when, if they dare, 5G mm is rolled out. Doing what they are doing now is insane and should be a crime (certainly at current power levels), subjecting us to 40 GHz is criminally insane.
EMF Radiation-Free Headphones
◦ Try prolonged fasting, intermittently.
It is quite clear that from an evolutionarily standpoint; we have not stuffed ourselves silly 365/24/7. It is certain that our ancestors, up until relatively recently, had to skip food intake for longer or shorter periods during the year. Intermittent healing fasts are one way to better emulate these historical food consumption patterns. That our bodies expect, and even rely on, periodic fasts can be deduced from much research showing that the immune system is effectively ‘rebuilt’ using this method. This will include natural killer (NKCs) and killer T cells (KTCs), which are vital if the body is presented with a ‘novel’ pathogen.
The researchers only looked at immune cells, finding a 28% reduction in white blood cells, but hypothesised that any cell in the body could also be replaced, when in a longer-term fasting state. The basic theory is that when the body starts to recycle cells, it picks the damaged ones first, and replaces them with healthy versions.[52] [53] The healthy versions come from stem cells, which are activated during a prolonged fast via several mechanisms, for example, a reduction in the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) hormone levels, which in turn lowers the Protein Kinase A (PKA) enzyme.
There have been various studies investigating the effects of prolonged fasting (PF) on differing organisms, and the results suggest that PF benefits are shared across multiple life forms, from yeast to mice and humans. Specifically, blood glucose levels in mice dropped by 75% (compared with 15% for dietary restriction DR), likewise, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) decreased by 75% in humans and mice after a short-term PF, whereas DR had no direct effect on human levels.[54] Intermittent one day fasting was found to have roughly the same benefits as DR, neither of which are nearly as powerful as prolonged fasting.
The general PF period used in these studies was 4-5 days for humans, and 2-3 days for mice, which might seem like a lot; nevertheless, it is estimated that a 70 kg person could fast for 2-3 months, using the body’s energy reserves during this time. [55] This is based on an average person having a fat store of 141 kcal, from which around 1000 – 1500 calories/day would be used during the prolonged fast. Protein and glucose stores also provide some energy, but it is the switching from glucose to fat utilisation (glycolysis to β-oxidation – Figure 23) in a wide variety of cells (especially those in the brain) that allows prolonged fasts over months.[56] Short (2-3) day fasting cycles should be sufficient here, though. Most supplements mentioned in this plan could be taken; however, any substance that contains calories should be avoided, for example cholesterol, or rosehip powder. Taking in, even a small amount of calories could cause DR rather than the much superior PF effects; to be absolutely sure it might be better to stick solely to water(s).
I do not know if there would be an overall increase in oxidative stress due to the fast, it is anyway a good idea to ground, relax and lie down when fasting. It is also a perfect time to sit, squat, lie or generally be around a high powered near infrared lamp. As well as the benefits mentioned in ‘Get plenty of daily exposure to …‘, the increase in (especially armpit) sweating, which occurs at rates far exceeding those resulting from the thermal heat alone, may partly be a result of healthier exclusion zones throughout the lymphatic system; the armpits contain many lymph cells. The higher cellular energy output, due to cytochrome c activation, may be another factor. Sweating out toxins is never a bad thing, but may be especially important whilst a fasting body is consuming a part of itself.
As, really an afterthought, it is likely that water also became scarce at times – so could there be an evolutionary benefit to trying a so-called dry, or restricted water, fast? It is also quite possible that primitive humans drank their own urine, if there were no other sources. Though counter-intuitive, urine (About Urine Therapy) becomes clearer during a fast; after an initial ‘cleaning out’ period, the urine becomes more or less indistinguishable from water. Primitive humans likely had no moral structure that would frown upon the practice, neither were there clear indications that it was toxic–it doesn’t smell like shit, it often even tastes quite nice–so why would they not?
◦ Try to not start taking pharmaceutical synthetic drugs, either prescribed or OTC.
Nearly all allopathic drugs, whether prescribed or over the counter (OTC), are seen metabolically as toxins, which is one reason why liver and kidney dysfunction are such common problems. To make clear; I’m not saying people should refuse medication, especially for acute problems. Obviously medical drugs can save lives, but I think they can also take them, over the long term. It is worth noting that the vast majority of pharmaceutical products restrict or block, rather than enhance, a metabolic process.
Cholesterol lowering drugs such as statins are in a class of their own; they block the action of an enzyme, HMG coenzyme A reductase, thereby significantly impacting the production of synthesised cholesterol, by up to 60%. Dr. S. Seneff has published a detailed paper illuminating the many, and varied, horrors of statins [15]. It seems that her extensive research on this subject, then led to her research on cholesterol sulphate. That might well be the only good thing to ever come out of statins.
Other important biological substances are also synthesised along the same pathway, for example dolichols, which are used in the construction of organelle membranes, whilst coenzyme Q10, essential in cellular energy production, and also as an antioxidant, is lowered by around 40% [64]. Figure 24 makes it clear that Q10 levels naturally decrease with age, artificially lowering them further is just adding insult to injury. A meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs cites nearly 900 studies on statins’ adverse effects.[65]
The whole idea behind statins seems just wrong-headed; a (vastly oversimplified) analogy might be a logistics firm that must deliver packages around a city. Unfortunately, the delivery vans kept crashing, or getting lost; instead of clearing the roads, and putting up new traffic signs, the owner’s answer is to stop sending all the vans out! Other pharmaceutical products, such as some beta-blockers, also have an adverse effect on Q10 synthesis [66].
Talking about beta-blockers, as reported in Forbes Magazine [67], up to 800,000 Europeans have died on the operating table over the last 5 years, due to a single researcher’s flawed results. To be fair to the (ex)researcher, a Dutchman called Poldermans, he is not to blame for the European Society of Cardiology’s (ESC) decision to recommend using the deadly beta-blockers for two years after his research was discredited; directly causing the deaths of around half a million. Even now, they have not banned this practice, so if you are going into surgery, and do not have a legitimate reason to take them such as prior cardiac problems, then make sure they do not give you beta-blockers.
A fair number of over the counter (OTC) drugs, should not be. The side effects can be just as severe as those engendered by prescribed medications; in fact, all the current OTC drugs were previously only available by prescription. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are yet another example of a synthetic drug that blocks an enzyme, in this case hydrogen/potassium adenosine triphosphatase, and by doing so effectively switches off the gastric proton pump.
‘These heartburn drugs may not be as innocuous as they might seem. PPIs are better known by their brand names-Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec. They are also available generically as esomeprazole, lansoprazole and omeprazole.
‘Over the past several years, a number of serious adverse effects have come to light. They include an increased risk of infections such as pneumonia and Clostridium difficile, weakened bones, poor absorption of nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B12, heart attacks, kidney disease and dementia.’ [68]
The deleterious effects on the gut microbiota have been well studied [69]. It anyway stands to reason that drastically lowering the acidity in the stomach will cause malabsorption of some nutrients, as well as a reduced ability to kill pathogens, including viruses. In my case, heartburn always resolves in seconds after taking 3-4 charcoal tablets. Hiccups also, though they take up to a few minutes to disappear. I would therefore urge anyone to try charcoal tablets first; however, if eating a highly processed, salty diet, charcoal tablets may not be enough.
Anticholinergic drugs block a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is produced, as the end result of an action potential, which causes a muscle to contract or expand, else stimulates a neuron. It is maybe then not surprising that this class of drugs has been robustly linked to various dementias. It is true that only prescription anticholinergics were looked at, but in many cases the active ingredients are shared with the OTC drugs.[70]
OTC painkillers can kill more than just pain. For example, paracetamol (acetaminophen) can quite easily destroy a healthy liver if the recommended daily dose (4 g) is exceeded, even slightly. Those with liver dysfunction may be harmed at somewhat lower doses. In any event, due to paracetamol overdose, 1,500 died in the US over a ten-year period up to 2010.[71] Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) also have side-effect lists as long as your arm.
I find smoking hashish a useful painkiller, as well as an effective sleep aid. Cannabis is naturally derived, as are some of the best pharmaceutical drugs, such as ivermectin, penicillin, aspirin and metformin. In fact, there are over a hundred plant based active ingredients used in medications today.
It is by now, well established that the COVID-19 virus attaches only to the ACE2 receptors, which adorn many cells, no more so than the colonic epithelial cells. Given that fact, I find it surprising that so little attention has been given to toilets, during these current times. If you do not close the lid before flushing, a bomb consisting of pathogenic microorganisms explodes in the air above. Forget covid, who really wants to breathe in a shitload of those? Perhaps closing toilet lids before flushing should be advised.
ACE inhibitors, and especially angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) work by increasing the number of ACE2 receptors. These drugs are often given to the obese, diabetics, and people with cardiovascular problems; the exact groups that are ending up with much more serious symptoms. Ibuprofen (which also increases ACE2 expression), paracetamol or aspirin are commonly used to reduce fever; using any antipyretic to lower non-critical temperature below 40 ºC (104 ºF), may not be a good idea. Studies have found that interrupting one of the body’s vital defence strategies, might not end well:
‘For example, a survey of patients with community-acquired pneumonia showed that those with temperatures above 37.8 degrees C and a leukocyte count above 10 000 cells/mm3 had a 4% mortality rate, which compares with a mortality rate of 29% for patients with neither fever nor leukocytosis. [72]’
Many people disregard evidence based, holistic treatments because there are no, or few, (randomised) double-masked medical studies. Apart from the obvious problem of, who’s going to pay to study a therapy that can be done for free, else a fraction of the amount sucked up by conventional therapies, I do not think a particular holistic treatment can usefully be singled out for test. Apart from the obvious requirement of clean food, water and air, it should be combined with other compatible holistic treatments, and perhaps include some of the suggestions here; unfortunately, the economic system in which we live will never spend the considerable amounts necessary, if the only benefit is good health.
Those distrustful of alternative therapies will happily take multiple synthetic preparations for years, even decades, based on ‘gold standard’ double masked placebo-controlled scientific trials that in many cases only last a relatively short period of time. Additionally, these trials do not usually take into account drug interactions, so can only be considered completely valid in patients taking a single drug. Bias may be another factor, since the trials are usually conducted by the pharmaceutical companies, who clearly have a vested interest in obtaining positive results.
It is anyway obvious that many disease rates are increasing, and in some cases skyrocketing. The capitalist medical system often blames this on the fact that we are living longer and even tries to paint it as a win. The facts are a bit more depressing. For example, in 1925 there had only been about 50 cases of macular degeneration ever recorded [73]. Fast forward to 2010 and US rates [74] are at around 260,000 cases for people under 64. In 1925, the average age for US females was 60.6 years; however, those that reached the age of 20, could be expected to live to around 67 [75]. To put it in an even starker perspective, the 50 worldwide cases in 1925 are expected to rise to nearly 200 million by 2020
There are widely varying estimates of the death rate due to general medical errors and adverse drug reactions (ADRs):
Based on an analysis of prior research, the Johns Hopkins study estimates that more than 250,000 Americans die each year from medical errors. On the CDC’s official list, which would rank just behind heart disease and cancer, which each took about 600,000 lives in 2014, and in front of respiratory disease, which caused about 150,000 deaths.
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a leading cause of death in the USA, say Canadian researchers. Bruce Pomeranz and colleagues at the University of Toronto estimate that ADRs could account for more than 100 000 deaths in the USA each year, making them the fourth commonest cause of death after heart disease (nearly 750000 deaths), cancer (530000), and stroke (150000) ( JAMA 1998; 279: 1200–05).
The EHP is generally for people wanting to maintain ‘good health’, and should help prevent the need for future medication. If already on prescription drugs then it is a different matter; whilst following this plan will likely help reduce, or even eliminate, the need for medication, research should be done to make sure the suggestions here will not cause any adverse reactions. For example, anyone on blood thinning medication should be aware that grounding will reduce blood viscosity, and the drug intake should be adjusted accordingly. Those with reduced kidney function, or diabetes, should take care not to consume high amounts of potassium; whether through diet or supplementation.
◦ Drink organic juices from a ‘slow’ juicer, preferably a Norwalk or similar.
Figure 25 – Nutrient and Mineral Composition in Soil
There is some evidence that actual soil contents have not generally reduced by as much as the graph suggests. According to some soil experts, there are easily enough minerals in soil, the problem is rather that the microorganisms, necessary to turn the minerals into a form accessible by plants, are harmed by conventional farming methods. This is summed up by an international expert, Dr. Elaine Ingham:
‘Without these bioorganisms, your plants cannot get the nutrients they need. So what you need is not more chemical soil additives, what you need is the proper balance of beneficial soil organisms.’ [77]
The drop in crop nutrient content could also be partly due to the introduction of cultivars, which are selectively bred plants. In any case, conventionally grown foods today contain less nutrients compared to the turn of the century. Organic is better, but still lags behind our evolutionary expectations.
Juicing organic fruits/vegetables is a good way to increase nutrient intake; unfortunately, juicers with fast turning metal blades destroy the enzymes making the result less healthful, and many also have plastic parts. Norwalk type stainless steel juicers, with a slow turning masticator and separate hydraulic press are the best, though expensive. ‘Slow juicers’ are maybe the second-best alternative, and some juices can be made with just a wooden press.
◦ Supplement with iodine, preferably in the form of potassium iodide.
Iodine is another supplement recommended by Dr Gerson. Iodine deficiency is widespread; if you do not eat kelp, or other iodine rich foods, then supplementation is quite important. Geographical location matters here, it is obvious that during the first stages of evolution we lived in an iodine rich environment. And generally, the further one lives from the coast, the less iodine in the soil. Many get iodine from iodised salt, so a stop to added salt will further reduce iodine intake. Maybe off topic, but it has been found that many salt manufacturers do not add sufficient iodine in any case, so the unfortunates who consume a lot of salt will not even get that benefit.
Iodine is a fluoride antagonist, and has protective functions with regard to the thyroid and tumours/fibroids, especially those connected with reproduction. Given its evolutionary significance, it would not be surprising if a number of metabolic and immune processes depended upon iodine, for example a study found that both hydrogen peroxide and iodine were necessary for an immune response to Candida [84].
According to the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, the average daily intake of seaweed is 4.6 g. At an average of 0.3 % I content (range = 0.08-0.45%), the estimated daily intake of iodine is 13.8 mg. Potassium iodide can be bought as a powder, and mixed with distilled water for a 5% solution (5 g/100 ml water). At 5% concentration one 0.05 ml drop will give 3.5 mg potassium iodide (KI). Around 75% of the KI is iodine, so 3 drops/day would give 10.5 mg KI or 7.8 mg iodine, around half the approximate intake of a Japanese citizen who eats 4.6 g seaweed/day. I use somewhat more, and information on higher dosing amounts can be found here.
Note that even 8 mg is much in excess of the Western RDA of 300 ug/day, and at 8 mg/day around 0.1% may suffer from iodism (iodine poisoning). If any symptoms present (thirst, diarrhoea, weakness, convulsions), then cut down the number of drops used.
◦ Supplement with very diluted food grade (FG) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Coastal water contains between 2 to 5 ppm (parts per million) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); it is Nature’s disinfectant, also found in fast moving rivers and streams. Noting that stagnant water is never fast moving. Hydrogen peroxide kills pathogens in the rivers the same way it kills them in the body, by oxidation. Hydrogen peroxide is naturally a very stable and unreactive molecule [85], until it meets iron (or other transition metal ions), else UV light that is. When that happens three things simultaneously occur; both a hydroxide ion (OH–) and a hydroxyl radical (OH*) are created, whilst the ferrous iron (Iron(II)) that instigated the reaction with the hydrogen peroxide is transformed into ferric iron (Iron(III)).
The hydroxide ion is the definition of alkalinity, noting hydroxide ions are also used by the TTM to replace the hydrogen ion (H+). It is the hydroxyl radicals however, that do the business – they are highly reactive, above even fluorine as free radical oxidisers. They basically instantaneously grab the first electrons in their path, regardless of whether the electrons belong to an important bodily molecule, such as in a protein, cellular/organelle membrane or DNA, else a pathogen. Excess vitamin C is especially dangerous in this situation, since it will turn the resultant ferric iron back into ferrous iron, allowing the continuous creation of hydroxyl radicals.
The cells generate large amounts of H2O2 during normal operation, mainly from the mitochondria due to either superoxides being neutralised by superoxide dismutase (SODs), else from the beta-oxidation of fatty acids (Figure 23). It might sound scary; however, the cells have excellent ways of dealing with it. Maybe the best known is the enzyme catalase, it is this that causes bubbling if a too high concentration H2O2 is, say, swallowed, or put on a wound. So, if you see the bubbling, it does not mean the H2O2 is ‘working’, just that it is being neutralised, at least to safe levels.
Peroxisomes, which are organelles contained in the cytosol of most cell types, also produce large quantities of H2O2, mainly a result of the beta-oxidation of very long chained fatty acids:
Catalase is highly concentrated within the peroxisomes. It has one of the highest turnover numbers of all enzymes; one catalase molecule can convert millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules to water and oxygen each second: [86]
Catalase and H2O2 are also used to detoxify certain substances, such as phenols, formic acid, formaldehyde, and alcohol:
Therefore, liver and kidney cells have a disproportionate number of peroxisomes, as do brown fat cells. However, nearly all cell types have some, it is thought that peroxisomes were left over from the oxygen handling organelles, which existed before mitochondria [87]. Other enzymes, particularly peroxiredoxins, are also used specifically to breakdown H2O2, though unlike catalase they need to be ‘recharged’ before they can continue functioning. Sulphur compounds reduce the oxidised peroxiredoxins, enabling them to keep working as they transform hydrogen peroxide into water.
The accepted hydrogen peroxide protocol has a maintenance dose of around 300 ppm, 3 times a day. The problem is that H2O2 can react to substances other than iron, for example fats and vitamin C (in the presence of transition metals). Therefore, it is important to leave at least one hour before mealtime and/or at least three hours after. This is difficult, personally, I just take it in the morning with around 1 litre distilled water, and leave around 3 hours before eating some fruit. Another hour and a half before 60-75 g tree nuts and 2 raw eggs. Also 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil and a krill oil capsule.
It is not a bad idea to take a mix of tree nuts every day or so, though special care should be taken with regard to brazil nuts. In a single study, brazil nut selenium concentration ranged from 0.03 to 512 µg/g, a substantial difference. At the highest concentration, a single serving of brazil nuts (around 6 whole nuts) could result in a selenium intake of 14515 µg, much higher than the recommended daily amount (RDA) of 55 µg. Selenium toxicity can be damaging, symptoms of which include loss of hair and nails, digestive issues and memory difficulties [88].
The minerals found in nuts, specifically copper, zinc and manganese are used to construct enzymes known as SODs. Ironically, SODs have one task; to transform highly reactive superoxides (O2–) into hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen at rates billions of times faster than would naturally occur [89]. If hydrogen peroxide were so toxic, why would we make so damn much of it? Interestingly, people and mice lacking catalase do not seem to take much harm, neither do mice react badly if their glutathione peroxidase is removed [90].
This suggests that high hydrogen peroxide levels are not nearly as dangerous as high superoxide levels, in fact mice and humans lacking mitochondrial SODs die pretty quickly [91] Even so, I am not trying to say that high intracellular concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are good over the long term, for at least two reasons. Firstly, it has been shown that cells subjected to low levels take less long-term damage, than those with constantly high levels. Secondly, it has recently become apparent that H2O2 is an important signalling molecule, possibly the most important redox signalling molecule [92]. It is clear that from a signalling perspective, a constantly low level of H2O2 is as undesirable as a constantly high level.
Taking hydrogen peroxide orally dramatically improves blood and tissue oxygenation. It used to be thought that this was due to the oxygen contained in the H2O2; however, the oxygenation levels are increased by much more. The only conclusion can be that hydrogen peroxide also stimulates the body’s systems with regard to oxygen handling. [93] In addition to accepting electrons from the electron transport chain, molecular oxygen is also vital for collagen synthesis, specifically in the post-translational hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues [94]. So much so, it is thought that the increased environmental oxygen, which occurred in the late Proteozomic Eon, was instrumental in the development of large, metabolically active, animals. [95] A final point, mentioned in Get plenty of daily exposure to …, is that oxygen is a primary hydrophilic ion, allowing exclusion zones to grow around tissue, and other biological surfaces.
It has to be food-grade (FG) hydrogen peroxide and diluted only with distilled water. 2ml of 3% H2O2 in 250ml water would give 240 ppm, which is the maintenance dose recommended by holistic practitioners. To put this into perspective, even if all the 250ml of this magically enters the bloodstream, which has a water content equal or greater than 2.7 litres, it would dilute to around 22 ppm. Okay, hardly scientific, but even if the bloodstream concentration itself was raised to 240 ppm, it would not cause too much damage to the red blood cells, even after long periods. The referenced study found a 1.3% lipid breakdown after the RBCs were exposed to 340 ppm H2O2 over 60 minutes. [96]
In any case, red blood cells are very good at safely removing excess H2O2, quickly turning this supposedly toxic substance into molecular oxygen. Thanks to human erythrocyte catalase (HEC) in the red blood cells, we can literally breathe hydrogen peroxide; thanks to HEC in the plasma (from old hemolysed red blood cells), catalase can be transported throughout the body, for example, to places of inflammation, where the catalase can then help neutralise any high levels of immune driven hydrogen peroxide. [97] Though this would go badly wrong if the H2O2 levels became too concentrated, resulting in excess molecular oxygen (around 2% of all molecular oxygen breathed is dissolved in the bloodstream, and 98% is bound to haemoglobin). Too much molecular oxygen in the bloodstream is not good and may trigger an embolism.
New data are showing that the covid virus attaches only to ACE2 receptors, which are found on many cellular membranes. Oral mucosal cells, such as those found at the back of the nose, or top of the tongue, express ACE2 receptors, lungs have about double the oral number, and the heart and colon have 5 and 7.8 times greater ACE2 expression, respectively.
A protocol first developed 30 years ago by Dr. Farr consists of a series of intravenous hydrogen peroxide treatments and is highly effective against various respiratory conditions; from viral infections to COPD. Injection into a vein is not easy for most, and so Dr. T. Levy has updated the protocol, instead recommending a nebuliser or inhaler. Nebulising 3% FG hydrogen peroxide will inactivate the virus, hopefully allowing the body to recover. [98] Previous research on vapourised H2O2 shows that a 0.5% concentration will completely inactivate the viruses tested, so it can be assumed that a 3% concentration will blast the SARS-CoV-2 to oblivion.[99] Dr. Levy points out that the concentration can be lowered in case of discomfort, but that 3% should be easily tolerable for most. It should be noted that another doctor, Dr. Brownstein, believes that 3% is (much) too high.
Since intestinal epithelial cells appear to present large numbers of ACE2 receptors, drinking something that could weaken the virus, may also be a good option. The maximum recommended therapeutic dose is around 0.18%; for example, a mix of 15 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide with 250 ml distilled water.
It is worth mentioning that a proportion of covid patients suffer from so-called ‘happy hypoxia’, in other words, they have asymptomatic hypoxia. I’m not sure exactly how many manifest silent hypoxia, however, 15-30% of patients go on to develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).[100] Technically, respiratory patients suffer from low oxygen saturation in the haemoglobin (hypoxemia), rather than in blood and tissues (hypoxia). In extreme cases, people with only 50% arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) are behaving quite normally, rather than collapsing on the floor, as they should be. While the blood gas tests to determine SaO2 are complicated, SpO2 (peripheral oxygen saturation) can be easily checked with a pulse oximeter attached to the fingertip. In general, less than 96% SpO2 may indicate hypoxemia; if a pulse oximeter is not available, the breathing rate can be measured, if over 20 breaths per minute, then ‘silent hypoxemia’ might be the cause. Regardless of respiratory infection, deep breathing, especially prior to sleeping, and on awakening, is a good idea.
Food grade hydrogen peroxide also works as an effective, and very environmentally friendly, general disinfectant; furthermore, it also makes a very powerful (12 hr.) deodorant at 3% concentration, at least in my case. Since the only atoms present, are also present in water, it will be safer than the often toxic ingredients in store-bought deodorants, or the even worse antiperspirants. After all, one of the major roles of the lymphatic system is to eliminate poisons from the body, such as heavy metals; blocking the lymph cells that help connect this ‘sewer system’ to the outside world, hardly seems like a good idea. The bottom line is that hydrogen peroxide seems to blast the odours to oblivion, rather than just masking them.
Food grade hydrogen peroxide (12%)
◦ Try to avoid using sunscreens, except for non nano-sized zinc oxide, or other safe mineral based alternatives.
The chemicals in non-mineral sunscreens may be very hazardous. A Clinical Trial by the U.S. FDA [101] shows six common active ingredients in sunscreen ingredients – avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, homosalate, octisalate, and octinoxate – are absorbed into the blood at levels that could potentially pose serious health risks. In a trial of 48 people, the participants undertook thirteen sunscreen applications over a 4 day period, each covering 75% of the body. Blood samples were taken for 21 days, and it was found that the concentration of all 6 chemicals increased up to day 4, and by day 7 the concentrations still exceeded the FDA safety levels. Even after 21 days, two of the chemicals, homosalate and oxybenzone were still above the safety levels.
A Danish study investigated the relationship between the UV filters in sunscreen and male infertility. They found that 7 of the 31 allowed UV filters in the US/EU caused progesterone mimicking effects, including octisalate, avobenzone and homosalate. [102] This could, at least partially, explain the dramatic drop in sperm counts among men living in Western societies, which have, according to a study undertaken at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, more than halved over the last 40 years. [103]
Another contemporary study found neurotoxic damage in rats and human cells, among other problems, from various sunscreens, including zinc/titanium oxide nano particles. [104] Additionally, according to research by Matsuoka et al., 1987, sunscreens also drastically reduce vitamin D3 synthesis in the skin; sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 8 based on the UVB spectrum decreases vitamin D synthetic capacity by 95%, and SPF 15 decreases it by 98%. This assertion is qualified later in the paper [105]:
‘However, emerging evidence suggests that although sunscreens are effective, many may not actually be blocking UVB because they are improperly or inadequately applied. Thus, sunscreen use may not actually diminish vitamin D synthesis in real world use, although further study is needed’
In other words, the only way to get vitamin D3 through sunscreen is to not apply it properly. So why should we apply toxic substances to our skin? In past centuries people have, at various times, worn less clothing, and been more exposed to the sun, yet skin cancer was incredibly rare. Ozone cannot stop UVA, meaning the massive increase in UVA skin cancers over the last decades cannot be explained away by ‘holes in the ozone layer’. It is also the case that indoor workers have higher rates of melanoma (CCM) than outdoor workers [106].
What is true for skin cancer is true for all cancers; if the immune system, or metabolism, is compromised, cancer, or any other disease becomes much more likely. Otherwise, a healthy immune system can easily kill, or contain, cancer cells, and given the right circumstances repair chronic damage that the most skilled surgeons, or other conventional medical interventions, could only dream of. To the sceptics, remember what Conventional Medicine swore, over decades, time and time again? That the immune system could not under any circumstances cure cancer, and to even suggest such a thing was pure quackery. All of a sudden, they say the immune system can cure cancer; who are the quacks now?
About Me
This has been written anonymously; not only am I a bit paranoid but think that the message here is what’s important–not the messenger. The information given here is accurate, to the best of my knowledge. There are some speculative ideas, which hopefully have not been presented as fact. Since, though, my education is in Electronics and Computing (Bsc.), I may well have misunderstood any of the concepts presented here, but again hopefully not.
So yes, this could be seen as Yet Another Amateur Health Blog, and the last thing I want to do is put anyone at risk. Many of the suggestions could be just seen as ‘common sense’ such as safe sunlight exposure, drinking adequate amounts of water or walking outside barefoot. The dosing suggestions for the supplements are no higher than other, qualified people have recommended; certainly, nothing contained in here is immediately harmful, or I would be long dead. Still, it is incumbent on anyone trying any holistic therapy to ensure themselves that any possible harm is vastly outweighed by the potential benefits.
There are various products shown in these pages, they are there solely because I use, or have used, them. I have no connection, financial or otherwise, to any company that produces these products.
I would much appreciate any feedback, especially concerning any factual errors, either in the text or diagrams. Thanks.
The Evolutionary Health Plan (EHP)
The suggestions here have been used by me, in some cases for decades; others though, have been taken up more recently. Even though the apparent health benefits of, for example, grounding or light therapy have been known from way back, the scientific basis underpinning these therapies has not been properly understood. This has changed, thanks to a number of enlightened and gifted scientists, such as Dr. S. Seneff who has discovered the specific way in which ultraviolet B, cholesterol and sulphur work synergistically to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Another scientist, Dr. Pollack has uncovered various mechanisms to explain the importance of infrared light’s reaction with water, and how it effects a number of bodily systems. Much of the research on grounding seems to have involved multiple researchers including G. Chevalier, PhD, S. Sinatra, MD, James L. Oschman, PhD. As far as the general health information contained in the EHP, much is sourced from Dr. Mercola who publishes an informative, and well thought out, newsletter nearly every day. The rest is what I’ve picked up over a few decades interest in this subject.
Finally I would like to address what, to many, may seem like obvious omissions. For example there is no particular reference to exercise, or sugar intake. As far as exercise goes, I do not think that extremely hard exercise (think cross-fit) is either necessary or beneficial for many people. It seems unlikely that primitive humans spent hours on a treadmill, or lifting weights. This is not to say that sitting about all day is good; exercise such as squatting, jogging or swimming, maybe together with some isometric routines, should be enough, though.
Sugar is not nearly as harmful as it appears to be. The problem is not sugar per se, rather if too many cells cannot take the glucose in. The glucose will then traverse the bloodstream, resulting in a possible diabetes II diagnosis. Healthy cells, though, can consume large amounts of glucose, as evidenced by the average child who seems able to eat substantial amounts without problems. From an evolutionary perspective, certain groups of primitive humans, for example tropical islanders, lived on a mainly fruitarian diet for at least a couple of hundred thousand years. If sugar were so harmful, they would not have survived.
About Herxheimer Reactions
Many times, people undertaking alternative therapies suffer so-called ‘healing crises’, or Herxheimer reactions. These manifest with symptoms similar to those caused by the toxin the body is trying to throw off, else as an old trauma reappearing. Flu-like symptoms, headaches/general aches, itching, digestive disturbances, sweating etc. can be experienced; however, they should present relatively mildly and not last very long. Even if not sick, a Herxheimer reaction could be caused by any of the suggestions here, for example: grounding; high-intensity infrared; hydrogen peroxide; MSM; distilled water(s) fast. The stock advice seems to be, to cut down, but not stop, the suspected therapy until the symptoms die down. Then resume slowly.
Most oxidative stress, at a cellular level, is caused by electrons escaping the electron transport chain before time, and then reacting with oxygen to create highly toxic superoxides. So, any therapy that increases mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation will cause a corresponding increase in oxidative stress, though in a healthy mitochondrion fewer electrons will escape the electron transport chain.
About COVID-19
Just as this was about to be finished, along came COVID-19. There are various mentions added throughout, to sum up:
Prophylactic Suggestions: The suggestions here, additionally Urine Therapy and Wet Cup Therapy may be beneficial. Prolonged fasting ‘renews’ the white blood cells, which is obviously useful when preparing the immune system for a shock.
Therapeutic Suggestions: Any of the above, plus nebulising food-grade hydrogen peroxide at 3% concentration. If not available, store-bought hydrogen peroxide can be used in an emergency.
In any event, relying on a workable vaccine being produced is highly optimistic, to say the least. Over the last decades, all attempts have failed. They have little trouble in provoking an antibody response, the problem is those antibodies are worse than useless; once the patient is exposed to the wild virus, they get severe symptoms often leading to death.
Known as paradoxical immune response, the resultant ‘fake’ antibodies could also explain viral interference, whereby those exposed to, say, the flu vaccine tend to become more susceptible to other viruses. A study undertaken by the US Department of Defense showed a 36% increase in coronavirus infections, in those that had previously been vaccinated for the flu.[107] In any case, a healthy immune system should easily suppress most pathogens, long enough for the body to start producing its own antibodies. For this to occur, a robust population of innate immune cells plus natural killer (NKC) and cytotoxic T (CD8+) cells, together with a well functioning cardiovascular system, is essential; the fact that so many are succumbing to covid-19 points to sickly Western populations, with damaged immune systems.
About Al-hijamah Style Wet Cup Therapy
Without going into too much detail, it should be the Al-hijamah method of Wet Cup Therapy (WCT), wherein the skin is only scarified to around 0.1–0.2 mm depth, using short (1-2mm) ‘incisions’ [108]. This allows for a high efficiency filtration process to take place, expelling heavy metals and other so-called causative pathological substances (CPS), as depicted in Figure 18.
Al-hijamah requires a three-step process:
As noted in a research paper [108b] investigating the ways in which Al-hijamah affects children with thalassemia, a condition which causes iron overload:
‘The mean value for serum malondialdehyde was 42.155±12.42 nmol/L before Al-hijamah and then dropped to 13.195±0.68 nmol/L after it (P=0.03) and was 42.86±12.40 nmol/L for control subjects. The reverse was found for TAC, which increased from 0.2556±.0.0178 mmol/L before Al-hijamah to 0.667±.0.020 mmol/L after it (P<0.001). For control subjects receiving ICT only, TAC was 0.2551±0.172 mmol/L. Mean serum ferritin before the procedure was 3,778.350±551.633 ng/mL, which dropped to 2,825.300±558.94 ng/mL after the procedure with a highly significant difference (P<0.001). For controls, serum ferritin was 3,787.40±123.81 ng/mL and remained high.‘
This indicates that a single session of Al-hijamah (+ICT) decreases MDA oxidant levels by around 69%, on the other hand it increases the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of the body by 161%. At the same time serum ferritin levels dropped by 25%. The control group was only given iron chelation therapy (ICT), which did not help in improving the measured parameters.
Al-hijamah has traditionally been used to fight various ills, including fever, and has been shown in at least two studies, to dramatically increase the number of killer T cells and natural killer cells.[109] These attributes, together with the decrease in iron overload, may be a big help when fighting a ‘novel’ virus, or even malignancies come to that.
It can also be self-administered, though, maybe unsurprisingly, it is easier to do on others than oneself. Without any proof, it is likely that primitive humans were much more prone to injury than we are. Furthermore, it is unlikely they were as skilled at stemming the flow of blood. This could provide the basis for evolutionary benefit, as well as explain the extreme popularity of medical bloodletting, throughout the centuries as well as throughout wildly different cultures.
About Urine therapy
Urine therapy (UT) consists of injecting, introducing, drinking or massaging the patient’s own urine, into their body. The healing effect is much amplified if prolonged fasting is practised simultaneously, which is known as a distilled waters (DWs) fast. Urine therapy has been practised for at least 5,000 years, and during that time many regions and cultures have made use of the therapy. There are literally hundreds of first-hand testimonials/case studies, many from people who were in a dire state prior to trying UT. The healing effects claimed, are pretty amazing, both in the range of conditions treated as well as the speed with which they resolve. There are a number of books written on the subject, which are also pretty compelling.[110]
Personally, I’ve witnessed a rather bad infection cured in hours by topical/oral use, as well as a case of regaining voice in a day or two, after 2-3 months loss. I, and many others, have also found UT useful in the case of general ailments such as colds and flu, as well as superficial injuries like burns, stings etc., decreasing both symptom severity and healing time. It is obviously a controversial therapy, and in my experience, people aren’t too happy to talk about it. Nevertheless, given that it is free, and can do no harm, why not try? How do I know it can do no harm? Because urine is literally filtered blood; if the urine were very toxic, then the body it came from would likely be dead.
There are exceptions, for example someone suffering arsenic poisoning would expel most of the arsenic through the urine, though other toxic metals are not let through to the same extent by the kidneys. Those taking prescription medication, or recreational drugs, should be wary. Though having said that, recreational drug users at least can ‘recycle’ part of the drug through ingesting urine, saving money and reducing negative effects in the process. It is also the case that the amniotic fluid surrounding human fetuses in the womb is essentially urine. This means that we have all drank, and breathed, ‘urine’ for around 9 months.
I would strongly recommend people to research this therapy, especially those who are exhibiting covid symptoms. An excerpt from the book ‘Harald W. Tietze, Urine The Holy Water’, explains the success of urine therapy during the 1918 United States Flu Pandemic: [111]
The delegate from South Africa, Credo Mutwa, had a very interesting story to tell. Mr. Mutwa said that 70 years ago urine therapy saved thousands of lives in South Africa. Not many people remember the terrible ‘flu at the end and after the first World War. This flu claimed around 100 million lives, many times the loss from the war itself. He said:
”A man had two women, a black one and a white one. These women cared for the people infected by the ‘flu and eased their suffering in the few days until they died and buried the dead. Anyone else who had worked so close to infected people would have got the ‘flu themselves but not these two women. They told others to start urine therapy, the only protection against the killer disease. The word spread and many thousands started the treatment. Not one, not one of the people drinking their own urine died”.
The Cost
Apart from the UVB, and possibly the infrared, the essential items on the list are quite inexpensive. Producing distilled water may not be cheap, but less expensive filtering methods can be employed.
A grounding strap to the leg will keep you grounded whilst sleeping, and the grounding strap itself can be homemade out of any type of conductor. Then make the ground connection using wire (with safety resistor, if wanted) and a crocodile clip, which can then be attached to: grounded water pipes; a home-made grounding rod, or the house ground. It costs nothing to walk barefoot, but is often impracticable, and grounding shoes are hard to come by. The Reebok shoes cost about €101 including postage, but not including EU duties. An alternative is to use a grounding strap that can be used with any shoe (€12). In all cases, conductive socks (€13) are required. A cheaper alternative might be leather soled shoes, coupled with woollen or cotton socks, though the connection to earth will not be as strong as with conductive shoes.
The suggestion concerning organic food specifies ‘where possible’, and if buying all organic is not an option, then it might be possible to grow some basic vegetables in a garden or allotment, else to find a farm that doesn’t use the most poisonous fertilisers/herbicides, such as phosphate/glyphosate, and keeps grass fed animals. It seems, though, that recently there is much more organic produce, and the cost is not as prohibitive as it was a decade or so ago. In fact, where I live there is now only a small percentage difference between organic and non-organic in the case of milk, eggs and some vegetables such as carrots.
As for the supplements, the cost depends on the dosage. For example, 1 kg of MSM costs €39. At a dose of 2*2.5 g per day, 1 kg would last 200 days. Stopping salt could allow a noticeable reduction in food intake, plus the salt doesn’t have to be bought in the first place. Cholesterol, collagen, choline and sulphur, together with other valuable nutrients, can be gained from fresh eggs. Organic eggs may not be much more expensive than conventional ones. Drying and crushing the shells provides a calcium supplement that is safer, and certainly cheaper, than store bought alternatives.
Therapeutic near infrared (NIR) lamps, for example, the Philips high power version costs €178, it also uses 650W of electric power. NIR bulbs (around 150W) can be bought singly, and rigged together. Replacing domestic lighting with halogen bulbs is not necessarily prohibitively expensive.
The ultra violet b (UVB) requirement for more or less year long, daily exposure is likely problematic; there are few, if any, places in Europe where there is enough sunlight. The Sperti lamp costs (inc. 25% offer, which they seem to repeat) €642 including postage and EU duties. The tubes last 1000 hrs., and cost €77 in the US. It is also possible to home make a solution, for example, with the ‘G15T8E 15W Germicidal UV-B Fluorescent Lamp’. They are reasonably cheap, and the spectrum looks okay, unlike some UVB tubes meant for reptile houses; which may emit dangerous UVC radiation.
Depending on where you live, the chances of getting a doctor prescribed vitamin D lamp are probably not so good. However, if you can show a low vitamin D level, and supplementation doesn’t help, then a vitamin D lamp is a medically accepted way to improve the levels. The Sperti Lamps are FDA approved for improving low vitamin D. Tanning beds can also be used, but make sure they use tubes that also emit UVB. This used to be the case, but now they often omit UVB; outputting UVA only. Another problem with them, is that the 15 -20 minutes required each day is less than the time paid for, as well as the inconvenience incurred.
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Do NOT (re)take the mRNA/DNA Viral Vector Shots which are currently masquerading as Vaccines
After finishing the Evolutionary Health Plan (EHP) I had no thought of making any major changes because, well, evolution wasn’t going to alter much, so what would be the point? Unfortunately, the gene transfer injections that are being passed off as vaccines and, often unlawfully, being injected into as many arms as possible changed all that.
The Injectable Substances
The Moderna substance, named mRNA-1273, contains 40 trillion messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in a 100 µg (microgram) dose. The BioNTech/Pfizer substance, known as BNT162b1, is 30 µg/dose which would equate to 12 trillion mRNAs given a similar density to Moderna. The 40 trillion number has been stated many times by Dr. Charles Hoffe; unfortunately, he gave no source to back it up. A search through many documents, produced by both the Health Authorities and Manufacturers, was unsuccessful. In fact it was a comment in a random thread that seems to back up the estimation, it was written by Jim Woodgett, former Director of Research at Mount Sinai Hospital (2005-2021):
The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein encodes a 1273 amino acid protein. Multiple by 3 to get the number of nucleotides and add some untranslated regions for directing translational start and aiding in stability it rounds to approximately 5,000 nucleotides. 1 nucleotide of RNA has a mass of (averaged) of 320 Daltons. So an RNA comprised of 5,000 nucleotides has a mass of 1600 kiloDaltons.
Using the same formula as for the spike amounts, Pfizer’s 30 μg (30E-6g) dose results in: 6.022E23*30E-6/1600E3 = 11.29 trillion. Plugging in for Moderna’s 100 μg dose gives 37.64 trillion.
The DNA viral vector substances contain two orders of magnitude fewer genetic molecules per dose than the mRNAs. The Johnson & Johnson single-dose therapy denoted Ad26.COV2.S, is comprised of 5×1010 particles [1]. AstraZeneca’s two-dose therapy also contains 5×1010 particles per dose [1a]. It is, though, worth mentioning that they infiltrate the cell using a non-recognized virus (hence viral vector), and end up in a much more sensitive area, the cell nucleus. Once there, they give instructions to produce the spike protein. The mRNA particles are not designed to enter the nucleus; instead, they are (supposedly) confined to the cytosol. Regardless, it seems the mRNAs are becoming the ‘vaccine’ of choice in Europe. For this reason, at least, the rest of this article looks only at the mRNA injections.
Figure 1 – The distribution of the number of human cells by cell type[1b].
Update_1: Cells which are non-nucleated contain no ribosomes with which to translate the mRNAs into spike proteins. There are only two types of cell in the body which do not have a nucleus; mature red blood cells and platelets. As depicted in Figure 1 RBCs account for 84% and platelets 5% of the total cell count. No more than 2% of the RBCs are immature, known as reticulocytes, which means around 87% of all cells are non-nucleated. 87% of 36 trillion is 32 trillion, leaving only around 4 trillion cells as viable targets for the mRNA molecules.
According to Pfizer’s biodistribution study, only 50% @1hr. to 25% @48hrs. of the LNPs stay at the injection site. The other 9(Pfizer)/30(Moderna) trillion LNPs will have entered the bloodstream. The whole concept becomes quite ridiculous when considering Pfizer et al. promised that the injection will stay in the arm muscle; from Figure 1 there are only 360 million muscle cells in the whole body, so how could they possibly expect that the 12(Pfizer)/40(Moderna) trillion particles will stay in the upper arm muscle?
It is also becoming apparent that, in all cases, the substances are weirdly contaminated (Video Excerpt 5) in a way not seen in other traditional vaccines such as the flu vaccine.
The Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs)
Anyway, a single messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is encapsulated in a lipid nanoparticle, and each mRNA strand is designed to produce multiple spike proteins. However, in order to work, the mRNA must be intracellular, in other words, it must first gain access to one of our cells. Dr. S. Seneff et al. have broken down the components of the lipid nanoparticles surrounding the mRNA molecule:
The lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in these vaccines are composed of ionizable cationic lipids, phospholipids, cholesterol and polyethyleine glycol (PEG). Together, this mixture assembles into a stable lipid bilayer around the mRNA molecule [1c].
The PEG lipids are known to induce allergic reactions in people, and are the main reason that people are required to wait for 15 minutes or so, post-vaccination:
In an article published in May 2019, prior to large clinical trials involving these PEGylated vaccines, Mohamed et. al. (2019) described a number of concerning findings regarding PEG and the immunological activation it had been shown to produce, which includes humoral, cell-mediated, and complement-based activation. They note that, paradoxically, large injection doses of PEG cause no apparent allergic reaction. Small doses, though, can lead to dramatic pathological immune activation. Vaccines employing PEGylation utilize micromolar amounts of these lipids, constituting this potentially immunogenic low-dose exposure [1c].
The cationic lipids carry a positive charge. Our cells are negatively charged, both internally and on the cell membrane, therefore an artificially inserted positive charge is like a red rag to a bull. The vaccine manufacturers count on this to elicit an immune response. In other words, they use the positivity as an adjuvant, which they seem to think is less dangerous than the physical toxins previously used, such as aluminium. But they do not know for certain, because there have been no long-term animal trials. And when this positive charge enters the red blood cells it upends their normal charge causing them to stick together in a way that is, well, horrifying.
Figure 1a – Microscope image of vaccinated person’s blood
Figure 2 – Microscope image of normal vs. vaccinated person’s blood
The image in Figure 1a was made by Dr. Barbel Ghitalla, a German doctor who states ‘she has never before seen anything like this’. The stacking phenomena, whereby four or more blood cells join together like a string of beads are known as ‘rouleaux’ formations which are generally only seen in those with severe blood pathologies. The image in Figure 2 was taken by Dr Philippe van Welbergen, a doctor practising in the UK, clearly showing the blood of a vaccinated person looks completely different from normal.
It is also worth mentioning that the organelles and structures within any cell are all negatively charged. When the positively charged LNPs enter the cell, they will become electrostatically attracted to the negatively charged molecules within the cell. After a while, they become unstuck, and will then stick to other negatively charged molecules. This can obviously cause a great deal of damage, not least to the scaffolding surrounding the DNA, known as DNA nanostructures (DNs), and the mitochondria.
The effects in both slides can be explained by two main methods of action, both involving positive charge. Firstly, the LNPs that enter the red blood cells may damage some; it is unlikely RBCs will be as vulnerable to the LNPs and mRNAs as nucleated cells since they contain no DNA or organelles, nor do they have any ribosomes with which to translate the mRNA into spike proteins.
Update_2: Even so, the RBCs do contain one negatively charged macromolecule, namely the haemoglobin. Research carried out by Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD has unequivocally shown that the Pfizer substance has a considerable adverse effect on the haemoglobin.
Figure 2a– Saline added to red blood cells – from research by Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD.
Figure 2b– Pfizer substance added to red blood cells – from research by Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD.
Specifically, the RBCs are not able to hold as much oxygen, which is apparent from the microscope images shown above. Saline has been added to the blood in Figure 2a, and it can be seen that the vibrant red colour is unchanged. The Pfizer substance added to the blood in Figure 2b tells a whole different story; the RBCs look brown, and it is difficult to see any red at all. Neither do they re-saturate when exposed to air, as normal RBCs would, and instead stay an unsaturated brown colour. This points to long-term damage to the haemoglobin which, in my view, is likely caused by the positively charged LNPs attaching to the negatively charged haemoglobin. RBCs have a life-span of 120 days meaning the detrimental effect on any RBC may continue for up to 4 months.
Secondly, as mentioned previously, the cationic lipid in the LNP carries a positive charge; red blood cells, indeed all cells, are surrounded by a negative charge. This negative charge causes the RBCs to both move faster and be repelled by each other. It is blindingly obvious that replacing the negative with a positive charge will have serious negative consequences.
Cholesterol is another component of the lipid used, and its function is to ‘fool’ the cell into thinking it is taking up a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle.
The classical way in which substances injected into muscles reach the bloodstream (if you are ‘lucky’) is via the lymphatic system. However, Dr. Bhakdi points out that the extremely quick appearance of the LNPs in the bloodstream (Figure 3) indicates that some are directly entering the bloodstream via a process known as transcytosis. Basically, the muscle cells take up the LNPs and spit them out the other side, allowing them to directly access the nearest blood vessel.
The Spike Proteins
The SARS-CoV-2 virus spike consists of two so-called subunits, S1 and S2. The S2 subunit contains the cell infiltration machinery, necessary for the virus to enter the cell; however, it can only infiltrate a cell if it is already anchored to it. That is where the S1 subunit comes in, by attaching to receptors present in the cellular membrane; specifically, but not exclusively, to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors. The prevalent Big Pharma narrative, as to how these things work, goes roughly like this [my brackets]:
But mRNA vaccines do something different [from conventional vaccines]: They teach human body cells how to make a harmless piece of a protein — a “spike protein” — that’s also found on the surface of the coronavirus. After that protein piece emerges on the surface of a cell, the human immune system recognizes it and begins making antibodies for it— which offer protection if the person is exposed to the actual virus in the future.[2]
Even if the isolated spike protein were harmless, which it most certainly is not, what do they/you think the immune system does when it recognises a pathogen within a cell which is so dangerous that antibodies must be produced? Does the immune system say to itself; yeah, we must now start the process of antibody creation in order to subdue this intracellular pathogen, but let’s just leave the infected cell alone?? Of course not; rather, it immediately destroys the cell in order to prevent pathogenic spread.
And therein lies the first major problem with these injectables; when the mRNAs get into your cells, as they are designed to do, the immune system attacks those cells with all its might. Technically, the immune system cannot ‘see’ what is happening inside of any given cell; however, evolution has found a way around this problem. A protein known as major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC class I) ‘chops up’ the intracellular proteins floating around in the cytosol. It then takes these protein bits and presents them on the outer membrane of the cell so that any patrolling killer T cells can figure out whether there is an intracellular infection or not.
The question now remains – into which cells do the LNPs go, once injected into the arm muscle? Another question might be – why have the majority of Health Authorities allowed these to go forward without finding out? As far as I know, the only country to ask for this information is Japan. The Authorities there were rightly concerned regarding the biodistribution of the LNPs, and therefore asked Pfizer to do a study. Pfizer complied by injecting luciferase modRNA-encapsulated LNPs, into Wistar Han rats [3].
Figure 3 – Pfizer’s Biodistribution Study (translated from Japanese)[3]
As can be seen in Figure 3 at 48 hrs only 24.6% of the LNPs stay at the injection site (marked with a red box), the remaining particles spread out over the whole body. Maybe unsurprisingly, the largest amounts were found in the liver and spleen; however, the adrenal glands, ovaries, bone marrow, distal lymph nodes, intestines, and testes also contained relatively large numbers. Disturbingly, the LNPs were also found in the brain. It may only be 0.009% (@48 hrs); however, a very small percentage of a very very large number can still add up. In the case of Moderna 3.6 billion lipid nanoparticles will find their way into the brain endothelial cells, a proportion of which will escape and end up in other brain cells such as neurons. The free circulating spikes will neither be deterred by the blood-brain barrier and so will also end up in the cerebrovascular system.
It is true that the rats were given a relatively massive dose of 50µg (20 trillion LNPs), and so the results may not be completely applicable to much heavier humans receiving the 30µg dose. Nonetheless, this was Pfizer’s analysis and it must be assumed that they consider the results valid for the human injections, since that is why they were told to undertake the biodistribution study in the first place.
According to Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, and I really recommend checking out his informative, though incredibly scary, videos the LNPs themselves tend not to leave the cardiovascular system as they are too large; which means that the LNPs identified in, say, the liver in Figure 3, are actually mainly present in the capillary system that feeds the liver. This is very bad news for the injected since it is certain that both vessel wall damage and blood clotting will occur simultaneously in those vessels that have taken up the nanoparticles. The vessel wall damage will mainly be caused by killer lymphocytes. There are two kinds of killer lymphocytes; killer T cells (KTCs) and natural killer cells (NKCs).
As mentioned above, the KTCs will only attack when they notice that viral parts are being presented by the MHC class I; however, natural killer cells will attack cells that have downregulated MHC class I. In other words, those intracellular pathogens that have evolved to outwit the KTCs by stopping the MHC class I, and thereby hiding their presence, will be quickly killed by NKCs. The spike protein does not affect MHC class I output, so it could be expected that the immune response against the mRNA-containing cells will consist only of KTCs. As far as the natural infection goes, NKCs may also join the fray since, according to a recent paper, SARS-CoV-2 expresses a protein, ORF8, which will drastically reduce the MHC class I expression[4].
The killer T cells do not know that lunatics have purposely put those viral parts there, nor indeed that those viral parts are, according to the lunatics, completely harmless. In fact, all we ever hear is how ‘harmless’ the injected genetic strand that churns out who knows how many spike proteins for who knows how long is. So, if the LNPs will preferentially enter the cells lining the blood vessel walls, what exactly happens next?
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, who is an expert on the complement immune response, thinks that those who are getting a 2nd dose of the mRNA substance, else those previously infected getting the 1st dose, will be in even greater peril. The killer T cells will have had time to signal the much more aggressive complement system, on top of which, the spikes pushing through the cell membranes will attract antibodies whose only job is to mark the epitope for complement destruction. In fact, the complement system has not evolved to fight viruses but rather bacteria, which it identifies via antibodies, and then devours. According to Dr. Bhakdi, the vaccine-induced antibodies will cause the phagocytes to attack cells that have S proteins jutting through, thinking there is a bacterial infection. Furthermore, the protruding spikes will also activate platelets which will cause the blood to clot; if enough platelets are killed in action, the body may become depleted, leading to thrombocytopenia. Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi and partner have written a book, ‘Corona Unmasked‘, with a specific chapter dealing with the gene transfer injections available for free download[5].
Now the question becomes; what happens to the S1 spikes that detach from the cells and end up floating around in the bloodstream? A research paper published in Circulation Research states [6]:
Although the use of a noninfectious pseudovirus is a limitation to this study, our data reveals that S protein alone can damage endothelium, manifested by impaired mitochondrial function and eNOS activity but increased glycolysis.
Figure 4 – S1 spike protein damage to endothelial cells
Figure 4 shows the effects of both immunoglobulin G (IgG), and the S1 spike on the mitochondria. It can be seen that the antibodies introduced on the lhs have little impact on the mitochondria of endothelial cells (ECs); whereas, the S1 spike more or less blows them up, as can be seen in the magnified section (rhs-bottom slide). The authors of the study sum up:
We next studied the impact of S protein on mitochondrial function. Confocal images of ECs treated with S1 protein revealed increased mitochondrial fragmentation, indicating altered mitochondrial dynamics.
Unfortunately, yet unsurprisingly, the authors conclude:
Collectively, our results suggest that the S protein-exerted EC damage overrides the decreased virus infectivity. This conclusion suggests that vaccination-generated antibody and/or exogenous antibody against S protein not only protects the host from SARS-CoV-2 infectivity but also inhibits S protein imposed endothelial injury.
It should be noted that the authors are not immunologists, and it is unclear from the data how they could have come to such a wide-ranging conclusion. While it is true that a single antibody will bind to a single S1 epitope; how do they know the body can produce enough antibodies for the potential trillions of spike proteins produced by the mRNAs? Furthermore, what about the mRNA recipients who have no antibodies when taking the 1st dose? It takes days for even the fast IgG antibodies to be produced, during which time the unfortunate recipients will have no antibody protection at all. Though, even if loads of antibodies were present, the recipients would still be unfortunate in that their antibodies will attach to their spike protruding cells and so activate the complement immune system.
Yet another study showing potential harms from the spike investigated its effects on human cardiac pericytes [7]. Pericytes (PCs) are cells that wrap around the endothelial cells, and so are also an obvious target for the LNPs circulating the bloodstream. However, the present study looked purely at the effects of the spike protein on cardiac PCs. It is a complicated paper, at least for me; however, the main takeaway seems to be that cardiac PCs are indeed at risk. The main difference seems to be that S protein attacks on ECs use the ACE2 receptor, whereas the PCs are damaged when the spikes preferentially attach to the CD147 receptor. This is summarised in Figure 5
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Figure 5 – Effects of SARS-CoV-2 S protein on the heart vascular pericytes
Another doctor, Bruce Patterson, believes that a major cause of long-covid, or Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), is incomplete clearance of the S1 protein by certain innate immune cells. He presents the evidence in a research paper, which states that a particular subset of monocytes may be a primary cause of PASC [7a].
Monocytes (MC) are immune (white blood) cells which account for around 2-10% of the total immune cell population. Classical monocytes (CMCs) are produced in the bone marrow, and under normal conditions most of them will patrol the body for a day, after which they either die else infiltrate tissue and differentiate (change) into either macrophages or dendritic cells. A few (≈15%), though, will turn into intermediate and thereafter non-classical monocytes.

This progression, from classical to non-classical MCs is shown in Figure 5a; the intermediate and non-classical monocytes normally have a lifespan of around 4 and 7 days respectively. The initials CD are used to identify particular sets of cell surface molecules, the polarity sign indicates if these molecules are presented or not. It can be confusing, especially since descriptors other than polarity, can be used; for example, CD34LOW, CD2– would refer to a cell type that expresses relatively small amounts of CD34 and no CD2.
Dr. Patterson has found that the S1 protein has been found in PASC patients:
‘…, we found distinct subpopulations of SARS-CoV-2 containing cells in the CD14lo, CD16+ monocytic subset for 73% (19 out of 26) of PASC patients and 91% (10 out of 11) of severe COVID-19 patients.’
Nonclassical monocytes (NCMCs) are denoted as CD14lo and CD16+, and it is these particular monocytes which are found to contain viral parts from the S1 protein up to 15 months after the initial infection. This is much longer than the expected 7-day lifespan, so why do they keep on living? The research paper makes the case that cytokines are the main factor:
‘It has been shown in both humans and mice that nonclassical monocytes require fractalkine (CX3CL1) and TNF to inhibit apoptosis and promote cell survival. Our previous data show high IFN-γ levels in PASC individuals, which can induce TNF-α production. Further, TNF-α and IFN-γ induce fractalkine production by vascular endothelial cells.’
So, the cytokines tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interferon-gamma (IFN-ɣ) will upregulate the production of a chemokine, which is itself a specialised type of cytokine, known as CX3CLI or fractalkine. According to Dr. Patterson, it is mainly the high expression of fractalkine (+ TNF) which prevents the NCMCs from committing apoptosis.
As to how the S1 proteins get into the nonclassical MCs in the first place, Dr. Patterson notes that the classical monocytes are phagocytic and so will eat SARS-CoV-2 viral parts – if the CMCs differentiate into intermediate, then non-classical MCs, the viral parts will follow with. It is also the case that CMCs express high levels of ACE2, and so may become directly infected. The other two monocyte subsets express low levels of ACE2, though the intermediate MCs have higher levels than the NCMCs. Further, the NCMCs, though not the intermediate MCs, exhibit some phagocytic activity and so will also munch up viral parts as they patrol the endothelial cells (ECs). This patrolling of the ECs is exclusive to the non-classical monocytes, as they very slowly crawl (@ 15 µm/min) along the vessel walls.
Although Dr. Patterson’s research here is related to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection/PASC, it seems quite plausible that the same mechanisms will be activated in the case of vaccine-induced S protein proliferation. The only part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus found in the NCMCs was the S1 protein; the exact same viral protein produced in extremely large numbers by the gene transfer injections.
The Amount of S1 and S Spike Proteins Circulating in the Post Injected Bloodstream
Figure 6 – Concentration of circulating spike protein in Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine recipients [8]
The S1 spikes and spikes are denoted by circular markers, joined by solid lines. The immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses to these antigens are denoted by triangular markers, joined by dotted lines.
The fact that no spike response is recorded after the second vaccination (day 28) does suggest that the IgG antibodies quickly attach to the free circulating spikes, allowing macrophages and other innate immune cells to get rid of them. However, this also suggests that those antibodies will quickly attach to the spikes jutting out of those cells that have taken up the mRNA, and cause the complement system to attack them.
It should be noted that the detection limit is around 15 pg/ml for the S1 spike and 30 pg/ml for the spike, which means that levels below those amounts would record as zero.
To try to get a rough estimate of just how many S1 spikes are circulating, the molecular weight (MW) of an S1 protein must be known. The MW of the S1 spike protein is 78.3 KD (kilodaltons) [9]. To find the number of S1 spike molecules in 1ml blood, the weight (80 pg) must be multiplied by Avogadro’s constant (6.022E23) and then divided by the molecular weight.
So, the number of S1 molecules in 80 pg (80E-12g) is 6.022E23*80E-12/78300 = 615E6/ml
Given a rough average of 5l blood volume, then the number of ml = 5,000; therefore, the total number of S1 spikes in the bloodstream @ 80pg/ml concentration = 615E6*5E3 = 3E12 = 3 trillion spikes.
The participants in the study had all received the Moderna mRNA-1273 which contains more than three times the number of mRNA molecules as BioNTech/Pfizer’s BNT162b1. Dr. Mike Yeadon made the point that it is impossible to correctly dose these therapies, as different people will make vastly different amounts according to various physiological factors. It is clear from Figure 6 that participant #3 will end up with nearly 6 trillion S1 spikes, whereas #5 will ‘only’ produce around 0.8 trillion at those times when the spike concentration is at a peak.
The Short-Term Harms from the Spike Protein – Cardiovascular/Neurological Damage, Inflammation and Autoimmunity
Dr. Charles Hoffe, a Canadian physician, found that 62% of his mRNA-injected patients had a positive D-dimer test. He states that in order to be valid (no false negatives), the D-dimer test (together with platelet count) must be undertaken within 4-7 days post-vaccination. A positive D-dimer is bad news, as it irrefutably confirms microvascular clotting. Also worrying are the reports of mRNA recipients reporting a positive d-dimer test long after 7 days, suggesting that for some the microvascular clotting is an ongoing issue.
As opposed to macrovascular clotting, which will become immediately apparent due to severe symptoms and positive MRI/CT scans, microvascular clotting may go unnoticed for quite some time, depending on the location and severity of the clots. The average human has a capillary network that stretches nearly 100,000 km, so the only question is how many of these kilometres will be destroyed, and how long before the mRNA recipient notices related symptoms? The answer can now only come from observation since the correct animal trials were never undertaken. Around 600 km of the capillary network is found in the brain; neurological harm will come from both the LNPs in the endothelial cells and the free spikes circulating the bloodstream. The spikes are too small to be blocked by the blood-brain barrier, as many mRNA recipients are now finding out.
As mentioned earlier, vessel wall damage will result from the killer T cells attacking mRNA-infected endothelial cells; if IgG antibodies are also present, then the complement system will also attack. On top of this, the spikes protruding through the ECs will activate platelets; once platelets are activated, their only function is to cause clotting.
mRNA-induced inflammation is a no brainer. Immune cells use oxidative processes to kill damaged and ‘infected’ cells. As mentioned in the EHP, inflammation will result from oxidative damage.
The classical path to autoimmunity is via molecular mimicry; however, Prof. Bahkdi thinks there may be a more immediate route. Thanks to the mobility of the LNPs, they can reach and ‘infect’ cells that the natural illness could never reach. Therefore, the immune system will be taught to attack a variety of human cells, which is really the definition of autoimmune disease. For example, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), an immune disorder whereby the immune system attacks platelets, has occurred in mRNA recipients at a median 5 days post-injection. This is too soon to be antibody-related (given no prior infection) and points to direct attacks by the KTCs.
The Longer-Term Harms from the Spike Protein
Re-emergence of Latent Viruses or Tumours Due to Dysfunctional Immune Response
There are numerous reports of mRNA-injected people (re)developing viral infections, such as shingles (herpes zoster), herpes simplex (HSV) or Epstein-Barr virus. There are also reports of tumour initiation and/or growth in an ever-larger subsection of mRNA recipients.
The problem is that our memory immune cells, including killer T cells and natural killer cells, tend to live in lymph organs, emerging only once a pathogen is detected. Same with antibodies and is the reason why testing whole populations is a fool’s errand; the immune system only releases the required antibodies when it is under attack. The lipid nanoparticles will obviously pass through the lymph nodes (Figure 3), and so they will enter some of the cells, including the killer lymphocytes. When this occurs, other non-infected lymphocytes will attack, thinking a pathogen is running riot. This is not good, since many immune cells have memory, and when they are killed by their own kind that memory is gone. This means the collective memory of the immune system will be, to some extent, damaged; potentially allowing latent viruses or tumours to reactivate.
A specific way in which the mRNA attack on immune cells could lead to carcinogenesis is highlighted by a Dutch research paper, they state [10]:
The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger. In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.
Toll-like receptors are proteins found either in the cellular membrane or intracellularly, and there are 10 TLR types in humans, denoted TLR1 through TLR10. They are especially expressed on the cells of the innate immune system allowing pathogens, including tumours, to be quickly recognised and dealt with. The adaptive immune cells, for example, killer T cells, also employ TLRs, meaning that the overall effect of the reduced TLR4/7/8 response mentioned in the paper could be wide-ranging.
As mentioned in the EHP, cancerous cells can only survive if their mitochondria are damaged; a cell with healthy mitochondria will have a very hard time staying cancerous for long. It is way past clear that the spike proteins damage mitochondria when they attach to the ACE2 receptors (Figure 4), it is also clear that the LNPs themselves will kill some cells, and damage others due to their positive charge. It then becomes possible that the damaged cells will neither be able to mount a defence if oncological changes occur.
Autoimmunity caused by Pathogenic Priming
Pathogenic priming in the context of the viral triggering of autoimmunity is caused by homologous proteins. Proteins are made up of amino acid chains, known as polypeptides, and if two proteins are homologous it just means they have a degree of similarity to one another. This obviously becomes problematic if the similarity is such that antibodies produced in response to an antigen, will also respond against a homologous self-protein. The peptides on an antigen that are recognised and responded to by the immune system are known as epitopes.
This is also known as molecular mimicry and may occur in people having a natural SARS-CoV-2 infection. It would then seem logical that the mRNA should translate one of the SARS-CoV-2 functional proteins without, or with the lowest amount of, molecular mimicry. The authors of the paper do in fact make this point [my red marking] [12]:
The extent of the molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and the human proteome should be carefully analyzed as a mandatory step preliminarily to any vaccine formulation As a matter of fact, because of the pathogen–host peptide commonality, a potential consequence of vaccination might consist of a specific autoimmune reactions hitting self-antigens such as the already analyzed alveolar surfactant protein. Only peptide sequences uniquely belonging to the virus can represent the basis for safe and specific vaccinations protocols.
Unfortunately, the mRNA manufacturers did just the opposite and picked one of the proteins, the S protein, exhibiting the highest propensity for molecular mimicry:
Thirty-seven SARS-CoV-2 proteins were downloaded from the NCBI SARS-CoV-2 NCBI resource. Of these, 8 proteins had no recognizably immunogenic peptides. The remaining proteins had between one and six immunogenic peptides (Table 1). The proteins with the largest number of immunogenic peptides were the Spike, or S protein (N = 6 in total), and the non-structural protein NS3 (also N = 6; Table 1).[11]
Figure 7 – Recognisably immunogenic peptides in the S protein
Dr. Seneff also touches on this issue, by noting that not only are numerous heptapeptides found in the spike protein similar to human ones but that 2 of them are identical over a long sequence [1c]:
Another group [12], in a paper predominantly about the wide range of autoimmune diseases found in association with a prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, also investigated how the spike protein could trigger such a range of diseases. They report, in Table 1 of that reference, strings of heptapeptides within the human proteome that overlap with the spike protein generated by SARS-CoV-2. They identified 26 heptapeptides found in humans and in the spike protein. It is interesting to note that 2 of the 26 overlapping heptapeptides were found to be sequential, a strikingly long string of identical peptides to be found in common between endogenous human proteins and the spike protein. Commenting on the overlapping peptides they had discovered and the potential for this to drive many types of autoimmunity simultaneously, they comment, “The clinical scenario that emerges is upsetting.” Indeed, it is.
Dr. Seneff continues, pointing out some of the potential long-term autoimmune effects:
These important findings need to be emphasized. Antibodies with a high binding affinity to SARSCoV-2 spike and other proteins also have a high binding affinity with tTG (associated with Celiac Disease), TPO (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), myelin basic protein (multiple sclerosis), and several endogenous proteins. Unlike the autoimmune process associated with pathogen priming, these autoimmune diseases typically take years to manifest symptomatically.
Paradoxical Immune Enhancement
The classical cause of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), is that a subset of antibodies created by the host, instead of blocking the virus’ ability to anchor to the host cell, actually makes it easier. The authors of a 2021 paper have found a specific site on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is amenable to ADE[13].
Figure 8 – Graphical representation of ADE on the spike protein
They provide a graphical depiction of their findings, shown in Figure 8. Most of the antibodies would bind to the RBD (receptor-binding domain), thereby preventing the spike from attaching to the host cell. A few antibodies, though, will bind to the N-terminal domain (NTD), as shown on the rhs. of Figure 8, and by doing so ‘open’ the RBDs such that they can easier attach to the host cell, in this case via the ACE2 receptors. The authors explain thusly:
As expected, most of the antibodies against the RBD domain blocked the binding of ACE2 to the spike protein, and antibodies against the S2 domain did not affect ACE2 binding. However, a specific subset of antibodies targeting the NTD domain (denoted ‘‘enhancing antibodies’’), including 8D2 (Chi et al., 2020), COV2-2210, COV2-2369, COV2-2490, COV2-2582, and COV2-2660, were found to enhance the binding of ACE2 to the spike protein.
As true as this may be, Prof. Bahkdi believes there is another cause to explain immune enhancement and that the ADE process mentioned above is not really relevant in the case of respiratory viruses; at least in those whose lung tissue is not already badly damaged. The reason is that the number of antibodies present at those locations where the virus first enters the lower pulmonary system is minuscule.
Given that the blood volume of the lungs is about 450 millilitres on average, about 9% of the total blood volume, then only this percentage of total antibodies produced will be within the lung tissue. Then the question becomes, how many of this 9% will be present at the sites where the virus actually enters the lung, that is on the surface of the lung epithelial cells? According to Prof. Bahkdi, who has researched respiratory viruses over decades, very, very few. This may well explain why the mRNA induced antibodies give little immunity to the virus, and their only ‘positive’ effect is in stopping the serious illness that will occur if the virus breaks through damaged lung tissue, thereby directly entering the bloodstream. In this case, the vaccine antibodies may well limit the damage by binding to spike proteins that break away and cause the distant damages seen in severe infections, often leading to ‘long-covid’.
In fact, the whole intact virus does not travel far in the bloodstream (it is a respiratory, not bloodstream, virus!), again pointing to the fact that it is mainly the spike proteins that cause damage in places distant to the lung. Nevertheless, the virus itself will potentially cause massive damage to the pulmonary system, due to lymphocytic attack. And even if the virus does not reach many other cell types in the body, one cell type comes to the virus. The red blood cells will pass through the virally infected lung parts and in doing so become a target for the virus. Specifically, three SARS-CoV-2 proteins; envelope protein (E), nucleocapsid phosphoprotein (N) and ORF3a have heme-iron linked sites. A paper [13a] which researched this in great detail, points out that these three proteins have the ability to basically destroy the oxygen-carrying capability of the haemoglobin, which would explain why ventilation kills so many. It doesn’t matter how much oxygen gets into the lungs if the RBCs are unable to bind with it. They examine a number of conventional drugs to see if they can help in this matter; however, they have not found the magic bullet, rather a weak positive effect from some of the drugs. It is a long, complicated, and sometimes speculative paper – for me it just reinforces the importance of stopping the virions before they move down into the lung. In any case, the spike protein does not attack RBCs in this way, though the gene transfer injections will still damage the RBCs, for example, via the positively charged lipid nanoparticles.
Prof. Bahkdi states that, rather than ADE, the effective cause of immune enhancement in this, indeed in all respiratory viruses, is a dysfunctional, overly aggressive immune system. Especially the killer lymphocytes will be ‘revved up’; and so viciously attack the infected lung cells, causing damage that can easily end up as fatal. Up until this magical therapy, nearly all test animals (and in the case of ie. Dengue fever, humans) vaccinated against various viruses, including coronaviruses, created a fantastic antibody response. Great, until the subjects were later introduced to the wild virus, after which they tended to become seriously ill, or succumb. Sound familiar? If not, it soon will!
A cynic may wonder why the animal trials for these gene transfer injections were stopped after a couple of months? And why were only a few animals tested, in the case of Pfizer, 12 rhesus macaques and 24 mice? In any case, during the very short time the animals were followed, none got sick, regardless of vaccination status. Pfizer sums up the uselessness of the whole endeavour as [14]:
In general, virus-challenged animals showed no clinical signs of significant disease. We conclude that the 2-4 year old male rhesus macaques challenge model is primarily a SARs-CoV-2 infection model and not for Covid-19 disease model.
So, thanks to DJT’s trust of Fauci (a mere puppet of The Capitalist Cabal), he suddenly abandoned his previously stated position on the uselessness of masking and the benefits of early treatment such as hydroxychloroquine and disinfectant; instead, rolling out ‘Operation Warp Speed’. Why could they not continue animal trials concurrently with the human ones? And why did the control arms of the human trials all end up getting the gene transfer injections, effectively wiping out any chance of comparison with a placebo group, which is the only point of a control arm in the first place? Now it seems they want to wipe out the control arm of the human population by ensuring that all get ‘vaccinated’. Good luck with that.
The Elephant in the Room – S Proteins are Potential Prions
A number of proteins in the body are made from PrP, or prion proteins. They are a part of the normal human proteome, and have a few defined physiological functions, for example helping the innate immune system; and likely many more, as yet undefined. They can, as with all non-prions, be broken down by the enzyme protease. These beneficial proteins tend to be found in cellular membranes, so are denoted PrPC.
Prions, though also made with PrP, are different in that they are misfolded, causing them to be infectious as well as resistant to breakdown by proteases. It also prevents them from entering the cellular membranes, as normal PrPC would do. The first prion pathology identified was scrapie which infects sheep, and so pathologic prions are denoted by PrPSC. Since, as with all proteins, prions are just amino acid chains, there is no infectious agent or machinery that could work in the same way as, say, a viral infection. Instead, the prion infects by inducing its misfolded properties onto normal cellular PrPs via touch.
Since the misfolding prevents the prions from fusing with the cellular membrane, they have nowhere to go, and will therefore end up congregating around the cell. And so the conditions for infection are perfect, and the prions will start to infect the normal PrPC, turning it into PrPSC. It used to be thought that a single prion would touch a cellular PrP, so creating another prion which in turn would infect another PrPC. It is now thought likely that the true action of prion infectivity is via fibrils; long tendrils which grow outwards as they infect ever more cellular PrPs. These fibrils are also known as amyloids. During this process the fibrils break, creating exponentially larger numbers of prions. Thankfully, a long incubation period of 5-20 years (according to Wiki anyway), means that Mad Pfizer Disease (MPD) will not become immediately apparent.
Unarguably, the best-known, yet most vicious prion on the planet is the Madcow prion which infects bovines, causing bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Unfortunately, it can also infect humans that have eaten the BSE-infected cattle, becoming variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD), in the process.
Dr. Seneff explains that transmembrane PrPs can have their amino acid chains capped by glycine residues, which are the simplest stable amino acids. This gives rise to a specific sequence motif which, in this case, is the amino acid sequence of a particular chain. A particular motif, known as the glycine zipper, is prone to misfolding – the signature hallmark of prions. She explains[1c]:
Furthermore, researchers have identified a signature motif linked to susceptibility to misfolding into toxic oligomers, called the glycine zipper motif. It is characterized by a pattern of two glycine residues spaced by three intervening amino acids, represented as GxxxG. The bovine prion linked to MADCOW has a spectacular sequence of ten GxxxGs in a row (see
Horrifyingly, the spike protein, as well as being a transmembrane protein, contains half as many glycine zippers as the Madcow prion[1c]:
When considering that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a transmembrane protein, and that it contains five GxxxG motifs in its sequence (see, it becomes extremely plausible that it could behave as a prion.
Unfortunately, the story does not end here; the spike proteins produced by the mRNA infected cells are not exactly the same as the ‘natural’ spikes mentioned above. They have themselves been modified, the exact process involved is explained by Dr. Seneff[1c]:
Normally, the spike protein flips very easily from a pre-fusion configuration to a post-fusion configuration. The spike protein that is in these vaccines has been tweaked to encourage it to favor a stable configuration in its prefusion state, as this state provokes a stronger immune response (Jackson et al., 2020). This was done via a “genetic mutation,” by replacing a critical two-residue segment with two proline residues at positions 986 and 987, at the top of the central helix of the S2 subunit (Wrapp et al., 2020). Proline is a highly inflexible amino acid, so it interferes with the transition to the fusion state.
This does not sound good; although not a normal cellular prion, the spike protein will nonetheless attempt to fuse with the cellular membrane. If the modification is designed to prevent this action, then the SMOD proteins will, like prions, be banished into the extracellular space. Dr. Seneff’s sombre summation does not make for pleasant reading[1c]:
One of the GxxxG sequences is present within its membrane fusion domain. Recall that the mRNA vaccines are designed with an altered sequence that replaces two adjacent amino acids in the fusion domain with a pair of prolines. This is done intentionally in order to force the protein to remain in its open state and make it harder for it to fuse with the membrane. This seems to us like a dangerous step towards misfolding potentially leading to prion disease.
Although vCJD is fast-acting, once symptoms present, other prion diseases progress slower. Specifically, the neurological diseases, which have only recently been identified as prion related, such as: Alzheimer’s; Parkinson’s; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), etc. may take years before finally killing the unfortunate sufferer.
Becoming One with The Spike Protein – The Potential for the Spike Protein Gene to be Taken Up into Our DNA
Again, if you look at what the ‘fact-checkers’ say about this possibility, the answer will be an emphatic ‘it’s impossible’. How these feeble-minded journalists, or professional big pharma shills, know this to be true is a mystery. In fact, it is perfectly possible that our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) will end up containing parts of the spike protein through a process known as reverse transcription. The ‘fact-checkers’ should be aware that the very process they call impossible is exactly the same process used by their useless RT-PCR (Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests; useless anyway at the high cycle thresholds (Cts) commonly used for identifying SARS-CoV-2.
In humans, reverse transcription happens using two main methods of action. In both cases, an enzyme, reverse transcriptase (RT), is employed. Firstly, a large class of retroviruses, for example, HIV, carry genes that allow reverse transcription from viral RNA to cDNA (complementary DNA) which can then be integrated into the host genome. Whilst SARS-CoV-2, along with other coronaviruses, are not retroviruses [15], it is possible that other retroviruses may reverse transcribe the mRNA produced spike protein into our genome. As Dr. Seneff puts it [1c]:
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are benign sections in the DNA of humans that closely resemble retroviruses, and that are believed to have become permanent sequences in the human genome through a process of integration from what was originally an exogenous retrovirus.
So, human endogenous retroviruses closely resemble exogenous retroviruses. Their reverse transcriptase, when expressed, has the theoretical capability to convert spike protein RNA from the mRNA vaccines into DNA. In other words, previous viruses caught by the host become permanently incorporated into the host genome, and have the ability to express reverse transcriptase; it is estimated that around 8% of the human genome is made up of these endogenous retroviruses.
Dr. Seneff also notes that elements of the HERVs closely resemble retrotransposons, which are the second way by which viral RNA might become integrated into the host DNA. Retrotransposons are genetic elements that can ‘copy and paste’ themselves from one part of the genome to another, in part by using reverse transcriptase. In fact, over 33% of the human genome consists of just two classes of retrotransposons; SINEs and LINEs. Once considered ‘junk’ DNA, Dr. Seneff explains that they are far from junk[1c]:
More than a third of the human genome is devoted to mysterious mobile DNA elements called SINEs and LINEs (short and long interspersed nuclear elements, respectively). LINEs provide reverse transcriptase capabilities to convert RNA into DNA, and SINEs provide support for integrating the DNA into the genome. Thus, these elements provide the tools needed to convert RNA into DNA and incorporate it into the genome so as to maintain the new gene through future generations.
It has now been proven that those suffering a severe natural infection do get viral sequences incorporated into their DNA. It is speculated that the cytokine storm, which often accompanies a severe attack, helps in this matter; however, it certainly does not preclude the same problem occurring in the mRNA-injected[1c]:
Researchers from MIT and Harvard published a disturbing paper in 2021, where they provided strong evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse transcribed into DNA and integrated into human DNA (Zhang et al., 2021). They were led to investigate this idea after having observed that many patients continue to test positive for COVID-19 after the virus has already been cleared from their body. The authors found chimeric transcripts that contained viral DNA sequences fused to cellular DNA sequences in patients who had recovered from COVID-19. Since COVID-19 often induces a cytokine storm in severe cases, they confirmed the possibility of enhanced reverse transcriptase activity through an in vitro study using cytokine-containing conditioned media in cell cultures. They found a 2-3-fold upregulation of endogenous LINE-1 expression in response to cytokines. The exogenous RNA from the virus incorporated into human DNA could produce fragments of viral proteins indefinitely after the infection has been cleared, and this yields a false-positive on a PCR test.
Birthing Problems, Infertility
At least two avenues of harm are possible via these gene transfer injections, with regard to reproductive problems. First, the direct immune system attack on cells presenting the spike proteins, and second the homologous nature of some of the viral epitopes with human proteins involved in the reproductive process. It is clear from Figure 3 that both the ovaries and testes will happily take up the LNPs, marked with a magenta/orange box, respectively. The LNPs were also present in the uterus (marked with a green box), though at lower levels. Disturbingly, the amounts in the ovaries appear to exponentially increase up to 48hrs; what happens after this is anybody’s guess, because Pfizer et al. have never looked!
The potential for molecular mimicry was first raised regarding the protein syncytin-1, a HERV which is essential to both placental fusion into the uterine wall, and the sperm-egg fusion which precedes it. The problem is that there are similarities between the spike protein and syncytin, possibly leading to molecular mimicry together with the corresponding antibody confusion. Pfizer has refuted this possibility via their spokeswoman Dervila Keane, who states:
“It has been incorrectly suggested that Covid-19 vaccines will cause infertility because of a very short amino acid sequence in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 virus that is shared with the placental protein, syncytin-1. The sequence, however, is too short — four shared amino acids — to plausibly give rise to autoimmunity. Additionally, a cohort comparing the outcomes of pregnancies with and without intercurrent SARS-CoV-2 infection shows no difference in outcomes”.
So, they assure us that four amino acids are not enough to cause autoimmunity, at least plausibly. Do they know for sure? I suspect not; the pathogenic priming which gave rise to narcolepsy after the Pandemrix vaccine had only seven matching amino acids, and the resulting narcolepsy was not identified for years after the vaccinations started:
Antibodies against an NP epitope, which cross-reacted with a similar epitope from human HCRTR2, were found in sera collected from children and adolescents who developed narcolepsy after the vaccination with Pandemrix. The epitope contained seven identical amino acids within a 20-amino-acid-long structure [16].
However, even taking Pfizer at face value, syncytin-1 is hardly the only protein which may cause autoimmunity, reproductive or otherwise. Figure 7 makes it clear that there is another protein, follistatin, which is present in the placenta (marked with a red box); furthermore, there is another which is ubiquitously present in human tissues, and yet another that is found in ‘most other’ tissue.
Follistatin has seven sequentially identical peptides, LDKYFKN, with the S protein, and so must be considered a good potential candidate for pathogenic priming. Due to the potentially very long time that will pass before autoimmune disease becomes apparent, it may be years to decades before the answer is fully known.
Spike Transmission From the Injected
In Pfizer’s Clinical Protocol [17], they have a whole section dealing with what they call ‘Exposure’ (Figure 9), which is caused by the transmission of spike proteins from one of the participants to a non-participant.
Figure 9 – Part of the section on transmission found in Pfizer’s Clinical Protocol
In other words, the spike protein transmission which will occur in the jabbed. Three questions arise from this; how many spikes will the injected shed, for how long, and what will be the consequences faced by someone inhaling, or otherwise taking the spikes up into their body?
Figure 6 may hold some clues which will help answer the first two questions. Two of the participants have peak levels that ‘dissipate’ after about a week, whereas the remaining two seem to keep producing for around 2 weeks. It is highly unlikely that the post-peak amounts are zero, as indicated by Figure 6, rather some sort of exponential curve would be expected, and these can take a long time to reach close to zero. This will not be recorded in Figure 6, due to the comparatively high detection limit.
Another clue is the expected lifetime of the mRNAs; these will eventually be broken down by the enzyme ribonuclease (RNase), once the lipid nanoparticles have been breached. People have differing amounts of RNases, meaning that some will rid themselves of the mRNAs quicker. According to Moderna [18]:
The estimated half-life for mRNA after injection is approximately 8 to 10 hours, before degradation by native RNases in the body, but the duration of effect also depends on the half-life of the expressed protein, which persists in the body for several days.
Yet according to Pfizer’s biodistribution study (Figure 3) it appears nearly 50% of the LNPs are still in the body after 2 days. This suggests that even after 12 days there will be just over 3%, or 1.25 trillion (for Moderna) LNPs infecting the cells. It is certainly the case that the jabbed will be more dangerous in the first few days post-jab, especially after the first shot. During that period, I would avoid them like the plague; however, to play it safe at least 6 weeks should pass before they might be considered safer to be around.
Using the same idea as for antibodies, only 9% of circulating spike proteins (Figure 6) will be found in lung tissue at any one time, and from Figure 3 around 0.1% of the LNPs up to 48 hrs. For someone with 3 trillion circulating spikes, this would equate to 270 billion spikes and 40 billion LNPs. As to how many of these spikes will end up being breathed out, I guess it’s anybody’s guess. Most of the LNPs will be in the lung endothelial cells, so it could be hoped that they will be less prone to airway shedding than if they were in the surface epithelial cells. The circulating spikes may be more of a concern, they have a molecular weight (MW) of around 78 kDa (kilodaltons) which equates to a diameter of less than 3 nm for a globular protein – though the S1 protein is transmembrane. Regardless, respired protein analyses from the human lung show a wide variety of exhaled proteins; one paper found over a hundred proteins, some of which were considerably larger than the S1 protein, the largest had a MW of over 300 kDa [18a].
Whether it’s billions, millions, hundreds of thousands, or even less; there is still the cumulative effect to take into consideration. Someone who’s surrounded by multiple mRNA recipients, especially over an extended time period such as a long plane journey, where it could be imagined that the spike concentration builds up as recycled air is continually reinfected, may end up taking in a considerable amount. Trillions upon trillions? Until studies are done regarding this, if they ever are, I don’t see how anyone can truly know the answer.
As far as it goes for those breathing in the transmitted spikes, it could be hoped that a healthy innate immune system can clear them, just as it can the virus itself. Those that get into the bloodstream will be targeted by antibodies, if enough antibodies exist. It is likely a numbers game, meaning it is vitally important to try to limit exposure as well as build up the immune system to both increase white blood cell numbers and health.
The Lies
Enumerating all the lies we have been told through the whole COVID-19 ‘crisis’ would take weeks. Here are a few of them:
The Gene Transfer Injections are ‘Safe and Effective’
Even if it were safe, they cannot state unequivocally that they know it to be so, since the long-term animal tests have just not been carried out. Unless, in addition to developing this miraculous therapy, they also invented a no less miraculous time machine, it is just not possible to undertake 10-year animal trials in two months.
The EU equivalent of the US VAERS system is known as EudraVigilance. It only covers countries in the EEA, therefore does not include the whole of Europe. The database itself is not easy to navigate, each brand of the vaccine has its own dashboard – Pfizer’s is shown in Figure 10. To navigate to these dashboards, the link here [19] must be clicked, after which the Covid-Vaccines are shown in an alphabetical list.
Summing the totals (up to the 02.10.21) results in 1,015,044 adverse cases from these gene transfer injections. The actual number of adverse events is around double this number, suggesting that many cases are reporting >1 adverse events. Figuring out how many of the cases ended with a fatal outcome is next to impossible since the fatalities are linked to individual disease states, of which there are hundreds. To see this, click on the tab pointed to by the red arrow.
Figure 10 – EU data for reported side effects from the Pfizer mRNA Injection
It can be seen that the vaccine does not, as is the case with natural covid cases, mainly target the elderly and unhealthy (Figure 16), rather it seems to also have a very detrimental effect on the younger population.
The problem of under-reporting in these types of self-reporting systems is well-known; in the US it has been estimated that only between 1 and 13% of actual serious adverse effects are recorded [20]. This strongly suggests that at least 10 million have now been harmed in EEA countries. It is also the case that severe symptoms are more likely to be reported, and it is now clear there are many already suffering life-altering conditions yet are unlikely to have any recourse against the vaccine manufacturers. Thank your Health Authorities for that.
The widely touted 95% efficiency rate was reported by Pfizer in Dec. 2020 [21].
Figure 11 – Pfizer phase 3 trial result
The problem is that less than 1% of either vaccine or placebo recipients even got an infection; furthermore, none of the infections were so serious as to lead to ICU admissions. So, looked at from a population-wide angle, the vaccine efficiency is only a few tenths of one percent. Real-world data are now reinforcing this view, in that the countries with the highest vaccination rates, are reporting some of the highest caseloads.
Figure 12 – Covid data (06.10.21) from Israel, Seychelles and Madagascar [22]
In Israel, the shots were rolled out on the 19th Dec., with boosters given from the 30th Jul. The Seychelles began on the 10th Jan., with the majority ‘vaccinated’ by mid-March. Madagascar is a (much larger) island in the same geographical neighbourhood as Seychelles, with less than 1% of its population mRNA-injected; yet has had no ‘summer spike’, as have the highly ‘vaccinated’ countries.
Figure 13 – Israel’s booster shot rollout appears to increase death-rate
A recent study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology analysed data from 68 countries in order to determine the relationship between the percentage of fully vaccinated and covid-19 cases. They present a plot of the results in Figure 13a.
Figure 13a – COVID-19 cases per million vs. fully vaccinated % in 68 countries
They summarise their findings as:
At the country-level, there appears to be no discernible relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days.
There’s no need to read between the lines here; it is quite obvious that the gene transfer injections are as ineffective as they are highly dangerous. The authors point out Israel as having the highest caseload of all countries looked at, though it is strange that they set Israel’s vaccination percentage at 60 since this only applies to boosters, with the percentage of double-jabbed Israelis closer to 100%.
A new report from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows that the vaccines are, in fact, not just ineffective. At least for those aged 40 and above, the vaccines actually carry a negative effect. As the table shown in Figure 13b indicates, the 40-49 year olds are 86% more likely to be infected if they are mRNA-injected.
Figure 13b – Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated cases – UKHSA data from week 40
The same negative effect for the mRNA-injected is also seen in all older age groups, though by a lesser margin. A quick glance appears to show younger age groups getting positive results from the jabs, but this is a mirage. Only around 10% of the under 18’s were vaxxed – the 18-39’s seem to get a very slight benefit, but their vaccination dates were more recent, and the immune depressing effects of these therapies do not become apparent right away.
Not only are these therapies ineffective in preventing cases, but it also seems they can neither prevent deaths. Another UKHSA report tabulates the deaths occurring within 60 days of a positive test for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
Figure 13c – Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated deaths @ 60 days – UKHSA data from week 43
It can be seen that especially the elderly do not do so well. For the >80s there are 1545 vaccinated vs. 167 unvaccinated deaths. It is true that the vast majority of this age group are vaxxed, UKHSA data for this is shown as a graph, and it looks to be around 90% for the >70s. This percentage is roughly the same as the death rate of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed for the >80s. UKHSA try desperately to explain this in the form of convoluted blurb, shown in Figure 13c as note 1. They fail of course, because how do you explain that a vaccine (AstraZeneca) with a supposed 74% efficacy rate in preventing serious illness/death has, in reality, a zero effect?
SARS-CoV-2 is Extremely Infectious, Leading to Widespread Community Infection
When, as has often been the case, the RT-PCR (Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) test is used to determine infection, the results will probably be next to meaningless. The PCR test takes a viral RNA and amplifies (doubles) the amount for each cycle of the test. This number is quantified as the cycle threshold (Ct), and in many cases has been set at 40. This would give an ‘amplification number’ of 240, which equates to just over one trillion. This means that viral fragments which are not infectious may be detected as a positive infection; it has been estimated that a too high Ct results in false positives in over 70% of tests.
SARS-CoV-2 is a Completely New Pathogen, and so Takes Our Immune System by Surprise
There have now been multiple research papers published that show, beyond doubt, that all of our immune systems are already trained to fight against SARS-CoV-2. This is quite easily proven since any brand-new pathogen elicits a response only from IgM antibodies, which are the first-time responders and take weeks to be produced. IgG (or IgA) antibodies are fast antibodies and are only employed if the body has previously seen the particular antigen(s). One of the papers [23] which proves we all have armour against this ‘deadly’ pathogen shows plots from 4 peoples’ IgG antibody responses, post-injection, and it is clear that all participants produce IgG antibodies within just days (Figure 14). This is explained very well by Dr. Bhakdi in video 1.
Figure 14 – spike antigen-specific IgG response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine
SARS-CoV-2 is Deadly and Will Kill a Large Percentage of the Population
During the fog of war engendered by the many, obviously serious, cases in the Spring of 2020, it did seem, at least for a while, as if the population-wide death toll could be a few percent. It has now become obvious that such drastic infection fatality rates (IFR) applied only to the very old or very sick. In other words, generally in people whose immune systems were already failing, and were approaching the end of life, regardless.
Figure 15 – W.H.O. bulletin, the conclusion regarding the infection fatality rate of COVID-19 [24]
The 0.05% average IFR was calculated by the WHO for all under 70; therefore, the average IRF for the healthy under 70s will be somewhat lower.
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Figure 16 – Log-linear relationship between IFR and age
A systematic review of IFR vs. age was carried out in Oct. 2020 [25]. Figure 16 graphs the results using a logarithmic scale for the IFR%, and clearly shows the exponential rise in risk as one gets older. Figure 16 also highlights the absurdity, and criminality, of giving these therapies to young children who are not capable of giving Informed Consent; a healthy child would have more chance of being killed by a tangerine, than covid-19. And will certainly have more chance of being killed, or suffering a life-altering injury, from these ‘vaccines’.
There Are No Alternative Medicines to the ‘Vaccines’
Ivermectin is one of the safest medical drugs on the planet. It is derived from a naturally occurring molecule, which explains both its safety and effectiveness, compared to synthetic pharmaceuticals. A new study has reviewed randomised controlled trials, in which the authors conclude[26]:
Meta-analysis of 15 trials found that ivermectin reduced risk of death compared with no ivermectin (average risk ratio 0.38, 95% confidence interval 0.19–0.73; n = 2438; I2 = 49%; moderate-certainty evidence). This result was confirmed in a trial sequential analysis using the same DerSimonian–Laird method that underpinned the unadjusted analysis. This was also robust against a trial sequential analysis using the Biggerstaff–Tweedie method. Low-certainty evidence found that ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86% (95% confidence interval 79%–91%).
A risk ratio < 1 suggests the ivermectin protocols increase survival, whereas a risk ratio > 1 would mean the opposite. Although low certainty, the finding that prophylaxis use prevented infection by an average of 86% is certainly an eye-opener; given we were told time and again that there were no alternatives to the gene transfer injections.
Figure 17 – Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu – Case and fatality rates [22]
Figure 17 shows a tale of two Indian states; Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. As can be seen, both had a peak of around 35K cases, though Uttar Pradesh’s spike resolved quicker, with fewer cases post spike, as well as reporting a significantly lower death rate. Given that Tamil Nadu’s population (86 million) is only around 38% of Uttar Pradesh’s (223 million), what is going on? The answer is ivermectin which was rolled out in Uttar Pradesh around May 2021, whereas Tamil Nadu banned its use, relying on untested mRNA technology instead. There are several other areas in the world which have also effectively eliminated COVID-19 through the use of ivermectin. There are also other re-purposed medical drugs which have shown great efficacy in reducing symptoms.
The Experimental (Investigational) Gene Transfer Injections are Lawfully Permitted
Articles 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10 of The Nuremberg Code have obviously been broken, and the rest may have been. I’m not sure there is anything more that needs to be said, it’s a slam-dunk.
Figure 18 – The Nuremberg Code [27]
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The Proof
In addition to the postmortems, and reports of positive D-dimer tests, a new research paper [27a] published, unbelievably, by the American Heart Association provides absolute proof of the harm caused by the mRNA injections. This paper was publicised by a UK doctor, Dr Vernon Coleman, who noted that 566 people were tested for years prior to and immediately after the mRNA injections. The results back up the predictive cardiovascular damages; specifically, the pro-inflammatory marker IL-16 increased by 134%, and in addition, the soluble FAS receptor (also known as CD95) which initiates apoptosis increased by 109%. Finally, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which is used to help killer T cells penetrate various tissues so they can attack ‘infected’ cells increased by 105%. The authors’ summation is chilling and should, in any sane world, be enough to immediately halt all of the gene transfer injections:
‘We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.’
Pfizer’s Premeditated Proof
Update_3: Pfizer has recently been forced, by U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman on the 7th January 2022, to release documents pertaining to its mRNA gene transfer injection. Both Pfizer and the US Health Authorities had wanted to keep the documents classified for 75 years; however, their nefarious designs were stymied by the aforementioned court ruling. Maybe the most disturbing, and incriminating, document so far released is the ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of Pf-07302048 (Bnt162b2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021’[27b]. According to Pfizer:
‘It is estimated that approximately 126,212,580 doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December 2020 through 28 February 2021.’
Figure 18a – Selected Characteristics of All Cases Received During the Reporting Interval[27b]
As shown in Figure 18a, during this three-month period Pfizer reported a total of 42,086 case reports containing 158,893 events, meaning each of the cases reported an average of just under 4 adverse events. 1,223 of the participants died and a further 9,400 were reported as ‘unknown’ which sounds rather suspicious.
The ‘fact-checkers’ are spinning like tops trying to explain this away, but they cannot since these are Pfizer’s own data. They might also try to say that ‘correlation doesn’t equal causation‘ which may generally be true – but not in the case of new drugs, especially vaccines and even more especially if that ‘vaccine’ is an investigational gene transfer therapy. The default position is, or at least was, that any adverse events appearing after an injection should be considered as caused by the injection, unless proven otherwise. This is why the Pandemrix vaccine was yanked from the market after around 50 post vaccinated deaths.
The Potential Remedies
In all cases, well-functioning metabolic, cardiovascular and immune systems are essential. For this, and other reasons, I would highly recommend following the suggestions contained in the EHP. Just grounding to the Earth and taking UVB every day will be highly beneficial for both strengthening blood vessel walls, and increasing red blood cell mobility, among many other positives. For example, a type of vitamin D produced by sunlight is far superior to that obtained via oral means. It is also a very good idea to avoid contaminated food, especially when glyphosate is one of the contaminants. The reason is that glyphosate has a very negative effect on blood vessel wall integrity as it directly disrupts the eNOS enzyme. Also, an unprocessed organic diet will provide more nutrients, for example, minerals including zinc, which are essential for good health. In my opinion, building up the metabolism and immune system prior to possible infection will help fight this, or any other pathogen, far more effectively than conventional interventions [32]. There is a small section in the EHP regarding covid-19.
Spike Contagion Syndrome Caused by Gene Transfer Injections/Shedding/Long COVID
As noted in the EHP, prolonged fasting brings many profound benefits when properly performed. It is certainly the best way to initiate autophagic pathways allowing the body to revive damaged cells as well as getting rid of pathogenic debris, which would certainly include spike proteins. As Dr. Seneff puts it [1c]:
Autophagy is essential for clearing damaged proteins, organelles, and bacterial and viral pathogens. Alterations in autophagy pathways are emerging as a hallmark of the pathogenesis of many respiratory viruses, including influenza virus, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and, importantly, SARS-CoV-2 (Limanaqi et al., 2020). Autophagy is surely critical in the clearance of spike protein produced by immune cells programmed to produce it through the mRNA vaccines.
Longer-term fasting causes the body to literally recycle whole damaged cells, replacing them with stem cells; meaning, for example, impaired organ tissue can be completely repaired, especially when the fasting is augmented by Uropathy. Although inferior to prolonged fasting, Dr. Mercola thinks that dietary restriction alone will be of major benefit when trying to get rid of the spikes. Most people eat for a greater than 12 hour time period each day. Reducing this down to a 6 – 8 hr window will help the metabolism fight back; autophagy can begin after only 14 hrs. fasting.
This can be used as a stand-alone therapy, but the beneficial effects are much amplified when used together with prolonged fasting. In the case of the spike proteins, some will be expelled in the urine; when re-introduced into the body the immune system is given a heads-up, allowing it to quicker start the process of removal. This is also mentioned in the EHP.
Al-hijamah Style Wet Cup Therapy
This is the only therapy that can directly remove offending substances, including of course the dreaded spike protein, from the bloodstream. Autoantibodies and inflammatory substances are also removed, which may also help resolve the systematic damage caused by spike protein infestation. More details, including references, are to be found in the EHP.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is the supplemental form of the amino acid cysteine, and so is perfectly natural. An in vitro test of human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells (PAECs), shows a clear benefit on the measured parameters. As shown in Figure 19, the red spike protein bars are normalised when NAC is added thereby stopping, for example, the ACE2 receptor damage caused by S1 spikes latching on.
Figure 19 – Spike damage amelioration due to NAC [6]
N-acetyl cysteine may have many other benefits, some of which are summarised in Figure 20.
Figure 20 – The many benefits of NAC [28]
However, another Mercola article points to problems found in an animal trial using NAC[29]. Researchers at the University of Virginia Health System have discovered troubling side effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a common antioxidant used in nutritional and bodybuilding supplements. NAC can form a red blood cell-derived molecule called nitrosothiol that fools your body into thinking there’s an oxygen shortage, which can lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Dr. Mercola responds by noting the animal trials used much higher doses than typically taken by humans, together with the fact that it has been used in many protocols over years, seemingly without problems; however, it is probably not a good idea to use higher doses over a long time period. It is also strange that a supplement that has good results in treating human pulmonary conditions (Figure 20), could also be implicated in causing pulmonary damage.
NAC has a low bioavailability of around 4-10%, together with a half-life of only around a couple of hours. The maximum dose usually recommended is around 1.8 g, though it would seem that smaller doses of around 400-600 mg taken 3 times a day are well tolerated, and could be used by people experiencing ongoing spike damage.
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Killing of the Zombie Monocytes – Only Light Exercise, Light up that (organic) Ciggie!
The infected non-classical monocytes (NCMCs), which continue to live long after they should be dead, maybe a major cause of long-covid, as well as long-vax injury. My best advice for this, as well as just about every other serious chronic condition, is prolonged fasting cycles. Dietary restriction maybe helps since prolonged fasts, especially over weeks, are not easy and many will look for a quicker fix. Exercise has been shown to drastically increase the number of circulating NCMCs:
‘Other physical factors, such as exercise and stress, have been demonstrated to recruit monocytes into circulation. Exercise leads to more than a 4-fold increase of nonclassical monocytes in the blood.’ [29a]
This suggests that only stress-free, gentle exercise should be performed, especially in those who suspect the S1 protein has not completely gone, for up to 15 months post-infection/injection.
It has long been known that cigarette smokers are greatly underrepresented in both SARS-CoV-2 cases and hospitalisations. An article in WebMD (from last year) mentions how a large study in China quantifies the protective effect on a population where around 50% (males) smoke, also in the US where the smoking rate is around 14%:
‘Farsalinos and colleagues wrote a new paper available as a preprint and scheduled to be published in Internal and Emergency Medicine. They found that among 13 studies in China with nearly 6,000 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, the rate of smokers ranged from 1.4% to 12.6%. No studies recorded e-cigarette use. … Data in the U.S. look similar as well, according to the CDC. Among 7,000 hospitalized patients, about 1.3% were current smokers and 2.3% were former smokers, though about 14% of the country smokes.’[29b]
At least part of the reason may be that cigarette smoke greatly reduces both tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interferon-gamma (IFN-ɣ), thereby reducing fractalkine allowing the NCMCs to better kill themselves:
‘Extracts from all 3 cigarettes strongly suppressed the production of IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-2, and IFN-γ in a concentration-dependent fashion. Although the relative inhibitory effects of the extracts correlated with tar content, even the low-tar Carlton extract blocked the production of all 4 cytokines by greater than 90% at a 1:10 dilution without significant loss of cell viability.’ [29c]
The French realised that smokers were better protected, and so tried nicotine patches. Unfortunately, nicotine does not work as well as cigarette smoke, at least in inhibiting the cytokines of interest:
‘Even at concentrations as high as 200 µg/mL, nicotine inhibited the production of IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF- α, or IL-1ß by only 27%, 21%, 38%, and 8%, respectively.’
There might be other reasons why cigarette smoke is so effective at combatting this virus, for example, the physical heat of the smoke may stress the virions as they multiply in the throat. In any case, (ex)smokers rejoice! But, as in the case for all smokes; conventionally grown tobacco is a deadly poison, organic tobacco maybe not healthy, but it is not a deadly poison.
Dr. Patterson recommends statins, ivermectin and several other drugs to help the NCMCs commit apoptosis. Statins are poisonous, and so I would never take them.
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Shikimic Acid/(Suramin) from Pine Needle Tea or Dandelion Root
Dr. Judy Mikovits has stated that the cure for spike contagion is suramin, and many have noted that it is found in pine needles. Used medically as a treatment for African sleeping sickness and river blindness, it comes with many side effects, some of which might be severe. Suramin, though, must be taken intravenously in order to become bioavailable, so ingestion of pine needle tea would not really help in that respect.
Shikimic acid, on the other hand, has oral bioavailability and is also an ingredient found in pine needles, as well as dandelion root and the herb star anise. It has anti-viral properties, evidenced by its use as a base material for the production of oseltamivir (Tamiflu). In any case, many are reporting relief from spike contagion syndrome, by the simple act of drinking pine needle tea. It should generally be safe, and has been used over centuries, for example, indigenous Americans drank the tea to treat various ailments including scurvy. If self-collecting, great care must be taken to ensure the pine needles are edible as some varieties are poisonous, and may even prove fatal depending on type and dosage. Certainly, any ‘pine trees’ which have red berries growing on them are likely yew trees and must be avoided. Pine needle tea is not recommended if pregnant.
Nattokinase for Microvascular Blood Clots
Nattokinase is an enzyme that works to break up blood clots. It is derived from fermented soybean natto cheese and can be found in health shops as a supplement. A single dose of 2000 fibrinolytic units (FU) works for up to 8-12 hours following oral ingestion. I would think it unlikely that people will get blood clots from shedding; it seems unlikely that viable mRNA particles would be ejected from the lungs of the mRNA-injected, just the spikes. The blood clots are formed when the mRNA lipid nanoparticles end up in endothelial cells, so nattokinase is likely most useful for the vaccinated.
COVID-19 Prophylaxis and Treatment
Once the virions enter your upper respiratory tract, one of two things will happen; either your innate immune system will quickly kill the virions, or it won’t. If it does not, then the virus will, over a few days, multiply enough to overwhelm defences and start to move down to the lower respiratory tract.
It is therefore vitally important to kill the virus whilst it is still contained in the throat. There is no doubt in my mind that (food-grade) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the magic bullet in this respect. It can be used in two main ways; immediate treatment when out and about by spraying small amounts (1-3%) into the mouth/nose, else deep treatment using a nebuliser. Never, ever use chlorine-based disinfectants such as MMS.
Hydrogen Peroxide
The nebuliser protocol shown in the EHP is from Dr. Levy and uses a 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution in distilled water. Another physician, Dr. Brownstein, has achieved remarkable results against covid-19 using only a 0.04% concentration in a saline solution; together with other interventions such as iodine, vitamin D, ozone etc.[30]. I seem to remember a Dr. Merola article on this, in which Dr. Brownstein stated that 3% was much too high and that it must be mixed with saline, rather than distilled water. Unfortunately, the article is not to be found, as Dr. Mercola has been forced to take all his old articles down, and only allow new articles to be up for a couple of days!?! I have intermittently used Dr. Levy’s 3% protocol over years, and it has only seemed beneficial; however, now I dilute it down to around 1.5% and add potassium gluconate + a couple of drops of potassium iodide solution.
If you do find yourself in a hospital undergoing their covid ‘treatments’, know you are in peril. It is absolutely essential to avoid ending up connected to a ventilator. To this end, refuse Remdesivir, and ask for safe alternatives, such as ivermectin. Just as important, do not lie supine over long periods, as they would have you do. Get up, whenever possible, and stretch your legs; maybe a walk to the toilet, or just around the room. Demand help in this endeavour, if you are not able to go solo – ‘bed exercises’ are useless; you need to get upright! Up until now, this has always been part of the standard of care when dealing with any major respiratory problem, either from bacterial or viral attack, else a chronic lung condition such as COPD.
It is also a good idea to refuse any antipyretic medicine, unless you have a critical temperature >=40 ºC (104 ºF). If an antipyretic is necessary then Ibuprofen should be avoided since it increases ACE2 expression.
Conventional Treatments such as Ivermectin
Steve Kirsch has compiled a comprehensive list of conventional drugs, re-purposed to fight covid-19 [31]. I would usually only consider taking a pharma drug which is based on natural molecules, and afaik ivermectin is the only drug on his list which is not synthetically derived. I can anyway not see the need for a younger, healthy person to risk using any medical drug; certainly not as a prophylactic. In my case, age at least is a factor, and I’ve gotten hold of a few pharma-grade tabs in case things go pear-shaped. It is important to use the correct dosage; 0.1mg/kg per week as a prophylactic, and 0.2mg/kg per day as a treatment for up to five days.
Never Use MMS or Any Other Chlorine Based ‘Medication’
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) can be best described as a sort of ‘alternative chemotherapy’. Whether it works or not is beside the point; it is just too toxic. When MMS is ‘activated’, it creates chlorine dioxide (ClO2), a very strong chemical oxidiser and bleaching agent. If you ingest the recommended dose, it can cause direct harm. The proponents of the poison claim that it is naturally occurring in the body, but that is misleading. Some white blood cells, specifically phagocytes, will produce a substance called hypochlorite (ClO–), which is used to destroy pathogens; but only at micromolar quantities, and only from within the phagocyte itself.
Just one of the mechanisms of harm is the effect on the red blood cells. RBCs have one function; to carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body (they also carry back a small percentage of the carbon dioxide waste). The ‘inventor’ of MMS, a Jim Humble who has made millions from this, claims the RBCs will absorb the chlorine dioxide and use it to destroy various pathogens. This is beyond stupid, in fact, the RBCs that do absorb the ClO2 will be unable to carry as much oxygen, meaning the electron transport chains will not work as effectively. The end result will be that the mitochondria cannot provide as much energy for the cells, and will also start to produce way too many toxic superoxides.
A much better approach is to strengthen the immune system using safe, natural methods, such as those found in the EHP. Hydrogen peroxide, which is also a potent oxidiser, can be safely employed (at the correct concentrations) to help fight various pathogens.
Defeating the Prion
Although prions cannot be easily broken down by protein-digesting enzymes, they can be identified and engulfed, though not necessarily inactivated, by certain immune cells; specifically, the professional antigen-presenting cells (PAPCs). PAPCs all express the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC Class II) protein, which works similarly to MHC class I; except that the proteins presented by MHC Class II are extracellular in origin. Another difference is that MHC class I chops up intracellular proteins generally between 8-10 amino acid residues, whereas class II chops less finely, resulting in lengths of 15-24 amino acid residues. The two MHC classes are vital for correct immune function; the MHC class I is recognised by killer T cells; whereas, the MHC Class II tends to react with T helper cells (CD4+).
The PAPCs of interest here are all phagocytes, especially dendritic cells (DCs), which differ from the others in that they, when mature, develop long tendrils as depicted on the rhs. of Figure 21. So, the PAPCs ingest foreign objects via a process known as phagocytosis, as shown in Figure 21. If the object contains proteins, then they are presented on the cell surface by the MHC Class II molecule. The PAPCs then go find an adaptive immune cell, usually the T helper cell (CD4+), and show them the antigen(s) that have been phagocytosed.
The problem, at least with regard to prions, is that this might be a double-edged sword. In other words, a non-suppressed immune system could actually help prion propagation; specifically, the phagocytosed, but intact, prion will be taken to lymphatic organs, and from there to the central nervous system, which does not sound good. DCs in general are found in tissue that directly connects with the outside world, such as: skin; oral cavity; lungs; intestines, etc. Of course, it is at exactly these places where exogenous prions will infiltrate the body. A paper titled ‘Processing and Degradation of Exogenous Prion Protein by CD11c+ Myeloid Dendritic Cells In Vitro’ concentrates on a particular dendritic cell known as a CD11c+ DC [33]’:
‘In the immune system, migrating CD11c+ dendritic cells (DC) of myeloid origin are important in the uptake and transport of antigens from subepithelial sites to lymphatic tissues. Recently, this type of DC has been implicated in the spread of PrPSc from the gut to lymphoid tissue, and, further, from lymphoid tissues to the central nervous system.’
It appears, though, as if the CD11c+ DC is exceptionally good at degrading prions, at least in vitro. The authors’ state:
‘In order to analyze mechanisms by which these cells may affect prion propagation, we studied in vitro the effect of exposing such DC to scrapie-infected GT1-1 cells, which produce the scrapie prion protein PrPSc. In this system, the DC efficiently engulfed the infected GT1-1 cells. Unexpectedly, PrPSc, which is generally resistant to protease digestion, was processed and rapidly degraded.’
Even so, it appears to be a bit of a crap shoot, though the upshot seems to be that having a good stock of the CD11c+ DCs may be the difference between life and death:
‘Based on this observation we speculate that CD11c+ DC may play a dual role in prion infections: on one hand they may facilitate neuroinvasion by transfer of the infectious agent as suggested from in vivo studies, but on the other hand they may protect against the infection by causing an efficient degradation of PrPSc. Thus, the migrating and highly proteolytic CD11c+ myeloid DC may affect the balance between propagation and clearance of PrPSc in the organism.
What can be done to help prevent the potential S protein prion attack? Both dendritic cells and macrophages can break down prions (in vitro), and it is hard to think of another reason, other than an effective immune response, as to why so few people ended up with vCJD, both in the UK and around the world. Turning on autophagy pathways seems to be one of the best bets, perhaps combined with high-intensity infra-red therapy. As noted by Dr. Mercola, in an article discussing Dr. S Seneff’s great work [34]:
‘Another beneficial practice is sauna therapy, which upregulates heat shock proteins. I have discussed this extensively in previous articles. Heat shock proteins work by refolding proteins that are misfolded. They also tag damaged proteins and target them for removal.’
He also notes the importance of a clean diet, especially to avoid the poisonous seed oils which proliferate (or should the word be infect?) the grocery aisles of supermarkets. Al-hijamah wet cup therapy may also prove helpful by removing as many S proteins as possible before they become misfolded.
One thing that is certain – the pharmaceutical industry does not really know what to do when it comes to prions. For decades they have been trying, unsuccessfully, to inactivate prions in the human body – they can hardly even manage to inactivate them outside the body! For example, they do not know how to completely clean prion-infected surgical instruments. The best they can hope for is an orders of magnitude reduction in infectivity; interestingly, hydrogen peroxide vapour was quite effective on its own in this regard:
‘VHP alone, which can be compatible with electronic components, achieved an approximately 4·5 log reduction in infectivity (equivalent to autoclaving without water immersion).[35] ’
Muddying the waters further, there is no real proof that prions even infect by ingestion, as postulated by organic farmer/scientist Mark Purdey. An article explains that Purdey’s theory has been backed up by others; in the article, they refer to normal cellular prion proteins (PrPC) as ‘prions’, and pathological prions (PrPSC) as ‘rogue prions’ [36]:
‘Cambridge University prion biochemist, David R. Brown is dismissive of the science behind the infectious model of BSE. He terms it “a very limited amount of science by a few assumed — reputable scientists.” He insists there is “no evidence an infectious agent is present in either meat or milk.” “Simple tests on udder walls of cows — which could easily detect an infectious prion — have not been done, why I don’t understand.”’
Rather, Purdey believed that the combination of chemical organophosphate compounds, together with the mineral manganese, is the true cause of BSE/TSE (bovine/transmissible spongiform encephalopathy) proliferation. ICI’s Phosmet organophosphate (OP) insecticide, used extensively in the UK against warble fly infestation, was painted on the cattles’ backs along the spinal cord. It has been proven that OPs can damage the PrPCs such that they become less effective in buffering oxidative damage, though without turning them into PrPSCs. For that to occur, high manganese levels are necessary – for the cattle, this was provided by cattle feed laced with chicken excrement, which in turn is full of manganese. He directly explains [37]:
‘Dr. Brown demonstrated that in the normal healthy brain, the prion protein bonds to copper and that this copper-protein can exert an antioxidant function. ….I considered that this manganese substitution could produce the all important deformation of the prion protein that is considered so crucial to the development of TSE. So David Brown ran the necessary cell culture experiments in which he introduced manganese into cells which manufacture prion protein. Remarkably, this experiment produced the key prion protein deformation which the earlier tests using OPs had failed to create.’
If organophosphates (OPs) are the prion ‘gun’, and manganese the ‘bullet’, what pulls the trigger? According to Purdey, it is excessive ultraviolet (UV) light in the eyes. Basically, the normal PrPCs around the retina help buffer the oxidative damage from UV rays; if they are damaged by OPs, whilst in a high manganese environment, then they will turn into pathological prions:
‘With an overabundance of manganese prions and loss of copper prions, the oxidative impact of UV energy received at the retina can no longer be quenched. Consequently, the energy flow of UV piles up, finding itself misappropriated into converting the accumulated store of innocuous manganese 2+ ( antioxidant ) into its lethal manganese 3+ or 4+ form (pro-oxidant). So any accumulations of abnormal manganese prion protein in the retina finds itself transformed from a safe to a lethal form.’
Is this true? It is certainly plausible, there are many research papers documenting PrP binding with copper and manganese ions and in all cases, manganese has a deleterious effect [38]:
‘On the basis of the evidence of the elevated Mn levels in scrapie associated fibril (SAF)-enriched preparations from the brains of animals with prion disease, Mn loaded PrP and oxidized molecules such as carboxyl acids may contribute to the formation of the scrapie isoform of PrP in prion diseases.’
Also here, manganese is identified as the villain responsible for altering benign prion proteins into prions[39]:
‘The prion protein (PrP) binds copper and has antioxidant activity enhancing the survival of neurones in culture. The ability of the PrP to bind other cations was tested and it was found that only manganese could substitute for copper.……In this report we found that recombinant PrPc will bind manganese and nickel. Of these, manganese appeared to alter PrPc to a proteinase resistant form that forms fibrils.……Therefore, we speculate that incorporation of manganese into PrPc may be one way in which PrPSc can be formed in vivo.’
Purdey also collected extensive epidemiological evidence to back up his theory, specifically clusters of TSEs around places with high manganese concentrations, such as manganese mines, with the effects exacerbated at high altitudes where UV concentrations are higher. In fact, manganese on its own can cause a neurological disease, which afflicted manganese miners a century or so ago. It was known as ‘manganese madness’, with symptoms similar to those caused by TSEs, and neither could be cured.
There are also political signals, which may not prove anything; nonetheless, they are highly suspicious. For example, a group of the Usual Suspects: Bayer; Monsanto; Novartis; Pfizer; Roche and Schering-Plough, began a campaign to discredit Purdey. Further, the scientist used by the UK Government to poo-poo Purdey’s hypothesis was far from independent:
‘Scientist and organic farmer, Mark Purdey gave evidence to the UK BSE inquiry, that warble fly insecticide was the cause of the disease. The scientist wheeled out to rubbish Purdey’s evidence — Dr. David Ray, later turned out to have been receiving funding from the insecticide manufacturer ICI.
More disturbingly, Purdey’s farmhouse burnt down (as has Dr. Hoffe’s surgery), and two people working with him on this; a veterinarian and a lawyer died in separate car accidents around the time all this was going on.
In any case, the preventative methods which will hopefully help against this, seem to be:
While it might well be a good idea to try to prevent this possible cause of prion generation, it is based on normal cellular prions being converted into pathological forms. The modified S protein is not a normal cellular prion, and if it is highly prone to pathological misfolding, then it could be that in the end, the modified spike prion will defeat a lot of us–unjabbed as well as jabbed.
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The Videos
Video 1- Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains why variants are not so problematic for the immune system
Video 2 – Dr. Charles Hoffe presents a graphical representation of damage caused by spike infection
Video 3 – Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Chief Science Office and VP at Pfizer to FDA: ‘You reckless idiots! Do NOT Take so-called Vaccines (Clot Shots)’
Video 4 – Dr. Ryan Cole, Mayo Clinic-Trained Pathologist explains: ‘The Spikes are The Toxins’
Video 5 – Irish Medical Doctor: ‘The Shots are Killing People!’
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The Postmortems
A while back, Dr. Ryan Cole, an American pathologist, commented that: ‘one cannot find that for which they do not look’. He was complaining about the lack of postmortems carried out on people who died after taking the mRNA shot. Hopefully, this is changing, as evidenced by a group of highly qualified German pathologists, from the pathological institute in Reutlingen, who have just published details of their findings, including a video of the proceedings.
As lay people, it is hard to interpret the microscope slides; however, they are well explained by the main pathologist, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt. And if the actual slides do not seem too bad, look at the faces of the pathologists when they are examining them! Also note the number of times the words: ‘very strange’; ‘rare’; ‘previously unseen’; ‘crazy’, etc. are used by these experts, whilst they look at the pathologic slides of the vaccinated dead. ‘Fall’ means ‘Case’ in German; the red blood cells are referred to as erythrocytes. The speech is dubbed, and in Video Excerpt 5 multiple clips were joined together.
Attack of the Killer Lymphocytes
The hyper attacks by the killer lymphocytes, as predicted by Dr. Bahkdi, are shown in full technicolour. These were found in several organs, including of course the heart.
Video Excerpt 1 – Heart Damage
It seems as if no mRNA infected organs are exempt from lymphocytic destruction. Horrifyingly, there were multiple cases where follicular lymph nodes were found in distant organs, such as the liver. The pathologists were aghast and seemed to have little previous experience of this phenomenon.
Video Excerpt 2 – Liver/Kidney/Lymph Node damage plus autoimmune signals
Dr. Bahkdi made the point that the majority of the lipid nanoparticles will be taken up by the endothelial cells lining the blood vessel walls. The pathologists found plenty of evidence supporting this view.
Video Excerpt 3 – Endothelial damage
The mRNA substances seem to contain a variety of objects, many of which appear non-biological. Some of these were found in the tissues of the post-mortemed. The pathologist made the point that the stainless-steel contamination found by the Japanese must surely also have been present in the vaccines intended for Germany, and wondered why, unlike the Japanese, the Germans were completely ignoring a potentially harmful substance being injected into German arms.
Video Excerpt 4 – Foreign Bodies from the vaccines
The ‘Dancing’ Structures Found in the Vaccines
Just weird, the structures and objects found in the mRNA/DNA VV substances appear to actually move across the microscope slide. A phenomenon not seen previously, the experts also appeared a bit baffled by this; both as to what exactly these objects were, and why they are moving. Graphene oxide, metals and minerals were among the possible materials mentioned. It seems as if the AstraZeneca has the least contamination, whereas Pfizer’s had the most.
The experts also pointed out the appearance of some of these objects in the bloodstream. They suspected that unskilled vaccinators were partly to blame, in that they are likely to inject into a muscular blood vessel as opposed to the muscle itself. They lamented that the WHO had changed the rules for vaccines, allowing basically anyone to perform a task which was previously under the purview of doctors. This discussion is not included in the video excerpts. There is also a short section in Video Excerpt 5 showing the red blood cell weirdness such as that seen in Figure 1a.
Video Excerpt 5 – Vaccines under the microscope
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The Facebook Posts
Facebook, together with all other Big Tech companies, is labelling as disinformation any questioning of these highly dangerous genetic injections; regardless of the decades of experience and expertise of the questioner. One US. tv. station (WXYZ-TV Channel 7) requested its audience to write comments on their Facebook site if they had stories about unjabbed covid-19 victims. The hundreds of thousands of comments received were almost exclusively from people giving feedback regarding vaccine injuries. There are also a great deal of extremely disturbing videos from people documenting their own injuries, but you need to be bothered to search since Zuckerberg et al. have hidden them so far up their collective asses you will likely need a colonoscope to help retrieve them.
Light Entertainment
The plot of the low-budget sci-fi film Deus 2022 appears, either intentionally or serendipitously, to reflect, on a much grander scale, what we are facing today. Starring the always-excellent Claudia Black, it is a story of mass-murder and deceit. If you are planning to watch the film, then be aware that the clips shown below will spoil the ending to a certain extent.
Video Excerpt 6 – SPOILERS – Clips from Deus 2022
[1] Safety and Efficacy of Single-Dose Ad26.COV2.S Vaccine against Covid-19
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Ron Sender,Shai Fuchs ,Ron Milo
[1c] Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh
[3] Pfizer’s Biodistribution Study.
[4] The ORF8 Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Mediates Immune Evasion through Potently Downregulating MHC-I
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Sucharit Bhakdi and Karina Reiss…
[6] SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2
Yuyang Lei,* Jiao Zhang,* Cara R. Schiavon , et. al.
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.318902
[7] The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein disrupts human cardiac pericytes function through CD147-receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease
Elisa Avolio, PhD1; Michele Carrabba, PhD1; et. al.
[7a] Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection
Bruce K. Patterson, Edgar B. Francisco,
[7b] Monocyte and macrophage differentiation: circulation inflammatory monocyte as biomarker for inflammatory diseases
Jiyeon Yang, Lixiao Zhang, Caijia Yu,
[8] Circulating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients
Alana F. Ogata, Chi-An Cheng,
[10] The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses
F. Konstantin Föhse, Büsranur Geckin, Gijs J. Overheul, Josephine van de Maat,
[11] Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity
James Lyons-Weiler
[12] Covid-19 and autoimmunity
Michael Ehrenfelda, Angela Tincanic,
[13] An infectivity-enhancing site on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein targeted by antibodies
Yafei Liu, Wai Tuck Soh,Jun-ichi Kishikawa,
[13a] COVID-19: Attacks the 1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Heme Metabolism
Wenzhong Liu, Hualan Li
[14] A prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike RNA vaccine is highly immunogenic and prevents lung infection in non-human primates
[15] Human Gene Sequences in SARS-CoV-2 and Other Viruses
[16] Narcolepsy Associated with Pandemrix Vaccine
Tomi Sarkanen & Anniina Alakuijala,
[18] Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation…
[18a] Exhaled Endogenous Particles Contain Lung Proteins
Anna Bredberg, Johan Gobom,
[20] Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)
Principal Investigator:
Lazarus, Ross, MBBS, MPH, MMed, GDCompSci…
[23] Human IgG and IgA responses to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines
Adam V. Wisnewski, Julian Campillo Luna, Carrie A. Redlich
[24] Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data
John P A Ioannidisa
Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:19–33F…/PMC7947934/
[25] Assessing the age specificity of infection fatality rates for COVID‑19:systematic review, meta‑analysis, and public policy implications
Andrew T. Levin, William P. Hanage,
[26] Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
Andrew Bryant, MSc, Theresa A. Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD, et. al.
[27a] Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
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[27b] Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of Pf-07302048 (Bnt162b2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021
[28] The Many Benefits of NAC – One of the Most Important Supplements You’ve Likely Never Heard Of
Dr. Mercola
[29] N-acetylcysteine (NAC): This Common Antioxidant Supplement Could Cause You Loads of Trouble
[29a] Nonclassical Patrolling Monocyte Function in the Vasculature
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[29c] Suppression of human IL-1β, IL-2, IFN-γ, and TNF-α production by cigarette smoke extracts
Yanli Ouyang, MD, PhD, Nisha Virasch, BS,
[30] A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies
David Brownstein, M.D., Richard Ng, M.D,
[31] How I would treat COVID-19
Steve Kirsch
[32] Evidence of Protective Role of Ultraviolet‑B (UVB) Radiation in Reducing COVID‑19 Deaths
Rahul Kalippurayil Moozhipurath*, Lennart Kraft & Bernd Skiera
[33] Processing and Degradation of Exogenous Prion Protein by CD11c+ Myeloid Dendritic Cells In Vitro
Katarina M. Luhr,1 Robert P. A. Wallin,2
[34] Stephanie Seneff – COVID Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological Disease
[35] Novel methods for disinfection of prion-contaminated medical devices
Guillaume Fichet, DipBiol, Emmanuel Comoy, PhD,
[36] Organophosphates Implicated In Mad Cow Disease
Fintan Dunne,
Research Kathy Mc Mahon
[37] An Explanation Of Mad Cow Disease From “Mad Cow Disease by
Mark Purdey
[38] Effect of transition metals (Mn, Cu, Fe) and deoxycholic acid (DA) on the conversion of PrPC to PrPres
Nam-Ho Kim, Jin-Kyu Choi,
[39] Consequences of manganese replacement of copper for prion protein function and proteinase resistance
D R Brown, F Hafiz,